# frozen_string_literal: true
# ronin-post_ex - a Ruby API for Post-Exploitation.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2023 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com)
# ronin-post_ex is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ronin-post_ex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ronin-post_ex. If not, see .
require 'ronin/post_ex/resource'
require 'ronin/post_ex/remote_process'
require 'time'
module Ronin
module PostEx
class System < Resource
# Provides access to the current process and managing child processes.
# # Supported Control Methods
# The Process resource uses the following post-exploitation API methods,
# defined by the {#session} object.
# * `process_getpid -> Integer`
# * `process_getppid -> Integer`
# * `process_getuid -> Integer`
# * `process_setuid(uid : Integer)`
# * `process_geteuid -> Integer`
# * `process_seteuid(euid : Integer)`
# * `process_getgid -> Integer`
# * `process_setgid(gid : Integer)`
# * `process_getegid -> Integer`
# * `process_setegid(egid : Integer)`
# * `process_getsid -> Integer`
# * `process_setsid(sid : Integer) -> Integer`
# * `process_environ -> Hash[String, String]`
# * `process_getenv(name : String) -> String | env`
# * `process_setenv(name : String, value : String)`
# * `process_unsetenv(name : String)`
# * `process_kill(pid : Integer, signal : Integer)`
# * `process_popen(command : String) -> Integer`
# * `process_read(fd : Integer, length : Integer) -> String`
# * `process_write(fd : Integer, data : String)`
# * `process_close(fd : Integer)`
# * `process_spawn(program : String, *arguments : Array[String]) -> Integer`
# * `process_exit`
class Process < Resource
# Gets the pid of the current process.
# @return [Integer]
# The current PID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getpid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getpid
resource_method :pid, [:process_getpid]
alias pid getpid
# Gets the pid of the parent process.
# @return [Integer]
# The parent PID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getppid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getppid
resource_method :ppid, [:process_getppid]
alias ppid getppid
# Gets the UID that the current process is running under.
# @return [Integer]
# The current UID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getuid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getuid
resource_method :uid, [:process_getuid]
alias uid getuid
# Attempts to set the UID of the current process.
# @param [Integer] new_uid
# The new UID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_setuid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def setuid(new_uid)
resource_method :uid=, [:process_setuid]
alias uid= setuid
# Gets the effective UID that the current process is running under.
# @return [Integer]
# The effective UID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_geteuid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def geteuid
resource_method :euid, [:process_geteuid]
alias euid geteuid
# Attempts to set the effective UID of the current process.
# @param [Integer] new_euid
# The new effective UID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_seteuid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def seteuid(new_euid)
resource_method :euid=, [:process_seteuid]
alias euid= seteuid
# Gets the GID that the current process is running under.
# @return [Integer]
# The current GID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getgid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getgid
resource_method :gid, [:process_getgid]
alias gid getgid
# Attempts to set the GID of the current process.
# @param [Integer] new_gid
# The new GID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_setgid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def setgid(new_gid)
resource_method :gid=, [:process_setgid]
alias gid= setgid
# Gets the effective GID that the current process is running under.
# @return [Integer]
# The effective GID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getegid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getegid
resource_method :egid, [:process_getegid]
alias egid getegid
# Attempts to set the effective GID of the current process.
# @param [Integer] new_egid
# The new effective GID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_setegid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def setegid(new_egid)
resource_method :egid=, [:process_setegid]
alias egid= setegid
# Gets the SID of the current process.
# @return [Integer]
# The current SID.
# @note
# Requires the `process_getsid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def getsid
resource_method :sid, [:process_getsid]
alias sid getsid
# Sets the SID of the current process.
# @note
# Requires the `process_setsid` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def setsid
resource_method :setsid, [:process_setsid]
alias sid! setsid
# Retrieves the whole environment Hash.
# @return [Hash{String => String}]
# The Hash of environment variables.
# @note
# Requires the `process_environ` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
# @api public
def environ
resource_method :environ, [:process_environ]
alias env environ
# Retrieves the value of a environment variable.
# @param [String] name
# The name of the environment variable.
# @return [String, nil]
# The value of the environment variable.
# @note
# Requires `process_getenv` or `process_environ` methods be defined by
# the {#session} object.
# @api public
def getenv(name)
if @session.respond_to?(:process_getenv)
elsif @session.respond_to?(:process_environ)
raise(NoMethodError,"#{@session} does not define process_getenv or process_environ")
resource_method :getenv, [:process_getenv]
# Sets the value of a environment variable.
# @param [String] name
# The name of the environment variable.
# @param [String] value
# The new value for the environment variable.
# @note
# Requires the `process_setenv` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
# @api public
def setenv(name,value)
resource_method :setenv, [:process_setenv]
# Unsets an environment variable.
# @param [String] name
# The name of the environment variable.
# @note
# Requires the `process_unsetenv` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
# @api public
def unsetenv(name)
resource_method :unsetenv, [:process_unsetenv]
# Kills a process.
# @param [Integer] pid
# The PID of the process to kill.
# @param [String] signal
# The POSIX signal name to send to the process.
# @note
# Requires the `process_kill` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def kill(pid,signal='KILL')
resource_method :kill, [:process_kill]
# Opens a new process.
# @param [String] command
# The command string to execute.
# @return [RemoteProcess]
# The newly opened remote process.
# @note
# Requires the `process_popen` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
# @api public
def popen(command)
resource_method :spawn, [:process_popen]
# Executes a program as a separate child process.
# @param [String] program
# The name or path of the program.
# @param [Array] arguments
# Additional arguments to execute the program with.
# @return [Integer]
# The pid of the new process.
# @note
# Requires the `process_spawn` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
# @api public
def spawn(program,*arguments)
resource_method :spawn, [:process_spawn]
# Exits the current running process.
# @note
# Requires the `process_exit` method be defined by the {#session}
# object.
def exit
resource_method :exit, [:process_exit]