Feature: Create a JSON compilation database Scenario: Showing file compilation Given I have a file to compile When I pipe to xcpretty with "--report json-compilation-database" and specify a custom path Then the JSON compilation database should contain an entry with a command Then the JSON compilation database should contain an entry with a directory Then the JSON compilation database should contain an entry with a file Scenario: Handling a complete xcodebuild session Given some big input When I pipe to xcpretty with "--report json-compilation-database" and specify a custom path Then the JSON compilation database should be complete Scenario: Writing to a custom file path When I pipe to xcpretty with "--report json-compilation-database" and specify a custom path Then I should have a JSON compilation database in a custom path Scenario: Writing to multiple custom file paths When I pipe to xcpretty with two custom "json-compilation-database" report paths Then I should have JSON compilation databases in two custom paths