#!/usr/bin/env bash __rvm_usage() { cat "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/README" | ${PAGER:-less} ; } __rvm_parse_args() { # TODO: # Make this more robust '__rvm_history' so that it stores *unique* rvm commands. # Otherwise this file gets big rather fast. #echo "$@" >> $HOME/.rvm_history if echo "$@" | grep -q 'trace' ; then echo "$@" ; __rvm_version ; fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do rvm_token="$1" ; shift case "$rvm_token" in fetch|version|srcdir|reset|debug|reload|update|monitor|notes|implode|seppuku|question|answer) rvm_action=$rvm_token ;; package) rvm_action="$rvm_token" if [[ "$1" = "--only-path" ]]; then shift; rvm_only_path_flag=1 fi rvm_ruby_args="$@" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; use) rvm_action=$rvm_token rvm_verbose_flag=1 if [[ "ruby" = "$1" ]] ; then shift ; fi ;; env) rvm_action=$rvm_token ;; install|uninstall) export ${rvm_token}_flag=1 rvm_action=$rvm_token ;; rm|remove) rvm_action="remove" rvm_remove_flag=1 ;; # Can likely remove this due to the *) case jruby|ree|macruby|rbx|rubinius|mput|shyouhei|ironruby|default|maglev|all) if [[ "rubinius" = "$rvm_token" ]] ; then rvm_token="rbx"; fi rvm_ruby_interpreter="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" rvm_action="${rvm_action:-use}" if $rvm_scripts_path/match "$1" "^[0-9]\.[0-9]" ; then rvm_ruby_version=$1 ; shift ; fi ;; gemset) rvm_action=$rvm_token rvm_ruby_gem_home="$GEM_HOME" if [[ "clear" = "$1" ]] ; then __rvm_gemset_clear rvm_ruby_args="clear" elif [[ "use" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_use_flag=1 rvm_ruby_args="$@" ; shift rvm_gemset_name="$1" ; shift if [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | grep $rvm_gemset_separator)" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string=$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | sed 's/\(.*\)'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*/\1/') rvm_gemset_name=$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | sed 's/.*'${rvm_gemset_separator}'\(.*\)/\1/') if [[ "$rvm_ruby_string" != "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_ruby_string${rvm_gemset_separator}$rvm_gemset_name" fi rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_ruby_gem_home${rvm_gemset_separator}$rvm_gemset_name" fi elif [[ "delete" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_delete_flag=1 rvm_ruby_args="$@" ; shift rvm_gemset_name="$1"; shift if [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | grep $rvm_gemset_separator)" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string=$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | sed 's/\(.*\)'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*/\1/') rvm_gemset_name=$(echo $rvm_gemset_name | sed 's/.*'${rvm_gemset_separator}'\(.*\)/\1/') if [[ "$rvm_ruby_string" != "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_ruby_string${rvm_gemset_separator}$rvm_gemset_name" fi rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_ruby_gem_home${rvm_gemset_separator}$rvm_gemset_name" fi else if [[ "$rvm_ruby_string" != "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] ; then __rvm_ruby_string ; fi rvm_ruby_args="$@" fi rvm_parse_break=1 ;; gemdir|gempath|gemhome) rvm_action=$rvm_token rvm_gemdir_flag=1 if [[ "system" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_system_flag=1 ; shift ; fi if [[ "user" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_user_flag=1 ; shift ; fi ;; rubygems|inspect|list|info|alias|docs) rvm_action="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_args="$@" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; -S) rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_args="$rvm_token $@" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; -e) rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_args="$rvm_token \"$@\"" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; exec|cleanup) rvm_action="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_args="$(__rvm_quote_args "$@")" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; do|ruby|rake|gem|rubydo|rakedo|gemdo) if [[ "do" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" ; fi rvm_action=$(echo $rvm_token | sed 's#do##g') if [[ "rake" = "$rvm_action" ]] || [[ "gem" = "$rvm_action" ]] || [[ "ruby" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then if [[ "gem" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="'rvm $rvm_action' must be followed by arguments." elif [[ "ruby" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$(echo "$rvm_ruby_strings" | awk '/,/')" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_args="" else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="rvm X,Y,Z '$rvm_action' must be followed by arguments." fi fi elif [[ "-S" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_args="$flag $@" rvm_parse_break=1 elif [[ "-e" = "$1" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_args="$flag '$@'" rvm_parse_break=1 else rvm_ruby_args="$*" rvm_parse_break=1 fi else if $rvm_scripts_path/match "$1" "^-" ; then unset rvm_ruby_strings else if $rvm_scripts_path/match "$1" "^[0-9]" ; then rvm_ruby_strings=$(echo "$1" | tr ',' ' ') ; shift unset rvm_ruby_interpreter else if $rvm_scripts_path/match "ruby rbx jruby macruby ree rubinius maglev mput shyouhei ironruby" "$1" ; then rvm_ruby_strings=$1 rvm_ruby_interpreter=$1 shift else unset rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_strings fi fi fi fi ;; benchmark|bench) rvm_action="benchmark" ;; specs|tests) rvm_action="rake" rvm_ruby_args="$(echo $rvm_token | sed 's/s$//')" ;; -v|--version) if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then rvm_action="version" else rvm_ruby_version="$1" shift fi ;; --repository|--repo|--url) rvm_ruby_repo_url=$rvm_token ;; --ree-options) if [[ ! -z "$1" ]] ; then export rvm_ree_options="$(echo $1 | tr ',' ' ')" ; shift else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="--ree-options *must* be followed by... well... options." fi ;; # For use with --patch --patch-name) rvm_ruby_patch_name="$1" ; shift ;; --patch) if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_patch" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_patch="$1" else rvm_ruby_patch="$rvm_ruby_patch,$1"; fi ; shift rvm_action="${rvm_action:-use}" ;; --head) rvm_head_flag=1 ;; --bin) if [[ "update" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then rvm_bin_flag=1 else rvm_bin_path="$1" ; shift fi ;; -r|--require) if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="-r|--require *must* be followed by a library name." else rvm_ruby_require="$rvm_ruby_require -r$1" shift fi ;; --rdoc|--yard) rvm_docs_type="$rvm_token" rvm_docs_type ;; -f|--file) rvm_action="ruby" rvm_ruby_file="$1" shift ;; system|default) rvm_action=${rvm_action:-use} rvm_ruby_interpreter="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" ;; help) rvm_action="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_args="$@" rvm_parse_break=1 ;; --passenger|--editor) rvm_wrapper_name="${rvm_token/--/}" ;; --alias) if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then export rvm_ruby_aliases="$(echo "$1" | tr ',' ' ')" shift fi ;; --symlink) $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "--symlink has been removed, please see 'rvm wrapper'." shift ;; wrapper) rvm_action="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_string="$1" ; [[ -n "$1" ]] && shift rvm_wrapper_name="$1" [[ -n "$1" ]] && shift rvm_ruby_args="$@" # list of binaries, or none rvm_parse_break=1 ;; -h|--help|usage) rvm_action=help ;; -G) rvm_gems_path="$1" ; shift ;; --source) rvm_src_path="$1" ; shift ;; --archives) rvm_archives_path="$1" ; shift ;; --make) rvm_ruby_make="$1" ; shift ;; --make-install) rvm_ruby_make_install="$1" ; shift ;; --nice) rvm_niceness="$1" ; shift ;; -l|--level) rvm_ruby_patch_level="p$1" ; shift ;; # TODO: handle this below better (if $1 is null) --sdk) rvm_sdk="$1" ; shift ;; --archflags) rvm_archflags="$1" ; shift ;; --install) rvm_install_on_use_flag=1 ;; --trace) rvm_trace_flag=1 ; set -x ;; --proxy) rvm_proxy="$1" ; shift ;; --disable-llvm|--disable-jit) rvm_llvm_flag=0 ;; --enable-llvm|--enable-jit) rvm_llvm_flag=1 ;; --name) rvm_ruby_name="$1" shift ;; reboot|damnit|wtf|argh|BOOM|boom|wth) $rvm_action="reboot" ;; --self|--gem|--rubygems|--reconfigure|--default|--debug|--force|--export|--summary|--latest|--yaml|--json|--archive|--shebang|--env|--path|--tail|--delete|--verbose|--import|--rvmrc|--sticky|--create|--rvmrc|--gems|--docs) export rvm_$(echo $rvm_token | sed 's#-##g')_flag=1 ;; -j) if [[ ! -z "$1" ]] ; then rvm_make_flags="$rvm_make_flags -j$1" shift else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="-j *must* be followed by an integer (normally the # of CPU's in your machine)." fi ;; -C|--configure) if [[ ! -z "$1" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_configure_flags="$(echo $1 | tr ',' ' ')" shift else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="--configure *must* be followed by configure flags." fi ;; --with-*) rvm_ruby_configure_flags="$rvm_ruby_configure_flags $rvm_token" ;; --without-*) rvm_ruby_configure_flags="$rvm_ruby_configure_flags $rvm_token" ;; --enable-*) rvm_ruby_configure_flags="$rvm_ruby_configure_flags $rvm_token" ;; --disable-*) rvm_ruby_configure_flags="$rvm_ruby_configure_flags $rvm_token" ;; -I|--include) if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="-I|--include *must* be followed by a path." else rvm_ruby_load_path="$rvm_ruby_load_path:$1" shift fi ;; --) rvm_ruby_args="$*" ; rvm_parse_break=1 ;; *) if [[ ! -z "$rvm_token" ]] ; then if [[ "gemset" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then if $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "^.+${rvm_gemset_separator}.+$" ; then rvm_gemset_name="$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $2}')" rvm_ruby_string="$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $1}')" elif [[ ! -z "$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk '/\.gems$/')" ]] ; then rvm_file_name="$(echo "$rvm_token" | sed 's#\.gems##g').gems" # elif [[ ! -z "$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk '/\.gems$/')" ]] ; then else rvm_gemset_name="$(echo "$rvm_token" | sed 's#\.gems##g')" rvm_file_name="$rvm_gemset_name.gems" fi elif [[ ! -z "$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk '/,/')" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" if [[ -z "$rvm_action" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" # Not sure if we really want to do this but we'll try it out. fi elif $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "^.+${rvm_gemset_separator}.+$" ; then rvm_gemset_name="$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $2}')" rvm_ruby_string="$(echo "$rvm_token" | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $1}')" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" elif $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "-" ; then rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" elif $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "^[0-9].[0-9]" ; then rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" rvm_action="${rvm_action:-use}" elif $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "^ree-" ; then rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_token" rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" rvm_action="${rvm_action:-use}" elif [[ -L "$rvm_rubies_path/$rvm_token" ]] ; then # Alias rvm_ruby_string=$rvm_token rvm_ruby_strings="$rvm_token" rvm_action="${rvm_action:-use}" else if $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_token" "\.rb$" ; then # we have a specified ruby script rvm_ruby_args=$rvm_token rvm_ruby_file=$rvm_token if [[ -z "$rvm_action" ]] ; then rvm_action="ruby" fi else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="Unrecognized command line argument: '$rvm_token'" fi fi else rvm_action="error" rvm_error_message="Unrecognized command line argument(s): '$rvm_token $@'" fi if [[ "error" = "$rvm_action" ]] ; then break; fi esac if [[ -z "$rvm_action" ]] && [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then rvm_action="use" ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_parse_break" ]] || [[ ! -z "$rvm_error_message" ]] ; then unset rvm_parse_break; break; fi done while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do shift ; done if [[ ! -z "$rvm_error_message" ]] ; then __rvm_pushpop ; return 1 ; fi } rvm() { __rvm_setup if [[ -n "$PS1" ]] ; then export rvm_interactive=1 ; else unset rvm_interactive ; fi if [[ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]] ; then trap 'rm -rf "$rvm_tmp_path/$$" >/dev/null 2>&1' 0 1 2 3 15 fi # Check that this is the current version. disk_version=$(cat "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/lib/VERSION.yml" | tail -n 3 | sed 's/^.*: //g' | tr "\n" '.' | sed 's/\.$//') if [[ "${rvm_version}" != "${disk_version}" ]] && [[ "reload" != "$1" ]]; then printf "\nA RVM version ${disk_version} is installed yet ${rvm_version} is loaded.\n Please do one of the following:\n * 'rvm reload'\n * open a new shell\n * source your shell init scripts" return 1 fi __rvm_cleanup_variables __rvm_load_rvmrc __rvm_initialize __rvm_parse_args "$@" export BUNDLE_PATH GEM_HOME GEM_PATH rvm_ruby_string rvm_action rvm_bin_flag rvm_debug_flag rvm_delete_flag rvm_docs_type rvm_file_name rvm_gemset_name rvm_head_flag rvm_install_on_use_flag rvm_interactive rvm_llvm_flag rvm_make_flags rvm_proxy rvm_remove_flag rvm_ruby_args rvm_ruby_configure_flags rvm_ruby_file rvm_ruby_gem_home rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_name rvm_ruby_patch rvm_ruby_patch_name rvm_ruby_version rvm_system_flag rvm_trace_flag rvm_use_flag rvm_user_flag rvm_verbose_flag export rvm_path rvm_rubies_path rvm_scripts_path rvm_archives_path rvm_src_path rvm_log_path rvm_bin_path rvm_gems_path rvm_config_path rvm_tmp_path rvm_hooks_path rvm_gems_cache_path rvm_gemset_separator result=0 case "$rvm_action" in use) __rvm_use ; result=$? ;; srcdir) __rvm_source_dir ; result=$? ;; strings) __rvm_strings ; result=$? ;; version) __rvm_version ; result=$? ;; reset) __rvm_reset ; result=$? ;; update) __rvm_update ; result=$? ;; reboot) __rvm_reboot ; result=$? ;; usage) __rvm_usage ; result=$? ;; benchmark) __rvm_benchmark ; result=$? ;; inspect) __rvm_inspect ; result=$? ;; implode|seppuku) __rvm_implode ; result=$? ;; list) $rvm_scripts_path/list $rvm_ruby_args ; result=$? ;; # TODO: Make debug run in the current environment. debug) $rvm_scripts_path/info '' debug ; result=$? ;; info) if [[ "$1" == "info" ]]; then shift; fi if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_args" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/info else $rvm_scripts_path/info $rvm_ruby_args fi result=$? ;; docs) $rvm_scripts_path/docs $rvm_ruby_args ; result=$? ;; alias) $rvm_scripts_path/alias $rvm_ruby_args ; result=$? ;; help) $rvm_scripts_path/help $rvm_ruby_args ; result=$? ;; rubygems) $rvm_scripts_path/rubygems $rvm_ruby_args ; result=$? ;; answer) __rvm_Answer_to_the_Ultimate_Question_of_Life_the_Universe_and_Everything ; result=42 ;; question) __rvm_ultimate_question ; result=42 ;; env) $rvm_scripts_path/env "$rvm_ruby_string" result=$? ;; wrapper) $rvm_scripts_path/wrapper "$rvm_ruby_string" "$rvm_wrapper_name" $rvm_ruby_args result=$? unset rvm_wrapper_name ;; gemdir|gemhome|gempath) $rvm_scripts_path/gemsets $rvm_action result=$? ;; ruby|gem|rake|exec) old_rvm_ruby_string=$rvm_ruby_string unset rvm_ruby_string export rvm_ruby_strings $rvm_scripts_path/set $rvm_action $rvm_ruby_args result=$? # Restore the state pre-sets. [[ -n "$old_rvm_ruby_string" ]] && rvm_ruby_string=$old_rvm_ruby_string unset old_rvm_ruby_string ;; cleanup) eval "$rvm_scripts_path/cleanup $rvm_ruby_args" result=$? ;; gemset) #if $rvm_scripts_path/match $rvm_ruby_args use ; then if [[ "$rvm_use_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then __rvm_gemset_select result=$? ; if [[ $result -eq 0 ]] ; then __rvm_gemset_use fi else export rvm_ruby_strings $rvm_scripts_path/gemsets $rvm_ruby_args unset rvm_ruby_strings # Clear the gemset. if [[ "$rvm_delete_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then gem_prefix="$(echo $GEM_HOME | sed 's/'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*$//')" if [[ "$GEM_HOME" = "${gem_prefix}${rvm_gemset_separator}${rvm_gemset_name}" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$gem_prefix" GEM_HOME="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" BUNDLE_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_gem_home${rvm_gemset_separator}global/bin" export rvm_ruby_gem_home GEM_HOME BUNDLE_PATH GEM_PATH fi ; unset gem_prefix fi fi result=$? ;; monitor) export rvm_ruby_strings rvm_ruby_string $rvm_scripts_path/monitor ; result=$? ;; notes) $rvm_scripts_path/notes ; result=$? ;; reload) unset rvm_loaded_flag ; rvm_reload_flag=1 ;; fetch|install|uninstall|remove) if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/manage "$rvm_action" "$rvm_ruby_string" elif $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_ruby_strings" "," ; then $rvm_scripts_path/manage "$rvm_action" "$rvm_ruby_strings" else $rvm_scripts_path/manage "$rvm_action" fi result=$? ;; tests|specs) rvm_action="rake" ; __rvm_do ; result=$? ;; package) $rvm_scripts_path/package $rvm_ruby_args result=$? ;; error) $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "$rvm_error_message ( see: 'rvm usage' )" __rvm_pushpop result=1 ;; *) if [[ ! -z "$rvm_action" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "unknown action '$rvm_action'" else __rvm_usage fi result=1 esac if [[ ! -z "$rvm_reload_flag" ]] ; then source "$rvm_scripts_path/rvm" # Note: Not using builtin on purpose. Done so we can trigger a reload the rvmrc. cd . fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_trace_flag" ]] ; then set +x ; unset rvm_trace_flag ; fi __rvm_teardown return $result }