module ForemanTemplates class Action delegate :logger, :to => :Rails def self.git_repo_start_with %w{http:// https:// git:// ssh:// git+ssh:// ssh+git://} end def self.file_repo_start_with ['/'] end def self.repo_start_with git_repo_start_with + file_repo_start_with end def self.setting_overrides %i(verbose prefix dirname filter repo negate branch) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if self.class.setting_overrides.include?(method) instance_variable_get("@#{method}") else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) self.class.setting_overrides.include?(method) end def initialize(args = {}) @taxonomies = { :organizations => args[:organization_params] || {}, :locations => args[:location_params] || {} } assign_attributes args end def git_repo? @repo.start_with?(*self.class.git_repo_start_with) end def get_absolute_repo_path File.expand_path(@repo) end def verify_path!(path) msg = _("Using file-based synchronization, but couldn't access %s. ") % path msg += _("Please check the access permissions/SELinux and make sure it is readable/writable for the web application user account, typically 'foreman'.") raise PathAccessException, msg unless Dir.exist?(path) end private def assign_attributes(args = {}) self.class.setting_overrides.each do |attribute| instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", args[attribute.to_sym] || Setting["template_sync_#{attribute}".to_sym]) end end end end