#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 0 #include #endif #include #include #include struct Gosu::Graphics::Impl { unsigned physWidth, physHeight; unsigned virtWidth, virtHeight; double factorX, factorY; bool fullscreen; DrawOpQueueStack queues; typedef std::vector > Textures; Textures textures; #if 0 boost::mutex texMutex; #endif }; Gosu::Graphics::Graphics(unsigned physWidth, unsigned physHeight, bool fullscreen) : pimpl(new Impl) { pimpl->virtWidth = pimpl->physWidth = physWidth; pimpl->virtHeight = pimpl->physHeight = physHeight; pimpl->factorX = pimpl->factorY = 1.0; pimpl->fullscreen = fullscreen; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glViewport(0, 0, pimpl->physWidth, pimpl->physHeight); #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE glOrthof(0, pimpl->physWidth, pimpl->physHeight, 0, -1, 1); #else glOrtho(0, pimpl->physWidth, pimpl->physHeight, 0, -1, 1); #endif glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE glTranslatef(physWidth, 0, 0); glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1); glScalef(3.0/2, 2.0/3, 0); #endif glEnable(GL_BLEND); // Create default draw-op queue. pimpl->queues.resize(1); } Gosu::Graphics::~Graphics() { } unsigned Gosu::Graphics::width() const { return pimpl->virtWidth; } unsigned Gosu::Graphics::height() const { return pimpl->virtHeight; } bool Gosu::Graphics::fullscreen() const { return pimpl->fullscreen; } double Gosu::Graphics::factorX() const { return pimpl->factorX; } double Gosu::Graphics::factorY() const { return pimpl->factorY; } void Gosu::Graphics::setResolution(unsigned virtualWidth, unsigned virtualHeight) { if (virtualWidth * virtualHeight < 1) throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid virtual resolution."); pimpl->virtWidth = virtualWidth; pimpl->virtHeight = virtualHeight; /* pimpl->factorX = pimpl->factorY = std::min(1.0 / virtualWidth * pimpl->physWidth, 1.0 / virtualHeight * pimpl->physHeight); */ pimpl->factorX = 1.0 / virtualWidth * pimpl->physWidth; pimpl->factorY = 1.0 / virtualHeight * pimpl->physHeight; } bool Gosu::Graphics::begin(Gosu::Color clearWithColor) { // If there is a recording in process, stop it. pimpl->queues.resize(1); // Flush leftover clippings endClipping(); glClearColor(clearWithColor.red()/255.0, clearWithColor.green()/255.0, clearWithColor.blue()/255.0, clearWithColor.alpha()/255.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); return true; } void Gosu::Graphics::end() { /*double vBarWidth = pimpl->physWidth / factorX() - width(); if (vBarWidth > 0) { drawQuad(0, 0, 0x00000000, vBarWidth, 0, 0x00000000, 0, height(), 0x00000000, vBarWidth, height(), 0x00000000, std::numeric_limits::max()); } double hBarHeight = pimpl->physHeight / factorY() - height(); if (hBarHeight > 0) { drawQuad(0, 0, 0x00000000, width(), 0, 0x00000000, 0, hBarHeight, 0x00000000, width(), hBarHeight, 0x00000000, std::numeric_limits::max()); }*/ // If there is a recording in process, stop it. pimpl->queues.resize(1); pimpl->queues.at(0).performDrawOps(); pimpl->queues.at(0).clear(); glFlush(); } void Gosu::Graphics::beginGL() { if (pimpl->queues.size() > 1) throw std::logic_error("Custom OpenGL is not allowed while creating a macro"); #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE throw std::logic_error("Custom OpenGL is unsupported on the iPhone"); #else pimpl->queues.at(0).performDrawOps(); pimpl->queues.at(0).clear(); glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); glDisable(GL_BLEND); #endif } void Gosu::Graphics::endGL() { #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE throw std::logic_error("Custom OpenGL is unsupported on the iPhone"); #else glPopAttrib(); // Restore matrices. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glViewport(0, 0, pimpl->physWidth, pimpl->physHeight); glOrtho(0, pimpl->virtWidth, pimpl->virtHeight, 0, -1, 1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); #endif } void Gosu::Graphics::beginClipping(int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height) { if (pimpl->queues.size() > 1) throw std::logic_error("Clipping not allowed while creating a macro"); // In doubt, make the clipping region smaller than requested. #ifndef GOSU_IS_IPHONE int physX = static_cast(std::ceil(x * factorX())); int physY = static_cast(std::ceil((0.0 + this->height() - y - height) * factorY())); unsigned physWidth = static_cast(width * factorX()); unsigned physHeight = static_cast(height * factorY()); #else // Make up for rotation int physX = 320 - static_cast(std::ceil(320.0 * (0.0 + y + height) / this->height())); int physY = 480 - static_cast(std::ceil(480.0 * (0.0 + x + width) / this->width())); unsigned physWidth = static_cast(320.0 * height / this->height()); unsigned physHeight = static_cast(480.0 * width / this->width()); #endif pimpl->queues.back().beginClipping(physX, physY, physWidth, physHeight); } void Gosu::Graphics::endClipping() { if (pimpl->queues.size() > 1) throw std::logic_error("Clipping is not allowed while creating a macro"); pimpl->queues.back().endClipping(); } void Gosu::Graphics::beginRecording() { pimpl->queues.resize(pimpl->queues.size() + 1); } std::auto_ptr Gosu::Graphics::endRecording() { if (pimpl->queues.size() == 1) throw std::logic_error("No macro recording in progress that can be captured"); std::auto_ptr result(new Macro(pimpl->queues.back())); pimpl->queues.pop_back(); return result; } void Gosu::Graphics::drawLine(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, ZPos z, AlphaMode mode) { DrawOp op; x1 *= factorX(); y1 *= factorY(); x2 *= factorX(); y2 *= factorY(); op.mode = mode; op.usedVertices = 2; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); pimpl->queues.back().addDrawOp(op, z); } void Gosu::Graphics::drawTriangle(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, double x3, double y3, Color c3, ZPos z, AlphaMode mode) { DrawOp op; x1 *= factorX(); y1 *= factorY(); x2 *= factorX(); y2 *= factorY(); x3 *= factorX(); y3 *= factorY(); op.mode = mode; op.usedVertices = 3; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE op.usedVertices = 4; op.vertices[3] = op.vertices[2]; #endif pimpl->queues.back().addDrawOp(op, z); } void Gosu::Graphics::drawQuad(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, double x3, double y3, Color c3, double x4, double y4, Color c4, ZPos z, AlphaMode mode) { reorderCoordinatesIfNecessary(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); DrawOp op; x1 *= factorX(); y1 *= factorY(); x2 *= factorX(); y2 *= factorY(); x3 *= factorX(); y3 *= factorY(); x4 *= factorX(); y4 *= factorY(); op.mode = mode; op.usedVertices = 4; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); // TODO: Should be harmonized #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); op.vertices[3] = DrawOp::Vertex(x4, y4, c4); #else op.vertices[3] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x4, y4, c4); #endif pimpl->queues.back().addDrawOp(op, z); } std::auto_ptr Gosu::Graphics::createImage( const Bitmap& src, unsigned srcX, unsigned srcY, unsigned srcWidth, unsigned srcHeight, unsigned borderFlags) { static const unsigned maxSize = Texture::maxTextureSize(); // Special case: If the texture is supposed to have hard borders, // is quadratic, has a size that is at least 64 pixels but less than 256 // pixels and a power of two, create a single texture just for this image. if ((borderFlags & bfTileable) == bfTileable && srcWidth == srcHeight && (srcWidth & (srcWidth - 1)) == 0 && srcWidth >= 64) { boost::shared_ptr texture(new Texture(srcWidth)); std::auto_ptr data; // Use the source bitmap directly if the source area completely covers // it. if (srcX == 0 && srcWidth == src.width() && srcY == 0 && srcHeight == src.height()) { data = texture->tryAlloc(*this, pimpl->queues, texture, src, 0, 0, src.width(), src.height(), 0); } else { Bitmap trimmedSrc; trimmedSrc.resize(srcWidth, srcHeight); trimmedSrc.insert(src, 0, 0, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight); data = texture->tryAlloc(*this, pimpl->queues, texture, trimmedSrc, 0, 0, trimmedSrc.width(), trimmedSrc.height(), 0); } if (!data.get()) throw std::logic_error("Internal texture block allocation error"); return data; } // Too large to fit on a single texture. if (srcWidth > maxSize - 2 || srcHeight > maxSize - 2) { Bitmap bmp; bmp.resize(srcWidth, srcHeight); bmp.insert(src, 0, 0, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight); std::auto_ptr lidi; lidi.reset(new LargeImageData(*this, bmp, maxSize - 2, maxSize - 2, borderFlags)); return lidi; } Bitmap bmp; applyBorderFlags(bmp, src, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, borderFlags); #if 0 boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pimpl->texMutex); #endif // Try to put the bitmap into one of the already allocated textures. for (Impl::Textures::iterator i = pimpl->textures.begin(); i != pimpl->textures.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr texture(*i); std::auto_ptr data; data = texture->tryAlloc(*this, pimpl->queues, texture, bmp, 0, 0, bmp.width(), bmp.height(), 1); if (data.get()) return data; } // All textures are full: Create a new one. boost::shared_ptr texture; texture.reset(new Texture(maxSize)); pimpl->textures.push_back(texture); std::auto_ptr data; data = texture->tryAlloc(*this, pimpl->queues, texture, bmp, 0, 0, bmp.width(), bmp.height(), 1); if (!data.get()) throw std::logic_error("Internal texture block allocation error"); return data; }