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EY` EY` EY` Y`EY` inheritedY`yEY`\1EY`u # @return [Symbol] The name that is used for this node when visiting. def node_name :EY` end # @return [Symbol] The method that is used on the visitor to visit nodes of this type. def visit_method :visit_EY` end # @return [Symbol] The method name that determines if the parent is invalid. def invalid_child_method_name :"invalid_EY`_child?" end # @return [Symbol] The method name that determines if the node is an invalid parent. def invalid_parent_method_name :"invalid_EY`_parent?" end Y`UY`VY`pY`zY`Y`SY`EY` initializeY`EY`options=Y`EY` children=EY`filenameY`EY`<