require 'yaml' require 'yaml/store' require 'time' require 'date' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' require 'fileutils' require 'enumerator' module TT Version = '0.0.1' unless defined?(Version) def version TT::Version end def dependencies { 'main' => [ 'main' , ' >= 4.8.1' ] , 'map' => [ 'map' , ' >= 5.1.0' ] , 'chronic' => [ 'chronic' , ' >= 0.6.6' ] } end def libdir(*args, &block) @libdir ||= File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(/\.rb$/,'') args.empty? ? @libdir : File.join(@libdir, *args) ensure if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift(@libdir) ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift() end end end def load(*libs) libs = libs.join(' ').scan(/[^\s+]+/) TT.libdir{ libs.each{|lib| Kernel.load(lib) } } end extend(TT) end # gems # begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError nil end if defined?(gem) TT.dependencies.each do |lib, dependency| gem(*dependency) require(lib) end end def TT.home home = catch :home do ["HOME", "USERPROFILE"].each do |key| throw(:home, ENV[key]) if ENV[key] end if ENV["HOMEDRIVE"] and ENV["HOMEPATH"] throw(:home, "#{ ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] }:#{ ENV['HOMEPATH'] }") end File.expand_path("~") rescue(File::ALT_SEPARATOR ? "C:/" : "/") end File.expand_path(home) end class Date def self.from value ( Time.parse(value.to_s) || Date.parse(value.to_s) ).to_date end def to_date self end end class Time Beginning = End =**31)-1) Now = Null = do def to_s() "" end def inspect() "" end self end def to_s(n=0) iso8601(n) end alias_method 'inspect', 'to_s' ### hack to fix Time.parse bug Parse = Time.method 'parse' def self.parse string if string =~ %r'^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:?$' string = string.sub(%r/:$/,'') + ':00' end if string =~ %r/\ban\b/ string = string.sub(%r/\ban\b/, '1') end if string =~ %r'^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d' string else Chronic.parse string, :context => :past end end def to_date year, month, day end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( object_id, opts ) do |out| tz = "Z" # from the tidy Tobias Peters Thanks! unless self.utc? utc_same_instant = self.dup.utc utc_same_writing = Time.utc(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,usec) difference_to_utc = utc_same_writing - utc_same_instant if (difference_to_utc < 0) difference_sign = '-' absolute_difference = -difference_to_utc else difference_sign = '+' absolute_difference = difference_to_utc end difference_minutes = (absolute_difference/60).round tz = "%s%02d:%02d" % [ difference_sign, difference_minutes / 60, difference_minutes % 60] end standard = self.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ) standard += ".%02d" % [usec] #if usec.nonzero? standard += "%s" % [tz] if to_yaml_properties.empty? out.scalar( taguri, standard, :plain ) else taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map| map.add( 'at', standard ) to_yaml_properties.each do |m| map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) ) end end end end end end Tt=TT