# coding: utf-8 $:.unshift "." require 'spec_helper' require 'rdf/xsd' require 'rdf/spec/reader' # Add for testing class JSON::LD::Context # Retrieve type mappings def coercions term_definitions.inject({}) do |memo, (t,td)| memo[t] = td.type_mapping memo end end def containers term_definitions.inject({}) do |memo, (t,td)| memo[t] = td.container_mapping memo end end end describe JSON::LD::Context do before(:each) { @debug = [] } let(:context) {JSON::LD::Context.new(debug: @debug, validate: true)} let(:remote_doc) do JSON::LD::API::RemoteDocument.new("http://example.com/context", %q({ "@context": { "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "@type": "@id"}, "avatar": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar", "@type": "@id"} } })) end subject {context} describe "#parse" do context "remote" do it "retrieves and parses a remote context document" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse("http://example.com/context") expect(ec.provided_context).to produce("http://example.com/context", @debug) end it "fails given a missing remote @context" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_raise(IOError) expect {subject.parse("http://example.com/context")}.to raise_error(JSON::LD::JsonLdError::LoadingRemoteContextFailed, %r{http://example.com/context}) end it "creates mappings" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse("http://example.com/context") expect(ec.send(:mappings)).to produce({ "xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "name" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "avatar" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar" }, @debug) end it "notes non-existing @context" do expect {subject.parse(StringIO.new("{}"))}.to raise_error(JSON::LD::JsonLdError::InvalidRemoteContext) end it "parses a referenced context at a relative URI" do rd1 = JSON::LD::API::RemoteDocument.new("http://example.com/c1", %({"@context": "context"})) expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/c1", anything).and_yield(rd1) expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse("http://example.com/c1") expect(ec.send(:mappings)).to produce({ "xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "name" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "avatar" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar" }, @debug) end context "remote with local mappings" do let(:ctx) {["http://example.com/context", {"integer" => "xsd:integer"}]} it "retrieves and parses a remote context document" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse(ctx) end it "does not use passed context as provided_context" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse(ctx) expect(ec.provided_context).to produce(ctx, @debug) end end end context "Array" do before(:all) do @ctx = [ {"foo" => "http://example.com/foo"}, {"bar" => "foo"} ] end it "merges definitions from each context" do ec = subject.parse(@ctx) expect(ec.send(:mappings)).to produce({ "foo" => "http://example.com/foo", "bar" => "http://example.com/foo" }, @debug) end it "merges definitions from remote contexts" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) rd2 = JSON::LD::API::RemoteDocument.new("http://example.com/c2", %q({ "@context": { "title": {"@id": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title"} } })) expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/c2", anything).and_yield(rd2) ec = subject.parse(%w(http://example.com/context http://example.com/c2)) expect(ec.send(:mappings)).to produce({ "xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "name" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "avatar" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar", "title" => "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title" }, @debug) end end context "Hash" do it "extracts @language" do expect(subject.parse({ "@language" => "en" }).default_language).to produce("en", @debug) end it "extracts @vocab" do expect(subject.parse({ "@vocab" => "http://schema.org/" }).vocab).to produce("http://schema.org/", @debug) end it "maps term with IRI value" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => "http://example.com/" }).send(:mappings)).to produce({ "foo" => "http://example.com/" }, @debug) end it "maps term with @id" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/"} }).send(:mappings)).to produce({ "foo" => "http://example.com/" }, @debug) end it "associates @list container mapping with predicate" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/", "@container" => "@list"} }).containers).to produce({ "foo" => '@list' }, @debug) end it "associates @set container mapping with predicate" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/", "@container" => "@set"} }).containers).to produce({ "foo" => '@set' }, @debug) end it "associates @id container mapping with predicate" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/", "@type" => "@id"} }).coercions).to produce({ "foo" => "@id" }, @debug) end it "associates type mapping with predicate" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/", "@type" => RDF::XSD.string.to_s} }).coercions).to produce({ "foo" => RDF::XSD.string }, @debug) end it "associates language mapping with predicate" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/", "@language" => "en"} }).send(:languages)).to produce({ "foo" => "en" }, @debug) end it "expands chains of term definition/use with string values" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "baz", "baz" => "http://example.com/" }).send(:mappings)).to produce({ "foo" => "http://example.com/", "bar" => "http://example.com/", "baz" => "http://example.com/" }, @debug) end it "expands terms using @vocab" do expect(subject.parse({ "foo" => "bar", "@vocab" => "http://example.com/" }).send(:mappings)).to produce({ "foo" => "http://example.com/bar" }, @debug) end context "with null" do it "removes @language if set to null" do expect(subject.parse([ { "@language" => "en" }, { "@language" => nil } ]).default_language).to produce(nil, @debug) end it "removes @vocab if set to null" do expect(subject.parse([ { "@vocab" => "http://schema.org/" }, { "@vocab" => nil } ]).vocab).to produce(nil, @debug) end it "removes term if set to null with @vocab" do expect(subject.parse([ { "@vocab" => "http://schema.org/", "term" => nil } ]).send(:mappings)).to produce({"term" => nil}, @debug) end it "loads initial context" do init_ec = JSON::LD::Context.new nil_ec = subject.parse(nil) expect(nil_ec.default_language).to eq init_ec.default_language expect(nil_ec.send(:languages)).to eq init_ec.send(:languages) expect(nil_ec.send(:mappings)).to eq init_ec.send(:mappings) expect(nil_ec.coercions).to eq init_ec.coercions expect(nil_ec.containers).to eq init_ec.containers end it "removes a term definition" do expect(subject.parse({"name" => nil}).send(:mapping, "name")).to be_nil end end end describe "Syntax Errors" do { "malformed JSON" => StringIO.new(%q({"@context": {"foo" "http://malformed/"})), "no @id, @type, or @container" => {"foo" => {}}, "value as array" => {"foo" => []}, "@id as object" => {"foo" => {"@id" => {}}}, "@id as array of object" => {"foo" => {"@id" => [{}]}}, "@id as array of null" => {"foo" => {"@id" => [nil]}}, "@type as object" => {"foo" => {"@type" => {}}}, "@type as array" => {"foo" => {"@type" => []}}, "@type as @list" => {"foo" => {"@type" => "@list"}}, "@type as @set" => {"foo" => {"@type" => "@set"}}, "@container as object" => {"foo" => {"@container" => {}}}, "@container as array" => {"foo" => {"@container" => []}}, "@container as string" => {"foo" => {"@container" => "true"}}, "@language as @id" => {"@language" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}}, "@vocab as @id" => {"@vocab" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}}, }.each do |title, context| it title do expect { ec = subject.parse(context) expect(ec.serialize).to produce({}, @debug) }.to raise_error(JSON::LD::JsonLdError) end end (JSON::LD::KEYWORDS - %w(@base @language @vocab)).each do |kw| it "does not redefine #{kw} as a string" do expect { ec = subject.parse({kw => "http://example.com/"}) expect(ec.serialize).to produce({}, @debug) }.to raise_error(JSON::LD::JsonLdError) end it "does not redefine #{kw} with an @id" do expect { ec = subject.parse({kw => {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}}) expect(ec.serialize).to produce({}, @debug) }.to raise_error(JSON::LD::JsonLdError) end end end end describe "#merge" do it "creates a new context with components of each" do c2 = JSON::LD::Context.new().parse({'foo' => "http://example.com/"}) cm = context.merge(c2) expect(cm).not_to equal context expect(cm).not_to equal c2 expect(cm.term_definitions).to eq c2.term_definitions end end describe "#merge!" do it "updates context with components from new" do c2 = JSON::LD::Context.new().parse({'foo' => "http://example.com/"}) cm = context.merge!(c2) expect(cm).to equal context expect(cm).not_to equal c2 expect(cm.term_definitions).to eq c2.term_definitions end end describe "#serialize" do it "context document" do expect(JSON::LD::API).to receive(:documentLoader).with("http://example.com/context", anything).and_yield(remote_doc) ec = subject.parse("http://example.com/context") expect(ec.serialize).to produce({ "@context" => "http://example.com/context" }, @debug) end it "context hash" do ctx = {"foo" => "http://example.com/"} ec = subject.parse(ctx) expect(ec.serialize).to produce({ "@context" => ctx }, @debug) end it "@language" do subject.default_language = "en" expect(subject.serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@language" => "en" } }, @debug) end it "@vocab" do subject.vocab = "http://example.com/" expect(subject.serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@vocab" => "http://example.com/" } }, @debug) end it "term mappings" do expect(subject. parse({'foo' => "http://example.com/"}).send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "foo" => "http://example.com/" } }, @debug) end it "@type with dependent prefixes in a single context" do expect(subject.parse({ 'xsd' => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", 'homepage' => {'@id' => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.homepage.to_s, '@type' => '@id'} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "xsd" => RDF::XSD.to_uri.to_s, "homepage" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.homepage.to_s, "@type" => "@id"} } }, @debug) end it "@list with @id definition in a single context" do expect(subject.parse({ 'knows' => {'@id' => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, '@container' => '@list'} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@list"} } }, @debug) end it "@set with @id definition in a single context" do expect(subject.parse({ "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@set"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@set"} } }, @debug) end it "@language with @id definition in a single context" do expect(subject.parse({ "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => "en"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => "en"} } }, @debug) end it "@language with @id definition in a single context and equivalent default" do expect(subject.parse({ "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => 'en'} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => 'en'} } }, @debug) end it "@language with @id definition in a single context and different default" do expect(subject.parse({ "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => "de"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => "de"} } }, @debug) end it "null @language with @id definition in a single context and default" do expect(subject.parse({ "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => nil} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@language" => 'en', "name" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.name.to_s, "@language" => nil} } }, @debug) end it "prefix with @type and @list" do expect(subject.parse({ "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@list"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@list"} } }, @debug) end it "prefix with @type and @set" do expect(subject.parse({ "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"} } }, @debug) end it "CURIE with @type" do expect(subject.parse({ "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "foaf:knows" => { "@container" => "@list" } }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "foaf:knows" => { "@container" => "@list" } } }, @debug) end it "does not use aliased @id in key position" do expect(subject.parse({ "id" => "@id", "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@list"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "id" => "@id", "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@list"} } }, @debug) end it "does not use aliased @id in value position" do expect(subject.parse({ "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "id" => "@id", "foaf:homepage" => { "@type" => "@id" } }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "id" => "@id", "foaf:homepage" => { "@type" => "@id" } } }, @debug) end it "does not use aliased @type" do expect(subject.parse({ "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "type" => "@type", "foaf:homepage" => {"@type" => "@id"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "type" => "@type", "foaf:homepage" => {"@type" => "@id"} } }, @debug) end it "does not use aliased @container" do expect(subject.parse({ "container" => "@container", "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@list"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "container" => "@container", "knows" => {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.knows.to_s, "@container" => "@list"} } }, @debug) end it "compacts IRIs to CURIEs" do expect(subject.parse({ "ex" => 'http://example.org/', "term" => {"@id" => "ex:term", "@type" => "ex:datatype"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "ex" => 'http://example.org/', "term" => {"@id" => "ex:term", "@type" => "ex:datatype"} } }, @debug) end it "compacts IRIs using @vocab" do expect(subject.parse({ "@vocab" => 'http://example.org/', "term" => {"@id" => "http://example.org/term", "@type" => "datatype"} }). send(:clear_provided_context). serialize).to produce({ "@context" => { "@vocab" => 'http://example.org/', "term" => {"@type" => "datatype"} } }, @debug) end context "extra keys or values" do { "extra key" => { input: {"foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/foo", "@baz" => "foobar"}}, result: {"@context" => {"foo" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/foo", "@baz" => "foobar"}}} } }.each do |title, params| it title do ec = subject.parse(params[:input]) expect(ec.serialize).to produce(params[:result], @debug) end end end end describe "#base=" do subject { context.parse({ '@base' => 'http://base/', '@vocab' => 'http://vocab/', 'ex' => 'http://example.org/', '' => 'http://empty/', '_' => 'http://underscore/' }) } it "sets new base uri given an absolute uri" do subject.base = "http://example.org/" expect(subject.base).to eql RDF::URI("http://example.org/") end it "sets relative URI" do subject.base = "foo/bar" expect(subject.base).to eql RDF::URI("http://base/foo/bar") end end describe "#expand_iri" do subject { context.parse({ '@base' => 'http://base/', '@vocab' => 'http://vocab/', 'ex' => 'http://example.org/', '' => 'http://empty/', '_' => 'http://underscore/' }) } it "bnode" do expect(subject.expand_iri("_:a")).to be_a(RDF::Node) end context "keywords" do %w(id type).each do |kw| it "expands #{kw} to @#{kw}" do subject.set_mapping(kw, "@#{kw}") expect(subject.expand_iri(kw, vocab: true)).to produce("@#{kw}", @debug) end end end context "relative IRI" do context "with no options" do { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.org/", RDF::URI("http://example.org/")], "term" => ["ex", RDF::URI("ex")], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", RDF::URI("http://example.org/suffix")], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", RDF::URI("http://empty/suffix")], "unmapped" => ["foo", RDF::URI("foo")], "empty term" => ["", RDF::URI("")], "another abs IRI"=>["ex://foo", RDF::URI("ex://foo")], "absolute IRI looking like a curie" => ["foo:bar", RDF::URI("foo:bar")], "bnode" => ["_:t0", RDF::Node("t0")], "_" => ["_", RDF::URI("_")], }.each do |title, (input, result)| it title do expect(subject.expand_iri(input)).to produce(result, @debug) end end end context "with base IRI" do { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.org/", RDF::URI("http://example.org/")], "term" => ["ex", RDF::URI("http://base/ex")], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", RDF::URI("http://example.org/suffix")], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", RDF::URI("http://empty/suffix")], "unmapped" => ["foo", RDF::URI("http://base/foo")], "empty term" => ["", RDF::URI("http://base/")], "another abs IRI"=>["ex://foo", RDF::URI("ex://foo")], "absolute IRI looking like a curie" => ["foo:bar", RDF::URI("foo:bar")], "bnode" => ["_:t0", RDF::Node("t0")], "_" => ["_", RDF::URI("http://base/_")], }.each do |title, (input, result)| it title do expect(subject.expand_iri(input, documentRelative: true)).to produce(result, @debug) end end end context "@vocab" do { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.org/", RDF::URI("http://example.org/")], "term" => ["ex", RDF::URI("http://example.org/")], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", RDF::URI("http://example.org/suffix")], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", RDF::URI("http://empty/suffix")], "unmapped" => ["foo", RDF::URI("http://vocab/foo")], "empty term" => ["", RDF::URI("http://empty/")], "another abs IRI"=>["ex://foo", RDF::URI("ex://foo")], "absolute IRI looking like a curie" => ["foo:bar", RDF::URI("foo:bar")], "bnode" => ["_:t0", RDF::Node("t0")], "_" => ["_", RDF::URI("http://underscore/")], }.each do |title, (input, result)| it title do expect(subject.expand_iri(input, vocab: true)).to produce(result, @debug) end end end end end describe "#compact_iri" do subject { c = context.parse({ '@base' => 'http://base/', "xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", 'ex' => 'http://example.org/', '' => 'http://empty/', '_' => 'http://underscore/', 'rex' => {'@reverse' => "ex"}, 'lex' => {'@id' => 'ex', '@language' => 'en'}, 'tex' => {'@id' => 'ex', '@type' => 'xsd:string'}, 'exp' => {'@id' => 'ex:pert'}, 'experts' => {'@id' => 'ex:perts'} }) @debug.clear c } { "nil" => [nil, nil], "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.com/", "http://example.com/"], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", "http://example.org/suffix"], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], "relative" => ["foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["exp:s", "http://example.org/perts"] }.each do |title, (result, input)| it title do expect(subject.compact_iri(input)).to produce(result, @debug) end end context "with :vocab option" do { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.com/", "http://example.com/"], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", "http://example.org/suffix"], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["experts", "http://example.org/perts"] }.each do |title, (result, input)| it title do expect(subject.compact_iri(input, vocab: true)).to produce(result, @debug) end end end context "with @vocab" do before(:each) { subject.vocab = "http://example.org/"} { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.com/", "http://example.com/"], "prefix:suffix" => ["suffix", "http://example.org/suffix"], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["experts", "http://example.org/perts"] }.each do |title, (result, input)| it title do expect(subject.compact_iri(input, vocab: true)).to produce(result, @debug) end end it "does not use @vocab if it would collide with a term" do subject.set_mapping("name", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name") subject.set_mapping("ex", nil) expect(subject.compact_iri("http://example.org/name", position: :predicate)). to produce("lex:name", @debug) end end context "with value" do let(:ctx) do c = subject.parse({ "xsd" => RDF::XSD.to_s, "plain" => "http://example.com/plain", "lang" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/lang", "@language" => "en"}, "bool" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/bool", "@type" => "xsd:boolean"}, "integer" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/integer", "@type" => "xsd:integer"}, "double" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/double", "@type" => "xsd:double"}, "date" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/date", "@type" => "xsd:date"}, "id" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/id", "@type" => "@id"}, "listplain" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/plain", "@container" => "@list"}, "listlang" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/lang", "@language" => "en", "@container" => "@list"}, "listbool" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/bool", "@type" => "xsd:boolean", "@container" => "@list"}, "listinteger" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/integer", "@type" => "xsd:integer", "@container" => "@list"}, "listdouble" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/double", "@type" => "xsd:double", "@container" => "@list"}, "listdate" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/date", "@type" => "xsd:date", "@container" => "@list"}, "listid" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/id", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@list"}, "setplain" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/plain", "@container" => "@set"}, "setlang" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/lang", "@language" => "en", "@container" => "@set"}, "setbool" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/bool", "@type" => "xsd:boolean", "@container" => "@set"}, "setinteger" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/integer", "@type" => "xsd:integer", "@container" => "@set"}, "setdouble" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/double", "@type" => "xsd:double", "@container" => "@set"}, "setdate" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/date", "@type" => "xsd:date", "@container" => "@set"}, "setid" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/id", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"}, "langmap" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/langmap", "@container" => "@language"}, }) @debug.clear c end { "langmap" => [{"@value" => "en", "@language" => "en"}], #"plain" => [{"@value" => "foo"}], "setplain" => [{"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "pl"}] }.each do |prop, values| context "uses #{prop}" do values.each do |value| it "for #{value.inspect}" do expect(ctx.compact_iri("http://example.com/#{prop.sub('set', '')}", value: value, vocab: true)). to produce(prop, @debug) end end end end context "for @list" do { "listplain" => [ [{"@value" => "foo"}], [{"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "bar"}, {"@value" => "baz"}], [{"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "bar"}, {"@value" => 1}], [{"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "bar"}, {"@value" => 1.1}], [{"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "bar"}, {"@value" => true}], [{"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "bar"}, {"@value" => 1}], [{"@value" => "de", "@language" => "de"}, {"@value" => "jp", "@language" => "jp"}], [{"@value" => true}], [{"@value" => false}], [[{"@value" => 1}], [{"@value" => 1.1}], ], "listlang" => [[{"@value" => "en", "@language" => "en"}]], "listbool" => [[{"@value" => "true", "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}]], "listinteger" => [{"@value" => "1", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}]], "listdouble" => [[{"@value" => "1", "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}]], "listdate" => [[{"@value" => "2012-04-17", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}]], }.each do |prop, values| context "uses #{prop}" do values.each do |value| it "for #{{"@list" => value}.inspect}" do expect(ctx.compact_iri("http://example.com/#{prop.sub('list', '')}", value: {"@list" => value}, vocab: true)). to produce(prop, @debug) end end end end end end context "with :simple_compact_iris" do before(:each) { subject.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:simple_compact_iris] = true} { "nil" => [nil, nil], "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.com/", "http://example.com/"], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", "http://example.org/suffix"], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], "relative" => ["foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["ex:perts", "http://example.org/perts"] }.each do |title, (result, input)| it title do expect(subject.compact_iri(input)).to produce(result, @debug) end end context "and @vocab" do before(:each) { subject.vocab = "http://example.org/"} { "absolute IRI" => ["http://example.com/", "http://example.com/"], "prefix:suffix" => ["suffix", "http://example.org/suffix"], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["experts", "http://example.org/perts"] }.each do |title, (result, input)| it title do expect(subject.compact_iri(input, vocab: true)).to produce(result, @debug) end end end end context "compact-0018" do let(:ctx) do subject.parse(JSON.parse %({ "id1": "http://example.com/id1", "type1": "http://example.com/t1", "type2": "http://example.com/t2", "@language": "de", "term": { "@id": "http://example.com/term" }, "term1": { "@id": "http://example.com/term", "@container": "@list" }, "term2": { "@id": "http://example.com/term", "@container": "@list", "@language": "en" }, "term3": { "@id": "http://example.com/term", "@container": "@list", "@language": null }, "term4": { "@id": "http://example.com/term", "@container": "@list", "@type": "type1" }, "term5": { "@id": "http://example.com/term", "@container": "@list", "@type": "type2" } })) end { "term" => [ '{ "@value": "v0.1", "@language": "de" }', '{ "@value": "v0.2", "@language": "en" }', '{ "@value": "v0.3"}', '{ "@value": 4}', '{ "@value": true}', '{ "@value": false}' ], "term1" => %q({ "@list": [ { "@value": "v1.1", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "v1.2", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v1.3"}, { "@value": 14}, { "@value": true}, { "@value": false} ] }), "term2" => %q({ "@list": [ { "@value": "v2.1", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.2", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.3", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.4", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.5", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.6", "@language": "en" } ] }), "term3" => %q({ "@list": [ { "@value": "v3.1"}, { "@value": "v3.2"}, { "@value": "v3.3"}, { "@value": "v3.4"}, { "@value": "v3.5"}, { "@value": "v3.6"} ] }), "term4" => %q({ "@list": [ { "@value": "v4.1", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" }, { "@value": "v4.2", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" }, { "@value": "v4.3", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" }, { "@value": "v4.4", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" }, { "@value": "v4.5", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" }, { "@value": "v4.6", "@type": "http://example.com/t1" } ] }), "term5" => %q({ "@list": [ { "@value": "v5.1", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" }, { "@value": "v5.2", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" }, { "@value": "v5.3", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" }, { "@value": "v5.4", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" }, { "@value": "v5.5", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" }, { "@value": "v5.6", "@type": "http://example.com/t2" } ] }), }.each do |term, value| [value].flatten.each do |v| it "Uses #{term} for #{v}" do expect(ctx.compact_iri("http://example.com/term", value: JSON.parse(v), vocab: true)). to produce(term, @debug) end end end end context "compact-0020" do let(:ctx) do subject.parse({ "ex" => "http://example.org/ns#", "ex:property" => {"@container" => "@list"} }) end it "Compact @id that is a property IRI when @container is @list" do expect(ctx.compact_iri("http://example.org/ns#property", position: :subject)). to produce("ex:property", @debug) end end context "compact-0041" do let(:ctx) do subject.parse({"name" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/property", "@container" => "@list"}}) end it "Does not use @list with @index" do expect(ctx.compact_iri("http://example.com/property", value: { "@list" => ["one item"], "@index" => "an annotation" })).to produce("http://example.com/property", @debug) end end end describe "#expand_value" do subject { ctx = context.parse({ "dc" => RDF::Vocab::DC.to_uri.to_s, "ex" => "http://example.org/", "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "foaf:age" => {"@type" => "xsd:integer"}, "foaf:knows" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "dc:created" => {"@type" => "xsd:date"}, "ex:integer" => {"@type" => "xsd:integer"}, "ex:double" => {"@type" => "xsd:double"}, "ex:boolean" => {"@type" => "xsd:boolean"}, }) @debug.clear ctx } %w(boolean integer string dateTime date time).each do |dt| it "expands datatype xsd:#{dt}" do expect(subject.expand_value("foo", RDF::XSD[dt])).to produce({"@id" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema##{dt}"}, @debug) end end { "absolute IRI" => ["foaf:knows", "http://example.com/", {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}], "term" => ["foaf:knows", "ex", {"@id" => "ex"}], "prefix:suffix" => ["foaf:knows", "ex:suffix", {"@id" => "http://example.org/suffix"}], "no IRI" => ["foo", "http://example.com/", {"@value" => "http://example.com/"}], "no term" => ["foo", "ex", {"@value" => "ex"}], "no prefix" => ["foo", "ex:suffix", {"@value" => "ex:suffix"}], "integer" => ["foaf:age", "54", {"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "date " => ["dc:created", "2011-12-27Z", {"@value" => "2011-12-27Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "native boolean" => ["foo", true, {"@value" => true}], "native integer" => ["foo", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native double" => ["foo", 1.1e1, {"@value" => 1.1E1}], "native date" => ["foo", Date.parse("2011-12-27"), {"@value" => "2011-12-27", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "native time" => ["foo", Time.parse("10:11:12Z"), {"@value" => "10:11:12Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.time.to_s}], "native dateTime" =>["foo", DateTime.parse("2011-12-27T10:11:12Z"), {"@value" => "2011-12-27T10:11:12Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.dateTime.to_s}], "rdf boolean" => ["foo", RDF::Literal(true), {"@value" => "true", "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "rdf integer" => ["foo", RDF::Literal(1), {"@value" => "1", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "rdf decimal" => ["foo", RDF::Literal::Decimal.new(1.1), {"@value" => "1.1", "@type" => RDF::XSD.decimal.to_s}], "rdf double" => ["foo", RDF::Literal::Double.new(1.1), {"@value" => "1.1E0", "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}], "rdf URI" => ["foo", RDF::URI("foo"), {"@id" => "foo"}], "rdf date " => ["foo", RDF::Literal(Date.parse("2011-12-27")), {"@value" => "2011-12-27", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "rdf nonNeg" => ["foo", RDF::Literal::NonNegativeInteger.new(1), {"@value" => "1", "@type" => RDF::XSD.nonNegativeInteger}], "rdf float" => ["foo", RDF::Literal::Float.new(1.0), {"@value" => "1.0", "@type" => RDF::XSD.float}], }.each do |title, (key, compacted, expanded)| it title do expect(subject.expand_value(key, compacted)).to produce(expanded, @debug) end end context "@language" do before(:each) {subject.default_language = "en"} { "no IRI" => ["foo", "http://example.com/", {"@value" => "http://example.com/", "@language" => "en"}], "no term" => ["foo", "ex", {"@value" => "ex", "@language" => "en"}], "no prefix" => ["foo", "ex:suffix", {"@value" => "ex:suffix", "@language" => "en"}], "native boolean" => ["foo", true, {"@value" => true}], "native integer" => ["foo", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native double" => ["foo", 1.1, {"@value" => 1.1}], }.each do |title, (key, compacted, expanded)| it title do expect(subject.expand_value(key, compacted)).to produce(expanded, @debug) end end end context "coercion" do before(:each) {subject.default_language = "en"} { "boolean-boolean" => ["ex:boolean", true, {"@value" => true, "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "boolean-integer" => ["ex:integer", true, {"@value" => true, "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "boolean-double" => ["ex:double", true, {"@value" => true, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}], "double-boolean" => ["ex:boolean", 1.1, {"@value" => 1.1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "double-double" => ["ex:double", 1.1, {"@value" => 1.1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}], "double-integer" => ["foaf:age", 1.1, {"@value" => 1.1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "integer-boolean" => ["ex:boolean", 1, {"@value" => 1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "integer-double" => ["ex:double", 1, {"@value" => 1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}], "integer-integer" => ["foaf:age", 1, {"@value" => 1, "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "string-boolean" => ["ex:boolean", "foo", {"@value" => "foo", "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "string-double" => ["ex:double", "foo", {"@value" => "foo", "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s}], "string-integer" => ["foaf:age", "foo", {"@value" => "foo", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], }.each do |title, (key, compacted, expanded)| it title do expect(subject.expand_value(key, compacted)).to produce(expanded, @debug) end end end end describe "#compact_value" do let(:ctx) do c = context.parse({ "dc" => RDF::Vocab::DC.to_uri.to_s, "ex" => "http://example.org/", "foaf" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.to_uri.to_s, "xsd" => RDF::XSD.to_s, "langmap" => {"@id" => "http://example.com/langmap", "@container" => "@language"}, "list" => {"@id" => "http://example.org/list", "@container" => "@list"}, "nolang" => {"@id" => "http://example.org/nolang", "@language" => nil}, "dc:created" => {"@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}, "foaf:age" => {"@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}, "foaf:knows" => {"@type" => "@id"}, }) @debug.clear c end subject {ctx} { "absolute IRI" => ["foaf:knows", "http://example.com/", {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}], "prefix:suffix" => ["foaf:knows", "ex:suffix", {"@id" => "http://example.org/suffix"}], "integer" => ["foaf:age", "54", {"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "date " => ["dc:created", "2011-12-27Z", {"@value" => "2011-12-27Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "no IRI" => ["foo", {"@id" =>"http://example.com/"},{"@id" => "http://example.com/"}], "no IRI (CURIE)" => ["foo", {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.Person.to_s}, {"@id" => RDF::Vocab::FOAF.Person.to_s}], "no boolean" => ["foo", {"@value" => "true", "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s},{"@value" => "true", "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s}], "no integer" => ["foo", {"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s},{"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "no date " => ["foo", {"@value" => "2011-12-27Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}, {"@value" => "2011-12-27Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "no string " => ["foo", "string", {"@value" => "string"}], "no lang " => ["nolang", "string", {"@value" => "string"}], "native boolean" => ["foo", true, {"@value" => true}], "native integer" => ["foo", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native integer(list)"=>["list", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native double" => ["foo", 1.1e1, {"@value" => 1.1E1}], }.each do |title, (key, compacted, expanded)| it title do expect(subject.compact_value(key, expanded)).to produce(compacted, @debug) end end context "@language" do { "@id" => ["foo", {"@id" => "foo"}, {"@id" => "foo"}], "integer" => ["foo", {"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}, {"@value" => "54", "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s}], "date" => ["foo", {"@value" => "2011-12-27Z","@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s},{"@value" => "2011-12-27Z", "@type" => RDF::XSD.date.to_s}], "no lang" => ["foo", {"@value" => "foo" }, {"@value" => "foo"}], "same lang" => ["foo", "foo", {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "en"}], "other lang" => ["foo", {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}, {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}], "langmap" => ["langmap", "en", {"@value" => "en", "@language" => "en"}], "no lang with @type coercion" => ["dc:created", {"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "foo"}], "no lang with @id coercion" => ["foaf:knows", {"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "foo"}], "no lang with @language=null" => ["nolang", "string", {"@value" => "string"}], "same lang with @type coercion" => ["dc:created", {"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "foo"}], "same lang with @id coercion" => ["foaf:knows", {"@value" => "foo"}, {"@value" => "foo"}], "other lang with @type coercion" => ["dc:created", {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}, {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}], "other lang with @id coercion" => ["foaf:knows", {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}, {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}], "native boolean" => ["foo", true, {"@value" => true}], "native integer" => ["foo", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native integer(list)" => ["list", 1, {"@value" => 1}], "native double" => ["foo", 1.1e1, {"@value" => 1.1E1}], }.each do |title, (key, compacted, expanded)| it title do subject.default_language = "en" expect(subject.compact_value(key, expanded)).to produce(compacted, @debug) end end end context "keywords" do before(:each) do subject.set_mapping("id", "@id") subject.set_mapping("type", "@type") subject.set_mapping("list", "@list") subject.set_mapping("set", "@set") subject.set_mapping("language", "@language") subject.set_mapping("literal", "@value") end { "@id" => [{"id" => "http://example.com/"}, {"@id" => "http://example.com/"}], "@type" => [{"literal" => "foo", "type" => "http://example.com/"}, {"@value" => "foo", "@type" => "http://example.com/"}], "@value" => [{"literal" => "foo", "language" => "bar"}, {"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "bar"}], }.each do |title, (compacted, expanded)| it title do expect(subject.compact_value("foo", expanded)).to produce(compacted, @debug) end end end end describe "#from_vocabulary" do it "must be described" end describe "#container" do subject { ctx = context.parse({ "ex" => "http://example.org/", "list" => {"@id" => "ex:list", "@container" => "@list"}, "set" => {"@id" => "ex:set", "@container" => "@set"}, "ndx" => {"@id" => "ex:ndx", "@container" => "@index"}, }) @debug.clear ctx } it "uses TermDefinition" do expect(subject.container(subject.term_definitions['ex'])).to be_nil expect(subject.container(subject.term_definitions['list'])).to eq '@list' expect(subject.container(subject.term_definitions['set'])).to eq '@set' expect(subject.container(subject.term_definitions['ndx'])).to eq '@index' end it "uses string" do expect(subject.container('ex')).to be_nil expect(subject.container('list')).to eq '@list' expect(subject.container('set')).to eq '@set' expect(subject.container('ndx')).to eq '@index' end end describe "#language" do subject { ctx = context.parse({ "ex" => "http://example.org/", "nil" => {"@id" => "ex:nil", "@language" => nil}, "en" => {"@id" => "ex:en", "@language" => "en"}, }) @debug.clear ctx } it "uses TermDefinition" do expect(subject.language(subject.term_definitions['ex'])).to be_falsey expect(subject.language(subject.term_definitions['nil'])).to be_falsey expect(subject.language(subject.term_definitions['en'])).to eq 'en' end it "uses string" do expect(subject.language('ex')).to be_falsey expect(subject.language('nil')).to be_falsey expect(subject.language('en')).to eq 'en' end end describe "#reverse?" do subject { ctx = context.parse({ "ex" => "http://example.org/", "reverse" => {"@reverse" => "ex:reverse"}, }) @debug.clear ctx } it "uses TermDefinition" do expect(subject.reverse?(subject.term_definitions['ex'])).to be_falsey expect(subject.reverse?(subject.term_definitions['reverse'])).to be_truthy end it "uses string" do expect(subject.reverse?('ex')).to be_falsey expect(subject.reverse?('reverse')).to be_truthy end end describe "#reverse_term" do subject { ctx = context.parse({ "ex" => "http://example.org/", "reverse" => {"@reverse" => "ex"}, }) @debug.clear ctx } it "uses TermDefinition" do expect(subject.reverse_term(subject.term_definitions['ex'])).to eql subject.term_definitions['reverse'] expect(subject.reverse_term(subject.term_definitions['reverse'])).to eql subject.term_definitions['ex'] end it "uses string" do expect(subject.reverse_term('ex')).to eql subject.term_definitions['reverse'] expect(subject.reverse_term('reverse')).to eql subject.term_definitions['ex'] end end end