class Scamp class Matcher attr_accessor :conditions, :trigger, :action, :bot def initialize(bot, params = {}) params ||= {} params[:conditions] ||= {} params.each { |k,v| send("#{k}=", v) } @bot = bot end def attempt(msg) return false unless conditions_satisfied_by(msg) match = triggered_by(msg[:body]) if match if match.is_a? MatchData run(msg, match) else run(msg) end return true end false end private def triggered_by(message_text) if trigger.is_a? String return true if trigger == message_text elsif trigger.is_a? Regexp return trigger.match message_text else bot.logger.warn "Don't know what to do with #{trigger.inspect} at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" end false end def run(msg, match = nil) action_run =, action, msg) action_run.matches = match if match end def conditions_satisfied_by(msg) bot.logger.debug "Checking message against #{conditions.inspect}" # item will be :nick or :channel # cond is the int or string value. conditions.each do |item, cond| bot.logger.debug "Checking #{item} against #{cond}" bot.logger.debug "msg is #{msg.inspect}" if cond.is_a? Integer # bot.logger.debug "item is #{msg[{:channel => :room_id, :user => :user_id}[item]]}" return false unless msg[{:channel => :room_id, :user => :user_id}[item]] == cond elsif cond.is_a? String case item when :channel return false unless bot.channel_name_for(msg[:room_id]) == cond when :user return false unless bot.username_for(msg[:user_id]) == cond end bot.logger.error "Don't know how to deal with a match item of #{item}, cond #{cond}" end end true end end end