# frozen_string_literal: true require 'securerandom' # title: Day One Export # description: Export entries to Day One plist for auto import # author: Brett Terpstra # url: https://brettterpstra.com module Doing class DayOneRenderer attr_accessor :items, :page_title, :totals def initialize(page_title, items, totals) @page_title = page_title @items = items @totals = totals end def get_binding binding() end end class DayoneExport include Doing::Util def self.settings { trigger: 'day(?:one)?(?:-(?:days?|entries))?', templates: [ { name: 'dayone', trigger: 'day(?:one)?$', format: 'erb', filename: 'dayone.erb' }, { name: 'dayone_entry', trigger: 'day(?:one)-entr(?:y|ies)?$', format: 'erb', filename: 'dayone-entry.erb' } ] } end def self.template(trigger) case trigger when /day(?:one)-entr(?:y|ies)?$/ IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../templates/doing-dayone-entry.erb')) else IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../templates/doing-dayone.erb')) end end def self.render(wwid, items, variables: {}) return if items.nil? opt = variables[:options] trigger = opt[:output] digest = case trigger when /-days?$/ :day when /-entries$/ :entries else :digest end all_items = [] days = {} flagged = false tags = [] items.each do |i| day_flagged = false date_key = i.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if String.method_defined? :force_encoding title = i.title.force_encoding('utf-8').link_urls(format: :markdown) note = i.note.map { |line| line.force_encoding('utf-8').strip.link_urls(format: :markdown) } if i.note else title = i.title.link_urls(format: :markdown) note = i.note.map { |line| line.strip.link_urls(format: :markdown) } if i.note end title = "#{title} @section(#{i.section})" unless variables[:is_single] tags.concat(i.tag_array).sort!.uniq! flagged = day_flagged = true if i.tags?(wwid.config['marker_tag']) interval = wwid.get_interval(i, record: true) if i.title =~ /@done\((\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d.*?)\)/ && opt[:times] interval ||= false human_time = false if interval d, h, m = wwid.get_interval(i, formatted: false).format_time human_times = [] human_times << format('%d day%

s', d: d, p: d == 1 ? '' : 's') if d > 0 human_times << format('%d hour%

s', h: h, p: h == 1 ? '' : 's') if h > 0 human_times << format('%d minute%

s', m: m, p: m == 1 ? '' : 's') if m > 0 human_time = human_times.join(', ') end done = i.tags?('done') ? ' ' : ' ' item = { date_object: i.date, date: i.date.strftime('%a %-I:%M%p'), shortdate: i.date.relative_date, done: done, note: note, section: i.section, time: interval, human_time: human_time, title: title.strip, starred: day_flagged, tags: i.tag_array } all_items << item if days.key?(date_key) days[date_key][:starred] = true if day_flagged days[date_key][:tags] = days[date_key][:tags].concat(i.tag_array).sort.uniq days[date_key][:entries].push(item) else days[date_key] ||= { tags: [], entries: [], starred: false } days[date_key][:starred] = true if day_flagged days[date_key][:tags] = days[date_key][:tags].concat(i.tag_array).sort.uniq days[date_key][:entries].push(item) end end template = if wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone'] && File.exist?(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone'])) IO.read(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone'])) else self.template('dayone') end totals = opt[:totals] ? wwid.tag_times(format: :markdown, sort_by: opt[:sort_tags], sort_order: opt[:tag_order]) : '' case digest when :day days.each do |k, hsh| title = "#{k}: #{variables[:page_title]}" to_dayone(template: template, title: title, items: hsh[:entries], totals: '', date: Time.parse(k), tags: tags, starred: hsh[:starred]) end when :entries entry_template = if wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone_entry'] && File.exist?(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone_entry'])) IO.read(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['dayone_entry'])) else self.template('dayone-entry') end all_items.each do |item| to_dayone(template: entry_template, title: '', items: [item], totals: '', date: item[:date_object], tags: item[:tags], starred: item[:starred]) end else to_dayone(template: template, title: variables[:page_title], items: all_items, totals: totals, date: Time.now, tags: tags, starred: flagged) end @out = '' end def self.to_dayone(template: self.template(nil), title: 'doing', items: [], totals: '', date: Time.now, tags: [], starred: false) mdx = DayOneRenderer.new(title, items, totals) engine = ERB.new(template) content = engine.result(mdx.get_binding) uuid = SecureRandom.uuid # uuid = `uuidgen`.strip plist = { 'Creation Date' => date, 'Creator' => { 'Software Agent' => 'Doing/2.0.0' }, 'Entry Text' => content, 'Starred' => starred, 'Tags' => tags.sort.uniq.delete_if { |t| t =~ /(done|cancell?ed|from)/ }, 'UUID' => uuid } container = File.expand_path('~/Library/Group Containers/') dayone_dir = Dir.glob('*.dayoneapp2', base: container).first import_dir = File.join(container, dayone_dir, 'Data', 'Auto Import', 'Default Journal.dayone', 'entries') FileUtils.mkdir_p(import_dir) unless File.exist?(import_dir) entry_file = File.join(import_dir, "#{uuid}.doentry") Doing.logger.debug('Day One Export:', "Exporting to #{entry_file}") File.open(entry_file, 'w') do |f| f.puts plist.to_plist end Doing.logger.count(:exported, level: :info, count: items.count, message: '%count %items exported to Day One import folder') end Doing::Plugins.register 'dayone', :export, self Doing::Plugins.register 'dayone-days', :export, self Doing::Plugins.register 'dayone-entries', :export, self end end