%% %% A BibTeX file with various errors. %% In strict mode we cannot have the AT symbol anywhere except inside literals or comment objects. Unbalanced braces in string literal: @string{ foo = "foo } Another unbalanced braces in string literal: @string{ foo = "foo{"} } Another unterminated string literal: @string{ foo = "foo{" } A valid objects after two invalid ones: @string { foo="foo"} Unterminated literal: @preamble { "{" # foo # "bar" } Valid object: @preamble { "preamble" } Bad Syntax: @book{ author = "An Author" } @book{key author = "An Author" } @book{key, author = "An Author" title = "The Title" } Unterminated string: @book{key, author = "An Author, title = "The Title" } Better syntax: @book{ key, author ="An Author", title = "The Title"} Unterminated object: @preamble{ "hello" @string { bar = "bar" Better: @string { bar = "bar" }