module Pingpp class PingppObject include Enumerable @@permanent_attributes =[:id]) # The default :id method is deprecated and isn't useful to us if method_defined?(:id) undef :id end def initialize(id=nil, opts={}) id, @retrieve_params = Util.normalize_id(id) @opts = Util.normalize_opts(opts) @original_values = {} @values = {} # This really belongs in APIResource, but not putting it there allows us # to have a unified inspect method @unsaved_values = @transient_values = @values[:id] = id if id end def self.construct_from(values, opts={}) values = Pingpp::Util.symbolize_names(values)[:id]).send(:initialize_from, values, opts) end def ==(other) other.is_a?(PingppObject) && @values == other.instance_variable_get(:@values) end def to_s(*args) JSON.pretty_generate(@values) end def inspect id_string = (self.respond_to?(:id) && ! ? " id=#{}" : "" "#<#{self.class}:0x#{self.object_id.to_s(16)}#{id_string}> JSON: " + JSON.pretty_generate(@values) end def refresh_from(values, opts, partial=false) initialize_from(values, opts, partial) end extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :refresh_from, "#initialize_from", 2017, 01 def [](k) @values[k.to_sym] end def []=(k, v) send(:"#{k}=", v) end def keys @values.keys end def values @values.values end def to_json(*a) JSON.generate(@values) end def as_json(*a) @values.as_json(*a) end def to_hash @values.inject({}) do |acc, (key, value)| acc[key] = value.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? value.to_hash : value acc end end def each(&blk) @values.each(&blk) end def _dump(level) Marshal.dump([@values, @opts]) end def self._load(args) values, opts = Marshal.load(args) construct_from(values, opts) end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' def respond_to?(symbol) @values.has_key?(symbol) || super end end def serialize_params(options = {}) update_hash = {} @values.each do |k, v| unsaved = @unsaved_values.include?(k) if options[:force] || unsaved || v.is_a?(PingppObject) update_hash[k.to_sym] = serialize_params_value(@values[k], @original_values[k], unsaved, options[:force]) end end update_hash.reject! { |_, v| v == nil } update_hash end protected def metaclass class << self; self; end end def protected_fields [] end def remove_accessors(keys) f = protected_fields metaclass.instance_eval do keys.each do |k| next if f.include?(k) next if @@permanent_attributes.include?(k) k_eq = :"#{k}=" remove_method(k) if method_defined?(k) remove_method(k_eq) if method_defined?(k_eq) end end end def add_accessors(keys, values) f = protected_fields metaclass.instance_eval do keys.each do |k| next if f.include?(k) next if @@permanent_attributes.include?(k) k_eq = :"#{k}=" define_method(k) { @values[k] } define_method(k_eq) do |v| if v == "" raise "You cannot set #{k} to an empty string." + "We interpret empty strings as nil in requests." + "You may set #{self}.#{k} = nil to delete the property.") end @values[k] = Util.convert_to_pingpp_object(v, @opts) dirty_value!(@values[k]) @unsaved_values.add(k) end if [FalseClass, TrueClass].include?(values[k].class) k_bool = :"#{k}?" define_method(k_bool) { @values[k] } end end end end def method_missing(name, *args) # TODO: only allow setting in updateable classes. if name.to_s.end_with?('=') attr = name.to_s[0...-1].to_sym add_accessors([attr], {}) begin mth = method(name) rescue NameError raise"Cannot set #{attr} on this object. HINT: you can't set: #{@@permanent_attributes.to_a.join(', ')}") end return[0]) else return @values[name] if @values.has_key?(name) end begin super rescue NoMethodError => e if @transient_values.include?(name) raise + ". HINT: The '#{name}' attribute was set in the past, however. It was then wiped when refreshing the object with the result returned by Pingpp's API, probably as a result of a save(). The attributes currently available on this object are: #{@values.keys.join(', ')}") else raise end end end def respond_to_missing?(symbol, include_private = false) @values && @values.has_key?(symbol) || super end def update_attributes(values, opts = {}, method_options = {}) dirty = method_options.fetch(:dirty, true) values.each do |k, v| add_accessors([k], values) unless metaclass.method_defined?(k.to_sym) @values[k] = Util.convert_to_pingpp_object(v, opts) dirty_value!(@values[k]) if dirty @unsaved_values.add(k) end end def initialize_from(values, opts, partial=false) @opts = Util.normalize_opts(opts) @original_values = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(values)) # deep copy removed = partial ? : - values.keys) added = - @values.keys) instance_eval do remove_accessors(removed) add_accessors(added, values) end removed.each do |k| @values.delete(k) @transient_values.add(k) @unsaved_values.delete(k) end update_attributes(values, opts, :dirty => false) values.each do |k, _| @transient_values.delete(k) @unsaved_values.delete(k) end self end def serialize_params_value(value, original, unsaved, force) case true when value == nil '' when value.is_a?(APIResource) && !value.save_with_parent nil when value.is_a?(Array) update = { |v| serialize_params_value(v, nil, true, force) } # This prevents an array that's unchanged from being resent. if update != serialize_params_value(original, nil, true, force) update else nil end when value.is_a?(Hash) Util.convert_to_pingpp_object(value, @opts).serialize_params when value.is_a?(PingppObject) update = value.serialize_params(:force => force) update = empty_values(original).merge(update) if original && unsaved update else value end end private def dirty_value!(value) case value when Array { |v| dirty_value!(v) } when PingppObject value.dirty! end end def empty_values(obj) values = case obj when Hash then obj when PingppObject then obj.instance_variable_get(:@values) else raise ArgumentError, "#empty_values got unexpected object type: #{}" end values.inject({}) do |update, (k, _)| update[k] = '' update end end end end