--- title: "Just a Test Blog Post" description: "This is a test; this is only a test" author: cassidyjames image: https://source.unsplash.com/featured?test tags: - test - meta --- This is just a simple test of a Jekyll-powered blog. Nothing to see here. Move along, please! Like really, no need to click on this post or read it or anything. You'll just disappoint yourself. ## You're bad at following directions But that's okay. This post is simply to serve as a testing ground for blog post features and whatnot. ### Images ![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif) Have a parrot for your troubles. Better yet, have a parrot in a `figure` with a `figcaption` for nicer layout!
A pretty parrot
See, isn't that nice. You can also put them halvsies (`.half`) or… thirdsies (`.third`)?
![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif) ![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif)
A couple of cool parrots
I really hope you don't have light- or motion-sensitivity or something, because this page is becoming painful.
![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif) ![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif) ![Parrot](https://media.giphy.com/media/l3q2zVr6cu95nF6O4/giphy.gif)
A trio of trippy parrots
Ooh, circle crops could come in handy, especially if we're featuring a developer's mug or something. Let's give that a go down below with a `.circle` class:
It’s a beautiful circle of… something
And we can make sure wider images are constrained to the width of the content (not the wider page width) with a simple `.constrained` class:
It’s big, but like, smaller
And lastly, we can go full bleed if we want with the appropriately-named `.full-bleed` class:
My god, it's full of stars!
### Other stuff Okay, that's enough of that. What else can we do? How about a table, using the familiar GitHub syntax: | First Header | Second Header | | ------------- | ------------- | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell | Neat! I'm sure we can spruce those up a bit more later. Now, let's try to embed a post. This will be interesting… Okay so that was a little more complicated than I'd like, but it actually works. Neato 🌯️. And of course, pressing + Shift will do absolutely nothing. Thought you'd like to know. And we need to test code blocks like this one: ```vala public class MyApp : Gtk.Application { public MyApp () { Object (application_id: "com.github.myteam.myapp", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE); } protected override void activate () { var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this); window.title = "MyApp"; window.set_default_size (1024, 768); window.show_all (); } public static int main (string[] args) { var app = new MyApp (); return app.run (args); } } ``` ## But wait, there's more! To help contribute, visit [github.com/elementary/blog-template](https://github.com/elementary/blog-template)