module ElchScan class Movie # dir => source movie directory (e.g. C:/Movies) # path => folder path of movie (e.g. C:/Movies/BestFilmEver) # dirname => source movie directory name (e.g. BestFilmEver) # nfo => path to nfo file attr_reader :attrs, :files def initialize app, attrs = {} @app = ->{app} @attrs = {}.merge(attrs).with_indifferent_access analyze! end def app end def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) qmeth = meth.to_s.gsub("?", "") if meth.to_s.end_with?("?") smeth = meth.to_s.gsub("=", "") if meth.to_s.end_with?("=") if @attrs.keys.include?(meth.to_s) @attrs[meth] elsif @attrs.keys.include?(smeth) @attrs[smeth] = args.first @attrs[smeth] elsif @attrs.keys.include?(qmeth) !!@attrs[qmeth] else return false if qmeth super end end def set name, value @attrs[name] = value @attrs[name] end def analyze! set :dirname, File.basename(path) @files = Dir.glob("#{path.gsub("[", "\\[")}/*.*") matched = naming_select(@files) matched.each_with_object({}) {|(name, matches), r| set name, matches.try(:first) } set :movie, select_movies(@files).sort_by(&:length).first app.warn "No movie file found for #{dirname}" unless movie? end def naming_select strings raw_patterns = app.cfg(:application, :naming).symbolize_keys patterns = do |name, pattern| [name, /#{Regexp.escape(pattern).gsub("", ".*?")}/] end patterns.each_with_object({}) do |(name, pattern), result| result[name] ={|s| s.match(pattern) } end end def select_movies strings{|s| File.basename(s) }.select do |s| app.cfg(:application, :video_extensions).split("\s").include?(s.split(".").last) end end def source"#{path}/#{movie}") rescue $!.message end def nfo! if nfo? XmlSimple.xml_in(nfo).tap do |nfo| if block_given? begin return yield(nfo) rescue return false end end end end rescue false end def name movie.split(".")[0..-2].join(".") if movie? end end end