module ArJdbc module MySQL # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn#column_types def self.column_selector [ /mysql/i, lambda { |config, column| column.extend(Column) } ] end # Column behavior based on (abstract) MySQL adapter in Rails. # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn module Column attr_reader :collation, :strict, :extra def extract_default(default) if blob_or_text_column? return null || strict ? nil : '' if default.blank? raise ArgumentError, "#{type} columns cannot have a default value: #{default.inspect}" elsif missing_default_forged_as_empty_string?(default) nil else super end end def has_default? return false if blob_or_text_column? #mysql forbids defaults on blob and text columns super end def blob_or_text_column? sql_type.index('blob') || type == :text end def case_sensitive? collation && !collation.match(/_ci$/) end def simplified_type(field_type) if adapter && adapter.emulate_booleans? return :boolean if field_type.downcase.index('tinyint(1)') end case field_type when /enum/i, /set/i then :string when /year/i then :integer # :tinyint : {:name=>"tinyint", :limit=>3} # :"tinyint unsigned" : {:name=>"tinyint unsigned", :limit=>3} # :bigint : {:name=>"bigint", :limit=>19} # :"bigint unsigned" : {:name=>"bigint unsigned", :limit=>20} # :integer : {:name=>"integer", :limit=>10} # :"integer unsigned" : {:name=>"integer unsigned", :limit=>10} # :int : {:name=>"int", :limit=>10} # :"int unsigned" : {:name=>"int unsigned", :limit=>10} # :mediumint : {:name=>"mediumint", :limit=>7} # :"mediumint unsigned" : {:name=>"mediumint unsigned", :limit=>8} # :smallint : {:name=>"smallint", :limit=>5} # :"smallint unsigned" : {:name=>"smallint unsigned", :limit=>5} when /int/i then :integer when /double/i then :float # double precision (alias) when 'bool' then :boolean when 'char' then :string # :mediumtext => {:name=>"mediumtext", :limit=>16777215} # :longtext => {:name=>"longtext", :limit=>2147483647} # :text => {:name=>"text"} # :tinytext => {:name=>"tinytext", :limit=>255} when /text/i then :text when 'long varchar' then :text # :"long varbinary" => {:name=>"long varbinary", :limit=>16777215} # :varbinary => {:name=>"varbinary", :limit=>255} when /binary/i then :binary # :mediumblob => {:name=>"mediumblob", :limit=>16777215} # :longblob => {:name=>"longblob", :limit=>2147483647} # :blob => {:name=>"blob", :limit=>65535} # :tinyblob => {:name=>"tinyblob", :limit=>255} when /blob/i then :binary when /^bit/i then :binary else super end end def extract_limit(sql_type) case sql_type when /blob|text/i case sql_type when /tiny/i 255 when /medium/i 16777215 when /long/i 2147483647 # mysql only allows 2^31-1, not 2^32-1, somewhat inconsistently with the tiny/medium/normal cases else super # we could return 65535 here, but we leave it undecorated by default end when /^bigint/i; 8 when /^int/i; 4 when /^mediumint/i; 3 when /^smallint/i; 2 when /^tinyint/i; 1 when /^enum\((.+)\)/i # 255 $1.split(',').map{ |enum| enum.strip.length - 2 }.max when /^(bool|date|float|int|time)/i nil else super end end # MySQL misreports NOT NULL column default when none is given. # We can't detect this for columns which may have a legitimate '' # default (string) but we can for others (integer, datetime, boolean, # and the rest). # # Test whether the column has default '', is not null, and is not # a type allowing default ''. def missing_default_forged_as_empty_string?(default) type != :string && !null && default == '' end def adapter; end private :adapter end # @private backwards-compatibility ColumnExtensions = Column end end