# # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/chef_fs/knife" class Chef class Knife class List < Chef::ChefFS::Knife banner "knife list [-dfR1p] [PATTERN1 ... PATTERNn] (options)" category "path-based" deps do require "chef/chef_fs/file_system" require "highline" end option :recursive, short: "-R", boolean: true, description: "List directories recursively" option :bare_directories, short: "-d", boolean: true, description: "When directories match the pattern, do not show the directories' children" option :local, long: "--local", boolean: true, description: "List local directory instead of remote" option :flat, short: "-f", long: "--flat", boolean: true, description: "Show a list of filenames rather than the prettified ls-like output normally produced" option :one_column, short: "-1", boolean: true, description: "Show only one column of results" option :trailing_slashes, short: "-p", boolean: true, description: "Show trailing slashes after directories" attr_accessor :exit_code def run patterns = name_args.length == 0 ? [""] : name_args # Get the top-level matches all_results = parallelize(pattern_args_from(patterns)) do |pattern| pattern_results = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list(config[:local] ? local_fs : chef_fs, pattern).to_a if pattern_results.first && !pattern_results.first.exists? && pattern.exact_path ui.error "#{format_path(pattern_results.first)}: No such file or directory" self.exit_code = 1 end pattern_results end.flatten(1).to_a # Process directories if !config[:bare_directories] dir_results = parallelize(all_results.select { |result| result.dir? }) do |result| add_dir_result(result) end.flatten(1) else dir_results = [] end # Process all other results results = all_results.select { |result| result.exists? && (!result.dir? || config[:bare_directories]) }.to_a # Flatten out directory results if necessary if config[:flat] dir_results.each do |result, children| # rubocop:disable Performance/HashEachMethods results += children end dir_results = [] end # Sort by path for happy output results = results.sort_by { |result| result.path } dir_results = dir_results.sort_by { |result| result[0].path } # Print! if results.length == 0 && dir_results.length == 1 results = dir_results[0][1] dir_results = [] end print_result_paths results printed_something = results.length > 0 dir_results.each do |result, children| if printed_something output "" else printed_something = true end output "#{format_path(result)}:" print_results(children.map { |result| maybe_add_slash(result.display_name, result.dir?) }.sort, "") end exit exit_code if exit_code end def add_dir_result(result) begin children = result.children.sort_by { |child| child.name } rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: No such file or directory" return [] end result = [ [ result, children ] ] if config[:recursive] child_dirs = children.select { |child| child.dir? } result += parallelize(child_dirs) { |child| add_dir_result(child) }.flatten(1).to_a end result end def print_result_paths(results, indent = "") print_results(results.map { |result| maybe_add_slash(format_path(result), result.dir?) }, indent) end def print_results(results, indent) return if results.length == 0 print_space = results.map { |result| result.length }.max + 2 if config[:one_column] || !stdout.isatty columns = 0 else columns = HighLine::SystemExtensions.terminal_size[0] end current_line = "" results.each do |result| if current_line.length > 0 && current_line.length + print_space > columns output current_line.rstrip current_line = "" end if current_line.length == 0 current_line << indent end current_line << result current_line << (" " * (print_space - result.length)) end output current_line.rstrip if current_line.length > 0 end def maybe_add_slash(path, is_dir) if config[:trailing_slashes] && is_dir "#{path}/" else path end end end end end