module SinatraMore module GeneratorActions def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Performs the necessary generator for a given component choice # execute_component_setup(:mock, 'rr') def execute_component_setup(component, choice) return true && say("Skipping generator for #{component} component...", :yellow) if choice.to_s == 'none' say "Applying '#{choice}' (#{component})...", :yellow self.class.send(:include, generator_module_for(choice, component)) send("setup_#{component}") if respond_to?("setup_#{component}") end # Prompts the user if necessary until a valid choice is returned for the component # resolve_valid_choice(:mock) => 'rr' def resolve_valid_choice(component) available_string = self.class.available_choices_for(component).join(", ") choice = options[component] until valid_choice?(component, choice) say("Option for --#{component} '#{choice}' is not available.", :red) choice = ask("Please enter a valid option for #{component} (#{available_string}):") end choice end # Returns true if the option passed is a valid choice for component # valid_option?(:mock, 'rr') def valid_choice?(component, choice) self.class.available_choices_for(component).include? choice.to_sym end # Returns the related module for a given component and option # generator_module_for('rr', :mock) def generator_module_for(choice, component) "SinatraMore::#{choice.to_s.capitalize}#{component.to_s.capitalize}Gen".constantize end # Creates a component_config file at the destination containing all component options # Content is a yamlized version of a hash containing component name mapping to chosen value def store_component_config(destination) create_file(destination) do self.class.component_types.inject({}) { |result, component| result[component] = options[component].to_s; result }.to_yaml end end # Loads the component config back into a hash # i.e retrieve_component_config(...) => { :mock => 'rr', :test => 'riot', ... } def retrieve_component_config(target) YAML.load_file(target) end module ClassMethods # Defines a class option to allow a component to be chosen and add to component type list # Also builds the available_choices hash of which component choices are supported # component_option :test, "Testing framework", :aliases => '-t', :choices => [:bacon, :shoulda] def component_option(name, description, options = {}) (@available_choices ||={}))[name] = options[:choices] class_option name, :default => options[:choices].first, :aliases => options[:aliases] end # Returns the compiled list of component types which can be specified def component_types @available_choices.keys end # Returns the list of available choices for the given component (including none) def available_choices_for(component) @available_choices[component] + [:none] end end end end