describe "Convoy basic app with dependent options", :integration => true do subject { Convoy::App.create(option_string, &app_configuration) } context "when dependency specification has no 'on' parameter" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.dependency :option1 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end let(:option_string) { "-f" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "when option dependent on presence of flag" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.dependency :option1, :on => :flag1 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and flag is not present" do let(:option_string) { "-o foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and flag is present" do let(:option_string) { "-f -o foo" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end end context "when flag depends on another flag" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :flag2, "Flag 2", :short => :none, :long => '--flag2', :type => :boolean, :default => true opts.opt :flag3, "Flag 3", :short => :none, :long => '--flag3', :type => :boolean opts.opt :flag4, "Flag 4", :short => :none, :long => '--flag4', :type => :boolean opts.dependency :flag3, :on => :flag1 opts.dependency :flag4, :on => :flag2 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and other flag has a default value of false" do context "and other flag is present" do let(:option_string) { "--flag1 --flag3" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other flag is not present" do let(:option_string) { "--flag3" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end end context "and other flag has a default value of true" do context "and other flag is present" do let(:option_string) { "--flag2 --flag4" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other flag is not present" do let(:option_string) { "--flag4" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other flag negative option is used" do let(:option_string) { "--no-flag2 --flag4" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end end end context "when option dependent on presence of multiple other options" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.opt :option2, "Option2", :short => :none, :long => '--option2', :type => :string, :multi => true opts.dependency :option2, :on => [:flag1, :option1] end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and one of the other options is not present" do let(:option_string) { "-f --option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and none of the other options are present" do let(:option_string) { "--option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and all of the other options are present" do let(:option_string) { "-f -o bar --option2=foo" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end end context "when option dependent on other option value" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.opt :option2, "Option2", :short => :none, :long => '--option2', :type => :string, :multi => true opts.dependency :option2, :on => { :option1 => 'bar' } end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and other option is supplied with this value" do let(:option_string) { "-o bar --option2=foo" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other option is supplied with different value" do let(:option_string) { "-o baz --option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other option is not supplied" do let(:option_string) { "--option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end end context "when option dependent on other option value and presence of yet another option" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.opt :option2, "Option2", :short => :none, :long => '--option2', :type => :string, :multi => true opts.dependency :option2, :on => [:flag1, { :option1 => 'bar' }] end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and yet another option is not present" do let(:option_string) { "-o bar --option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other option has different value" do let(:option_string) { "-o baz -f --option2=foo" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "and other option has the right value and yet another option is present" do let(:option_string) { "-o bar -f --option2=foo" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end end context "when option dependent on itself" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.dependency :option1, :on => :option1 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end let(:option_string) { "-o bar" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "when dependency specified for non-existant option" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.dependency :option2, :on => :option1 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end let(:option_string) { "-o bar" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "when option dependent on non-existant option" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string opts.dependency :option1, :on => :option2 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end let(:option_string) { "-o bar" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end context "when dependency is specified inline" do let(:app_configuration) do lambda do |app| app.options do |opts| opts.opt :flag1, "Flag 1", :short => '-f', :long => '--flag1', :type => :boolean opts.opt :option1, "Option1", :short => '-o', :long => '--option1', :type => :string, :depends_on => :flag1 end app.action do |options, arguments|, arguments).execute(result) end end end context "and dependency is satisfied" do let(:option_string) { "-f -o bar" } it("it should exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to exit_with_code(0) } end context "and dependency is not satisfied" do let(:option_string) { "-o bar" } it("it should not exit successfully") { expect { subject }.to_not exit_with_code(0) } end end end