require 'simple-sql' module DbMemoize module Model extend ActiveSupport::Concern def memoized_value(method_name) memoizable = !changed? && persisted? return send("#{method_name}_without_memoize") unless memoizable memoized_value = find_memoized_value(method_name) if memoized_value memoized_value.value else value = send("#{method_name}_without_memoize") create_memoized_value(method_name, value) value end end def unmemoize(method_name = :all) self.class.unmemoize id, method_name end # # Used to set multiple memoized values in one go. # # Example: # # product.memoize_values full_title: "my full title", # autocomplete_info: "my autocomplete_info" # # This sets the "full_title" and "autocomplete_info" values of the product. # def memoize_values(values) values.each do |name, value| create_memoized_value(name, value) end end private def create_memoized_value(method_name, value) self.class.transaction do ::DbMemoize::Value.fast_create self.class.table_name, id, method_name, value @association_cache.delete :memoized_values value end end def find_memoized_value(method_name) method_name = method_name.to_s # In order to prevent database level deadlocks we don't manage any unique # index on memoized values. This can result in duplicate matching memoized # values. # # It is important to always return the freshest value. To make sure this # happens the \a memoized_values association is ordered by its creation # time (via "created_at DESC"), which lets us just return the first matching # entry here. memoized_values.detect do |rec| rec.method_name == method_name end end module ClassMethods def db_memoize(method_name) @db_memoized_methods ||= [] @db_memoized_methods.push(method_name.to_sym) # [TODO] - should the create_memoized_** functions really be called # when the method_name is in @db_memoized_methods already? create_memoized_alias_method(method_name) create_memoized_values_association end def db_memoized_methods methods = @db_memoized_methods || [] superclass.respond_to?(:db_memoized_methods) ? (superclass.db_memoized_methods + methods).uniq : methods end def unmemoize(records_or_ids, method_name = :all) conditions = { entity_table_name: table_name, entity_id: Helpers.find_ids(records_or_ids) } conditions[:method_name] = method_name unless method_name == :all DbMemoize::Value.where(conditions).delete_all_ordered end def memoize_values(records_or_ids, values) transaction do ids = Helpers.find_ids(records_or_ids) ids.each do |id| values.each do |method_name, value| ::DbMemoize::Value.fast_create table_name, id, method_name, value end end end end private # rubocop:disable Style/EmptyBlockParameter def create_memoized_alias_method(method_name) define_method "#{method_name}_with_memoize" do || memoized_value(method_name) end alias_method_chain method_name, :memoize end # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause def create_memoized_values_association unless reflect_on_association(:memoized_values) conditions = { entity_table_name: table_name } # By defining this before_destroy callback we make sure **we** delete all # memoized values before Rails deletes those via `has_many dependent: # This leads to has_many later on not finding any values to be deleted. # # It would be nice if there was a `dependent: :manual/:noop` option. # # **Note:** before_destroy must be called before memoized_values is # set up, to make sure that these things happen in the right order. # before_destroy do |rec| rec.memoized_values.delete_all_ordered end # memoized_values for this object. These values must be returned # newest first, see the comment in \a find_memoized_value. has_many :memoized_values, -> { where(conditions).order('created_at DESC') }, dependent: :delete_all, class_name: 'DbMemoize::Value', foreign_key: :entity_id end end end end end