class Store < Linkbot::Plugin def self.on_message(message, matches) mymsg = nil if matches[0] && matches[0].length > 0 args = matches[0].split(" ") command = args.shift Linkbot::Plugin.plugins.each {|k,v| if v[:handlers][:"linkbot-store"] && v[:handlers][:"linkbot-store"][:regex] && v[:handlers][:"linkbot-store"][:regex].match(command) cost = v[:ptr].respond_to?(:cost) ? v[:ptr].send(:cost).to_i : 0 if check_karma(user, cost) begin mymsg = v[:ptr].send(v[:handlers][:"linkbot-store"][:handler], user, args).join("\n") deduct_karma(user, cost) rescue StoreError mymsg = $!.message end else mymsg = "Not enough karma" end end } end if mymsg.nil? # Build out the menu mymsg = [ "Karma Store", "-----------", "Buy some stuff with karma. To buy, just use the !store command, followed by the appropriate stuff.", "" ] num = 1 Linkbot::Plugin.plugins.each {|k,v| if v[:handlers][:"linkbot-store"] && v[:ptr].respond_to?(:cost) && v[:ptr].respond_to?(:advertisement) mymsg << "#{num}. [COST #{v[:ptr].send(:cost)}] #{v[:ptr].send(:advertisement)}" num += 1 end } mymsg = mymsg.join("\n") end mymsg end def self.check_karma(user, cost) karma = Linkbot.db.execute("select karma from karma where user_id=#{user['id']}")[0][0] karma > cost end def self.deduct_karma(user, cost) karma = Linkbot.db.execute("select karma from karma where user_id=#{user['id']}")[0][0] - cost Linkbot.db.execute("update karma set karma=#{karma} where user_id=#{user['id']}") end def "!store - Buy some shit" end Linkbot::Plugin.register('store', self, { :"direct-message" => {:regex => /!store(.*)/, :handler => :on_message, :help => :help}, } ) end class StoreError < StandardError end