module Anomaly class Detector def initialize(data = nil) @trained = false train(data) if data end def train(data) if defined?(NMatrix) d = NMatrix.to_na(data) # Convert these to an array for Marshal.dump @mean = d.mean(1).to_a @std = d.stddev(1).to_a else # Default to Array, since built-in Matrix does not give us a big performance advantage. d = data.to_a cols ={|i|{|r| r[i]}} @mean ={|c| mean(c)} @std ={|c,i| std(c, @mean[i])} end!{|std| (std == 0 or std.nan?) ? Float::MIN : std} # raise "Standard deviation cannot be zero" if @std.find_index{|i| i == 0 or i.nan?} @trained = true end def trained? @trained end def probability(x) raise "Train me first" unless trained? raise ArgumentError, "x must have #{@mean.size} elements" if x.size != @mean.size{|a,i| normal_pdf(a, @mean[i], @std[i]) }.reduce(1, :*) end def anomaly?(x, epsilon) probability(x) < epsilon end protected SQRT2PI = Math.sqrt(2*Math::PI) # Return 1 (exclude feature) if std ~ 0 def normal_pdf(x, mean = 0, std = 1) p = 1.0/(SQRT2PI*std)*Math.exp(-((x - mean)**2/(2.0*(std**2)))) p.nan? ? 1 : p end # Not used for NArray def mean(x) x.inject(0.0){|a, i| a + i}/x.size end def std(x, mean) Math.sqrt(x.inject(0.0){|a, i| a + (i - mean) ** 2}/(x.size - 1)) end end end