# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/inflector" require "active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access" module ShopifyAPI module Rest class Base extend T::Sig extend T::Helpers abstract! @headers = T.let(nil, T.nilable(T::Hash[T.any(Symbol, String), String])) @has_one = T.let({}, T::Hash[Symbol, T::Class[T.anything]]) @has_many = T.let({}, T::Hash[Symbol, T::Class[T.anything]]) @paths = T.let([], T::Array[T::Hash[Symbol, T.any(T::Array[Symbol], String, Symbol)]]) @custom_prefix = T.let(nil, T.nilable(String)) @read_only_attributes = T.let([], T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])) @atomic_hash_attributes = T.let([], T::Array[Symbol]) @aliased_properties = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, String]) sig { returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) } attr_accessor :original_state sig { returns(T.any(Rest::BaseErrors, T.nilable(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]))) } attr_reader :errors sig do params( session: T.nilable(Auth::Session), from_hash: T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]), ).void end def initialize(session: nil, from_hash: nil) @original_state = T.let({}, T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) @custom_prefix = T.let(nil, T.nilable(String)) @forced_nils = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, T::Boolean]) @aliased_properties = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, String]) session ||= ShopifyAPI::Context.active_session client = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Rest::Admin.new(session: session) @session = T.let(T.must(session), Auth::Session) @client = T.let(client, Clients::Rest::Admin) @errors = T.let(Rest::BaseErrors.new, Rest::BaseErrors) from_hash&.each do |key, value| set_property(key, value) end end class << self extend T::Sig sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } attr_reader :custom_prefix sig { returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T::Class[T.anything]]) } attr_reader :has_many sig { returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T::Class[T.anything]]) } attr_reader :has_one sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])) } attr_reader :atomic_hash_attributes sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[T.any(Symbol, String), String])) } attr_accessor :headers sig { params(subclass: T::Class[T.anything]).returns(T.untyped) } def inherited(subclass) super subclass.define_singleton_method(:headers) do ShopifyAPI::Rest::Base.headers end end sig do params( session: T.nilable(Auth::Session), ids: T::Hash[Symbol, String], params: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], ).returns(T::Array[Base]) end def base_find(session: nil, ids: {}, params: {}) session ||= ShopifyAPI::Context.active_session client = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Rest::Admin.new(session: session) path = T.must(get_path(http_method: :get, operation: :get, ids: ids)) response = client.get(path: path, query: params.compact, headers: headers) instance_variable_get(:"@prev_page_info").value = response.prev_page_info instance_variable_get(:"@next_page_info").value = response.next_page_info instance_variable_get(:"@retry_request_after").value = response.retry_request_after instance_variable_get(:"@api_call_limit").value = response.api_call_limit create_instances_from_response(response: response, session: T.must(session)) end sig { returns(String) } def class_name T.must(name).demodulize.underscore end sig { returns(String) } def primary_key "id" end sig { returns(String) } def json_body_name class_name.underscore end sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } def json_response_body_names [class_name] end sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def prev_page_info instance_variable_get(:"@prev_page_info").value end sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def next_page_info instance_variable_get(:"@next_page_info").value end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def prev_page? !instance_variable_get(:"@prev_page_info").value.nil? end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def next_page? !instance_variable_get(:"@next_page_info").value.nil? end sig { returns T.nilable(Float) } def retry_request_after instance_variable_get(:"@retry_request_after").value end sig { returns T.nilable(T::Hash[String, Integer]) } def api_call_limit instance_variable_get(:"@api_call_limit").value end sig { params(attribute: Symbol).returns(T::Boolean) } def has_many?(attribute) @has_many.include?(attribute) end sig { params(attribute: Symbol).returns(T::Boolean) } def has_one?(attribute) @has_one.include?(attribute) end sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])) } def read_only_attributes @read_only_attributes&.map { |a| :"@#{a}" } end sig do params( http_method: Symbol, operation: Symbol, entity: T.nilable(Base), ids: T::Hash[Symbol, T.any(Integer, String)], ).returns(T.nilable(String)) end def get_path(http_method:, operation:, entity: nil, ids: {}) match = T.let(nil, T.nilable(String)) max_ids = T.let(-1, Integer) @paths.each do |path| next if http_method != path[:http_method] || operation != path[:operation] path_ids = T.cast(path[:ids], T::Array[Symbol]) url_ids = ids.transform_keys(&:to_sym) path_ids.each do |id| if url_ids[id].nil? && (entity_id = entity&.public_send(id)) url_ids[id] = entity_id end end url_ids.compact! # We haven't found all the required ids or we have a more specific match next if !(path_ids - url_ids.keys).empty? || path_ids.length <= max_ids max_ids = path_ids.length match = T.cast(path[:path], String).gsub(/(<([^>]+)>)/) do url_ids[T.unsafe(Regexp.last_match)[2].to_sym] end end custom_prefix ? "#{T.must(custom_prefix).sub(%r{\A/}, "")}/#{match}" : match end sig do params( http_method: Symbol, operation: Symbol, ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])) end def get_path_ids(http_method:, operation:) found_path = @paths.find do |path| http_method == path[:http_method] && operation == path[:operation] end return nil if found_path.nil? T.cast(found_path[:ids], T::Array[Symbol]) end sig do params( http_method: Symbol, operation: T.any(String, Symbol), session: T.nilable(Auth::Session), ids: T::Hash[Symbol, String], params: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], body: T.nilable(T::Hash[T.any(Symbol, String), T.untyped]), entity: T.untyped, ).returns(Clients::HttpResponse) end def request(http_method:, operation:, session:, ids: {}, params: {}, body: nil, entity: nil) client = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Rest::Admin.new(session: session) path = get_path(http_method: http_method, operation: operation.to_sym, ids: ids) case http_method when :get client.get(path: T.must(path), query: params.compact, headers: headers) when :post client.post(path: T.must(path), query: params.compact, body: body || {}, headers: headers) when :put client.put(path: T.must(path), query: params.compact, body: body || {}, headers: headers) when :delete client.delete(path: T.must(path), query: params.compact, headers: headers) else raise Errors::InvalidHttpRequestError, "Invalid HTTP method: #{http_method}" end end sig { params(response: Clients::HttpResponse, session: Auth::Session).returns(T::Array[Base]) } def create_instances_from_response(response:, session:) objects = [] body = T.cast(response.body, T::Hash[String, T.untyped]).with_indifferent_access response_names = json_response_body_names response_names.each do |response_name| if body.key?(response_name.pluralize) || (body.key?(response_name) && body[response_name].is_a?(Array)) (body[response_name.pluralize] || body[response_name]).each do |entry| objects << create_instance(data: entry, session: session) end elsif body.key?(response_name) objects << create_instance(data: body[response_name], session: session) end end objects end sig do params(data: T::Hash[String, T.untyped], session: Auth::Session, instance: T.nilable(Base)).returns(Base) end def create_instance(data:, session:, instance: nil) instance ||= new(session: session) instance.original_state = {} data.each do |attribute, value| attr_sym = attribute.to_sym if has_many?(attr_sym) && value instance.original_state[attr_sym] = [] attr_list = [] value.each do |element| child = T.unsafe(@has_many[attr_sym]).create_instance(data: element, session: session) attr_list << child instance.original_state[attr_sym] << child.to_hash(true) end instance.public_send("#{attribute}=", attr_list) elsif has_one?(attr_sym) && value # force a hash if core returns values that instantiate objects like "USD" data_hash = value.is_a?(Hash) ? value : { attribute.to_s => value } child = T.unsafe(@has_one[attr_sym]).create_instance(data: data_hash, session: session) instance.public_send("#{attribute}=", child) instance.original_state[attr_sym] = child.to_hash(true) else instance.public_send("#{attribute}=", value) instance.original_state[attr_sym] = value end end instance end end sig { params(meth_id: Symbol, val: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def method_missing(meth_id, val = nil) match = meth_id.id2name.match(/([^=]+)(=)?/) var = T.must(T.must(match)[1]) if T.must(match)[2] set_property(var, val) @forced_nils[var] = val.nil? else get_property(var) end end sig { params(meth_id: Symbol, args: T.untyped).void } def respond_to_missing?(meth_id, *args) str = meth_id.id2name match = str.match(/([^=]+)=/) match.nil? ? true : super end sig { params(saving: T::Boolean).returns(T::Hash[String, T.untyped]) } def to_hash(saving = false) hash = {} instance_variables.each do |var| next if [ :"@original_state", :"@session", :"@client", :"@forced_nils", :"@errors", :"@aliased_properties", ].include?(var) next if saving && self.class.read_only_attributes&.include?(var) var = var.to_s.delete("@") attribute = if @aliased_properties.value?(var) T.must(@aliased_properties.key(var)) else var end.to_sym if self.class.has_many?(attribute) attribute_class = self.class.has_many[attribute] hash[attribute.to_s] = get_property(attribute).map do |element| get_element_hash(element, T.unsafe(attribute_class), saving) end.to_a if get_property(attribute) elsif self.class.has_one?(attribute) element_hash = get_element_hash( get_property(attribute), T.unsafe(self.class.has_one[attribute]), saving, ) hash[attribute.to_s] = element_hash if element_hash || @forced_nils[attribute.to_s] elsif !get_property(attribute).nil? || @forced_nils[attribute.to_s] hash[attribute.to_s] = get_property(attribute) end end hash end sig { params(params: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void } def delete(params: {}) @client.delete( path: T.must(self.class.get_path(http_method: :delete, operation: :delete, entity: self)), query: params.compact, headers: self.class.headers, ) rescue ShopifyAPI::Errors::HttpResponseError => e @errors.errors << e raise end sig { void } def save! save(update_object: true) end sig { params(update_object: T::Boolean).void } def save(update_object: false) method = deduce_write_verb body = { self.class.json_body_name => attributes_to_update.merge(build_required_attributes(http_method: method)), } response = @client.public_send( method, body: body, path: deduce_write_path(method), headers: self.class.headers, ) if update_object response_name = self.class.json_response_body_names & response.body.keys self.class.create_instance(data: response.body[response_name.first], session: @session, instance: self) end rescue ShopifyAPI::Errors::HttpResponseError => e @errors.errors << e raise end private sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def attributes_to_update updatable_attributes = original_state.reject do |attribute, _| self.class.read_only_attributes&.include?("@#{attribute}".to_sym) end stringified_updatable_attributes = deep_stringify_keys(updatable_attributes) stringified_new_attributes = deep_stringify_keys(to_hash(true)) ShopifyAPI::Utils::AttributesComparator.compare( stringified_updatable_attributes, stringified_new_attributes, atomic_hash_attributes: self.class.atomic_hash_attributes || [], ) end sig { params(http_method: Symbol).returns(T::Hash[String, T.untyped]) } def build_required_attributes(http_method:) required_attributes = {} primary_key_value = send(self.class.primary_key) unless primary_key_value.nil? required_attributes[self.class.primary_key] = primary_key_value end path_ids = deduce_path_ids(http_method) path_ids&.each do |path_id| path_id_value = send(path_id) required_attributes[path_id.to_s] = path_id_value unless path_id_value.nil? end required_attributes end sig { returns(Symbol) } def deduce_write_verb send(self.class.primary_key) ? :put : :post end sig { params(method: Symbol).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def deduce_write_path(method) path = self.class.get_path(http_method: method, operation: method, entity: self) if path.nil? method = method == :post ? :put : :post path = self.class.get_path(http_method: method, operation: method, entity: self) end path end sig { params(method: Symbol).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])) } def deduce_path_ids(method) path_ids = self.class.get_path_ids(http_method: method, operation: method) if path_ids.nil? method = method == :post ? :put : :post path_ids = self.class.get_path_ids(http_method: method, operation: method) end path_ids end sig { params(hash: T::Hash[T.any(String, Symbol), T.untyped]).returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def deep_stringify_keys(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), result| new_key = key.to_s new_value = value.is_a?(Hash) ? deep_stringify_keys(value) : value result[new_key] = new_value end end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol), val: T.untyped).void } def set_property(key, val) # Some API fields contain invalid characters, like `?`, which causes issues when setting them as instance # variables. To work around that, we're cleaning them up here but keeping track of the properties that were # aliased this way. When loading up the property, we can map back from the "invalid" field so that it is # transparent to outside callers clean_key = key.to_s.gsub(/[\?\s]/, "") @aliased_properties[key.to_s] = clean_key if clean_key != key instance_variable_set("@#{clean_key}", val) end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T.untyped) } def get_property(key) clean_key = @aliased_properties.key?(key.to_s) ? @aliased_properties[key.to_s] : key instance_variable_get("@#{clean_key}") end sig do params( element: T.nilable(T.any(T::Hash[String, T.untyped], ShopifyAPI::Rest::Base)), attribute_class: T::Class[T.anything], saving: T::Boolean, ).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[String, T.untyped])) end def get_element_hash(element, attribute_class, saving) return nil if element.nil? return element.to_hash(saving) unless element.is_a?(Hash) T.unsafe(attribute_class).create_instance(session: @session, data: element).to_hash(saving) end end end end