# frozen_string_literal: true module Spotlight module Resources ## # A PORO to construct a solr hash for a given IiifManifest class IiifManifest attr_reader :collection def initialize(attrs = {}) @url = attrs[:url] @manifest = attrs[:manifest] @collection = attrs[:collection] @solr_hash = {} end def to_solr add_document_id add_label add_thumbnail_url add_full_image_urls add_manifest_url add_image_urls add_metadata add_collection_id solr_hash end def with_exhibit(e) @exhibit = e end def compound_id Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{exhibit.id}-#{url}") end private attr_reader :url, :manifest, :exhibit, :solr_hash delegate :blacklight_config, to: :exhibit def add_document_id solr_hash[exhibit.blacklight_config.document_model.unique_key.to_sym] = compound_id end def add_collection_id solr_hash[collection_id_field] = [collection.compound_id] if collection end def collection_id_field Spotlight::Engine.config.iiif_collection_id_field end def add_manifest_url solr_hash[Spotlight::Engine.config.iiif_manifest_field] = url end def add_thumbnail_url return unless thumbnail_field && manifest['thumbnail'].present? solr_hash[thumbnail_field] = manifest['thumbnail']['@id'] end def add_full_image_urls return unless full_image_field && full_image_url solr_hash[full_image_field] = full_image_url end def add_label return unless title_fields.present? && manifest.try(:label) Array.wrap(title_fields).each do |field| solr_hash[field] = metadata_class.new(manifest).label end end def add_image_urls solr_hash[tile_source_field] = image_urls end def add_metadata solr_hash.merge!(manifest_metadata) sidecar.update(data: sidecar.data.merge(manifest_metadata)) end def manifest_metadata metadata = metadata_class.new(manifest).to_solr return {} unless metadata.present? create_sidecars_for(*metadata.keys) metadata.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| next unless (field = exhibit_custom_fields[key]) hash[field.field] = value end end def create_sidecars_for(*keys) missing_keys(keys).each do |k| exhibit.custom_fields.create! label: k, readonly_field: true end @exhibit_custom_fields = nil end def missing_keys(keys) custom_field_keys = exhibit_custom_fields.keys.map(&:downcase) keys.reject do |key| custom_field_keys.include?(key.downcase) end end def exhibit_custom_fields @exhibit_custom_fields ||= exhibit.custom_fields.each_with_object({}) do |value, hash| hash[value.label] = value end end def image_urls @image_urls ||= resources.map do |resource| next unless resource && !resource.service.empty? image_url = resource.service['@id'] image_url << '/info.json' unless image_url.downcase.ends_with?('/info.json') image_url end end def full_image_url resources.first.try(:[], '@id') end def resources @resources ||= sequences .flat_map(&:canvases) .flat_map(&:images) .flat_map(&:resource) end def sequences manifest.try(:sequences) || [] end def thumbnail_field blacklight_config.index.try(:thumbnail_field) end def full_image_field Spotlight::Engine.config.full_image_field end def tile_source_field blacklight_config.show.try(:tile_source_field) end def title_fields Spotlight::Engine.config.iiif_title_fields || blacklight_config.index.try(:title_field) end def sidecar @sidecar ||= document_model.new(id: compound_id).sidecar(exhibit) end def document_model exhibit.blacklight_config.document_model end def metadata_class Spotlight::Engine.config.iiif_metadata_class.call end ### # A simple class to map the metadata field # in a IIIF document to label/value pairs # This is intended to be overriden by an # application if a different metadata # strucure is used by the consumer class Metadata def initialize(manifest) @manifest = manifest end def to_solr metadata_hash.merge(manifest_level_metadata) end def label return unless manifest.try(:label) Array(json_ld_value(manifest.label)).map { |v| html_sanitize(v) }.first end private attr_reader :manifest def metadata manifest.try(:metadata) || [] end def metadata_hash return {} unless metadata.present? return {} unless metadata.is_a?(Array) metadata.each_with_object({}) do |md, hash| next unless md['label'] && md['value'] label = Array(json_ld_value(md['label'])).first hash[label] ||= [] hash[label] += Array(json_ld_value(md['value'])).map { |v| html_sanitize(v) } end end def manifest_level_metadata manifest_fields.each_with_object({}) do |field, hash| next unless manifest.respond_to?(field) && manifest.send(field).present? hash[field.capitalize] ||= [] hash[field.capitalize] += Array(json_ld_value(manifest.send(field))).map { |v| html_sanitize(v) } end end def manifest_fields %w(attribution description license) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def json_ld_value(value) case value # In the case where multiple values are supplied, clients must use the following algorithm to determine which values to display to the user. when Array # IIIF v2, multivalued monolingual, or multivalued multilingual values # If none of the values have a language associated with them, the client must display all of the values. if value.none? { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.key?('@language') } value.map { |v| json_ld_value(v) } # If any of the values have a language associated with them, the client must display all of the values associated with the language that best # matches the language preference. elsif value.any? { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v['@language'] == default_json_ld_language } value.select { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v['@language'] == default_json_ld_language }.map { |v| v['@value'] } # If all of the values have a language associated with them, and none match the language preference, the client must select a language # and display all of the values associated with that language. elsif value.all? { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.key?('@language') } selected_json_ld_language = value.find { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.key?('@language') } value.select { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v['@language'] == selected_json_ld_language['@language'] } .map { |v| v['@value'] } # If some of the values have a language associated with them, but none match the language preference, the client must display all of the values # that do not have a language associated with them. else value.select { |v| !v.is_a?(Hash) || !v.key?('@language') }.map { |v| json_ld_value(v) } end when Hash # IIIF v2 single-valued value if value.key? '@value' value['@value'] # IIIF v3 multilingual(?), multivalued(?) values # If all of the values are associated with the none key, the client must display all of those values. elsif value.keys == ['none'] value['none'] # If any of the values have a language associated with them, the client must display all of the values associated with the language # that best matches the language preference. elsif value.key? default_json_ld_language value[default_json_ld_language] # If some of the values have a language associated with them, but none match the language preference, the client must display all # of the values that do not have a language associated with them. elsif value.key? 'none' value['none'] # If all of the values have a language associated with them, and none match the language preference, the client must select a # language and display all of the values associated with that language. else value.values.first end else # plain old string/number/boolean value end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def html_sanitize(value) return value unless value.is_a? String html_sanitizer.sanitize(value) end def html_sanitizer @html_sanitizer ||= Rails::Html::FullSanitizer.new end def default_json_ld_language Spotlight::Engine.config.default_json_ld_language end end end end end