require "rails" require "rails/railtie" require "active_support/ordered_options" # FIXME: There's gotta be a better way than this hack? class Rails::Engine < Rails::Railtie initializer :append_assets_path, group: :all do |app| app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["vendor/assets"].existent_directories) app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["lib/assets"].existent_directories) app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["app/assets"].existent_directories) end end module Propshaft class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie config.assets = config.assets.paths = [] config.assets.prefix = "/assets" config.assets.compilers = [ [ "text/css", Propshaft::Compilers::CssAssetUrls ] ] config.after_initialize do |app| config.assets.output_path ||=["public"].first, app.config.assets.prefix)) app.assets = app.routes.prepend do mount app.assets.server => app.assets.config.prefix end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include Propshaft::Helper end end rake_tasks do |app| namespace :assets do desc "Compile all the assets from config.assets.paths" task precompile: :environment do Rails.application.assets.processor.process end end end # Compatibility shiming (need to provide log warnings when used) config.assets.precompile = [] config.assets.debug = nil config.assets.quiet = nil config.assets.compile = nil config.assets.version = nil config.assets.css_compressor = nil config.assets.js_compressor = nil end end