# Configuration Reference ## General Settings ### access_token **Required** Sets the access token used to send payloads to rollbar. Items sent through a given access token arrive in that access token's project and respect the rate limits set on that access token. ### async_handler If `config.use_async = true` explicitly sets the function used to send asynchronous payloads to Rollbar. Should be an object that responds to `#call`` Not needed if using one of the built in async reporters: * girl_friday * sucker_punch * Sidekiq * Resque * threading ### branch Name of the checked-out source control branch. ### code_version A string, up to 40 characters, describing the version of the application code. Rollbar understands these formats: * semantic version (i.e. "2.1.12") * integer (i.e. "45") * git SHA (i.e. "3da541559918a808c2402bba5012f6c60b27661c") ### custom_data_method The method to call to gather custom data to send with each rollbar request. ```ruby def custom_data return { :custom => { :key1 => get_key_one, :key2 => get_key_two }, :server => { :root => '/home/username/www/' } } end ``` ### default_logger **Default** `Logger.new(STDERR)` What logger to use for printing debugging and informational messages during operation. ### disable_monkey_patch **Default** `false` Disables monkey patching all non-core monkey patches and automatic reporting. If you set this to true you will be responsible for rescuing and reporting all errors manually. ### disable_core_monkey_patch **Default** `false` Disables our monkey patches in the ruby core. One mandatory monkey patch is left. Be careful using this option as it may caused unexpected behavior in some situations. ### disable_rack_monkey_patch **Default** `false` Disables monkey patches on Rack classes, `Rack::Builder` for now, maybe more at some point. ### delayed_job_enabled **Default** `true` Set to false if you have `delayed_job` but do not wish to wrap jobs with a Rollbar notifier. ### dj_threshold **Default** 0 (Report *any* errors) The number of job failures before reporting the failure to Rollbar. ### failover_handlers An array of backup handlers if the async handlers fails. Each should respond to `#call` and should receive a `payload`. ### filepath For use with `write_to_file`. Indicates location of the rollbar log file being tracked by [rollbar-agent](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-agent). ### framework **Default** 'Plain' Indicates which framework you're using. Common options include 'Rails', 'Sinatra', and 'Rack' to name a few. ### ignored_person_ids **Default** `[]` Ids of people whose reports you wish to ignore. Only works in conjunction with a properly defined `person_method` or `person_id_method`. ### logger The logger to use *instead of* the default logger. Especially useful when you wish to send log messages elsewhere. ### payload_options Extra data to send with the payload. ### person_method Rails only: A string or symbol giving the name of the method on the controller. Should return an object with an `id` method, and optionally `username` and `email` methods. The names of the `id`, `username` and `email` methods can be overridden. See `person_id_method`, `person_username_method`, and `person_email_method`. If not using Rails: Populate the `rollbar.person_data` key with a hash containing `:id`, and optionally `:username` and `:email`. ### person_id_method A string or symbol giving the name of the method on the user instance that returns the person's id. Gets called on the result of `person_method`. Ignored if `person_method` not present. ### person_username_method A string or symbol giving the name of the method on the user instance that returns the person's username. Gets called on the result of `person_method`. Ignored if `person_method` not present. ### person_email_method A string or symbol giving the name of the method on the user instance that returns the person's email. Gets called on the result of `person_method`. Ignored if `person_method` not present. ### populate_empty_backtraces Raising an exception in Ruby is what populates the backtraces. If you report a manually initialized exception instead of a raised and rescued exception, the backtraces will be empty. Set `populate_empty_backtraces` to `true` to have Rollbar load the traces before sending them. ### report_dj_data **Default** `true` Set to `false` to skip automatic bundling of job metadata like queue, job class name, and job options. ### open_timeout **Default** `3` ### request_timeout **Default** `3` Set the request timeout for sending POST data to Rollbar. ### net_retries **Default** `3` Sets the number of retries cause timeouts on the POST request. ### root Set the server root, all stack frames outside that root are considered 'non-project' frames. Also used to setup Github linking. ### safely **Default** `false` When `true` evaluates `custom_data_method` returns `{}` if an error, otherwise reports the error to Rollbar. ### scrub_fields Fields to scrub out of the parsed request data. Will scrub from `GET`, `POST`, url, and several other locations. Does not currently recurse into the full payload. ### scrub_user **Default** `true` Set to false to skip scrubbing user out of the URL. ### scrub_password Set to false to skip scrubbing password out of the URL. ### user_ip_obfuscator_secret A string used hash IP addresses when obfuscating them. ### randomize_scrub_length **Default** `true` When true randomizes the number of asterisks used to display scrubbed fields. ### uncaught_exception_level **Default** `error` Use this field to select a different level for uncaught errors (like `critical`, or `warning`). ### scrub_headers **Default** `["Authentication"]` The headers to scrub. ### sidekiq_threshold **Default** `0` The number of job re-tries before reporting an error to Rollbar via Sidekiq. Ignored unless you've called `use_sidekiq`. ### verify_ssl_peer **Default** `true` By default we use `OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER` for SSL. Although we don't recommend changing it, you can disable peer verification in case you experience SSL connection problems. ### use_async **Default** `false` When `true` indicates you wish to send data to Rollbar asynchronously. If installed, uses `girl_friday`, otherwise defaults to `Thread`. ### use_eventmachine **Default** `false` When `true` indicates you wish to send data to Rollbar with `eventmachine`. Won't work unless `eventmachine` is installed. ### web_base **Default** `'https://rollbar.com'` The root of the web app that serves your rollbar data. Unless you're an enterprise customer this should never change. ### write_to_file **Default** `false` If `true` writes all errors to a log file which can be sent with `rollbar-agent`.