define -> # TODO create diferent type for non-ui composable widgets # TODO think about how to make this widget dependent on eventable extension # TODO move this widtet to an extension when element is stored in the sandbox type: 'Base' version: '0.1.0' # TODO options: {state: 'reset' # Will preserve initial widget state } initialize: (options) -> @sandbox._attachments = [] @$el.addClass "widget #{@name} composing" # TODO think how to extend widgets as a way of knowing all children have started @compose_when_parent() # TODO think how to extend widgets as a way of knowing all children have started compose_when_parent: -> @interval = setInterval => if @sandbox._parent? @compose @sandbox._parent._widget clearInterval @interval , 800 # Create a widget type to replace @$el for a html comment compose: (parent) -> @parent = parent parent_namespace = + '.' + parent.identifier # TODO move to elementless widgets @transform_into_elementless() @sandbox.on "#{parent_namespace}.reattach", @reattach, @ @sandbox.on "#{parent_namespace}.detach" , @detach , @ @sandbox.on "#{parent_namespace}.attach" , @attach , @ transform_into_elementless: -> serializable_options = _.omit @options, '$el', 'el', 'ref', '_ref', 'require', 'baseUrl' marker = " #{@name}.#{@identifier} for #{}.#{parent.identifier}" marker += " with #{JSON.stringify serializable_options} " node = document.createComment marker @$el.replaceWith node @$el = $ node reattach: (selector) -> @detach() @attach selector detach: -> @sandbox.stopListening() # TODO Support multiple deatachments events storage current_events = @sandbox._events @sandbox._events = @sandbox._attachments.shift() || [] @sandbox._attachments.push current_events # TODO unbind and store jquery handlers # TODO store element position in the attachment @parent.$el.detach() attach: (selector) -> element = @sandbox.dom.find selector @sandbox.logger.error "attach: No element found for #{selector} for attachment" unless element.length # TODO Support multiple deatachments events storage @sandbox._attachments.push @sandbox._events @sandbox._events = @sandbox._attachments.shift() || [] @sandbox.startListening() # TODO rebind jquery handlers # TODO restore element position of the attachment element.append @parent.$el