# The Docsplit module delegates to the Java PDF extractors. module Docsplit VERSION = '0.5.1' # Keep in sync with gemspec. ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') CLASSPATH = "#{ROOT}/build#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{ROOT}/vendor/'*'" LOGGING = "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=#{ROOT}/vendor/logging.properties" HEADLESS = "-Djava.awt.headless=true" OFFICE = RUBY_PLATFORM.match(/darwin/i) ? '' : '-Doffice.home=/usr/lib/openoffice' METADATA_KEYS = [:author, :date, :creator, :keywords, :producer, :subject, :title, :length] DEPENDENCIES = {:java => false, :gm => false, :pdftotext => false, :pdftk => false, :tesseract => false} # Check for all dependencies, and warn of their absence. dirs = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) DEPENDENCIES.each_key do |dep| dirs.each do |dir| if File.executable?(File.join(dir, dep.to_s)) DEPENDENCIES[dep] = true break end end warn "Warning: Docsplit dependency #{dep} not found." if !DEPENDENCIES[dep] end # Raise an ExtractionFailed exception when the PDF is encrypted, or otherwise # broke. class ExtractionFailed < StandardError; end # Use the ExtractPages Java class to burst a PDF into single pages. def self.extract_pages(pdfs, opts={}) pdfs = ensure_pdfs(pdfs) PageExtractor.new.extract(pdfs, opts) end # Use the ExtractText Java class to write out all embedded text. def self.extract_text(pdfs, opts={}) pdfs = ensure_pdfs(pdfs) TextExtractor.new.extract(pdfs, opts) end # Use the ExtractImages Java class to rasterize a PDF into each page's image. def self.extract_images(pdfs, opts={}) pdfs = ensure_pdfs(pdfs) opts[:pages] = normalize_value(opts[:pages]) if opts[:pages] ImageExtractor.new.extract(pdfs, opts) end # Use JODCConverter to extract the documents as PDFs. def self.extract_pdf(docs, opts={}) [docs].flatten.each do |doc| basename = File.basename(doc, File.extname(doc)) options = "-jar #{ROOT}/vendor/jodconverter/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-3.jar -r #{ROOT}/vendor/conf/document-formats.js" run "#{options} \"#{doc}\" \"#{opts[:output] || '.'}/#{basename}.pdf\"", [], {} end end # Define custom methods for each of the metadata keys that we support. # Use the ExtractInfo Java class to print out a single bit of metadata. METADATA_KEYS.each do |key| instance_eval <<-EOS def self.extract_#{key}(pdfs, opts={}) pdfs = ensure_pdfs(pdfs) InfoExtractor.new.extract(:#{key}, pdfs, opts) end EOS end # Utility method to clean OCR'd text with garbage characters. def self.clean_text(text) TextCleaner.new.clean(text) end private # Runs a Java command, with quieted logging, and the classpath set properly. def self.run(command, pdfs, opts, return_output=false) pdfs = [pdfs].flatten.map{|pdf| "\"#{pdf}\""}.join(' ') cmd = "java #{HEADLESS} #{LOGGING} #{OFFICE} -cp #{CLASSPATH} #{command} #{pdfs} 2>&1" result = `#{cmd}`.chomp raise ExtractionFailed, result if $? != 0 return return_output ? (result.empty? ? nil : result) : true end # Normalize a value in an options hash for the command line. # Ranges look like: 1-10, Arrays like: 1,2,3. def self.normalize_value(value) case value when Range then normalize_range(value) when Array then value.map! {|v| v.is_a?(Range) ? normalize_range(v) : v }.join(',') else value.to_s end end end require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/image_extractor" require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/transparent_pdfs" require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/text_extractor" require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/page_extractor" require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/info_extractor" require "#{Docsplit::ROOT}/lib/docsplit/text_cleaner"