require 'spec_helper' module Maid # NOTE: Please use FakeFS instead of mocking and stubbing specific calls which happen to modify the filesystem. # # More info: # # * [FakeFS]( describe Tools, :fakefs => true do before do @home = File.expand_path('~') @now = Maid.ancestors.should include(Tools) @logger = double('Logger').as_null_object @maid = => @logger) # Prevent warnings from showing when testing deprecated methods: @maid.stub(:__deprecated_run_action__) # For safety, stub `cmd` to prevent running commands: @maid.stub(:cmd) end describe '#move' do before do @src_file = (@src_dir = '~/Source/') + (@file_name = '') FileUtils.mkdir_p(@src_dir) FileUtils.touch(@src_file) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dst_dir = '~/Destination/') end it 'should move expanded paths, passing file_options' do @maid.move(@src_file, @dst_dir) File.exists?(@dst_dir + @file_name).should be_true end it 'should log the move' do @logger.should_receive(:info) @maid.move(@src_file, @dst_dir) end it 'should not move if the target already exists' do FileUtils.touch(@dst_dir + @file_name) @logger.should_receive(:warn) @maid.move(@src_file, @dst_dir) end it 'should handle multiple from paths' do second_src_file = @src_dir + (second_file_name = '') FileUtils.touch(second_src_file) src_files = [@src_file, second_src_file] @maid.move(src_files, @dst_dir) File.exist?(@dst_dir + @file_name).should be_true File.exist?(@dst_dir + second_file_name).should be_true end end describe '#trash' do before do @trash_path = @maid.trash_path @src_file = (@src_dir = '~/Source/') + (@file_name = '') FileUtils.mkdir_p(@src_dir) FileUtils.touch(@src_file) @trash_file = File.join(@trash_path, @file_name) end it 'should move the path to the trash' do @maid.trash(@src_file) File.exist?(@trash_file).should be_true end it 'should use a safe path if the target exists' do # Without an offset, ISO8601 parses to local time, which is what we want here. Timecop.freeze(Time.parse('2011-05-22T16:53:52')) do FileUtils.touch(@trash_file) @maid.trash(@src_file) new_trash_file = File.join(@trash_path, @file_name + ' 2011-05-22-16-53-52') File.exist?(new_trash_file).should be_true end end it 'should handle multiple paths' do second_src_file = @src_dir + (second_file_name = '') FileUtils.touch(second_src_file) @src_files = [@src_file, second_src_file] @maid.trash(@src_files) second_trash_file = File.join(@trash_path, second_file_name) File.exist?(@trash_file).should be_true File.exist?(second_trash_file).should be_true end it 'should remove files greater then the remove option size' do @maid.stub!(:disk_usage).and_return(1025) @maid.trash(@src_file, :remove_over => 1.mb) File.exist?(@src_file).should_not be_true File.exist?(@trash_file).should_not be_true end it 'should trash files less then the remove option size' do @maid.stub!(:disk_usage).and_return(1023) @maid.trash(@src_file, :remove_over => 1.mb) File.exist?(@trash_file).should be_true end end describe '#remove' do before do @src_file = (@src_dir = '~/Source/') + (@file_name = '') FileUtils.mkdir_p(@src_dir) FileUtils.touch(@src_file) @src_file_expand_path = File.expand_path(@src_file) @options = @maid.file_options end it 'should remove expanded paths, passing options' do @maid.remove(@src_file) File.exist?(@src_file).should be_false end it 'should log the remove' do @logger.should_receive(:info) @maid.remove(@src_file) end it 'should set the secure option' do @options = @options.merge(:secure => true) FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with(@src_file_expand_path, @options) @maid.remove(@src_file, :secure => true) end it 'should set the force option' do @options = @options.merge(:force => true) FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with(@src_file_expand_path, @options) @maid.remove(@src_file, :force => true) end it 'should handle multiple paths' do second_src_file = @src_dir + (second_file_name = '') FileUtils.touch(second_src_file) @src_files = [@src_file, second_src_file] @maid.remove(@src_files) File.exist?(@src_file).should be_false File.exist?(second_src_file).should be_false end end describe '#dir' do before do @file = (@dir = "#@home/Downloads") + '/' FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) end it 'lists files in a directory' do FileUtils.touch(@file) @maid.dir('~/Downloads/*.zip').should == [@file] end it 'lists multiple files in alphabetical order' do # It doesn't occur with `FakeFS` as far as I can tell, but Ubuntu (and possibly OS X) can give the results out # of lexical order. That makes using the `dry-run` output difficult to use. Dir.stub(:glob) { %w(/home/foo/ /home/foo/ /home/foo/ } @maid.dir('~/Downloads/*.zip').should == %w(/home/foo/ /home/foo/ /home/foo/ end context 'with multiple files' do before do @other_file = "#@dir/qux.tgz" FileUtils.touch(@file) FileUtils.touch(@other_file) end it 'list files in all provided directories' do @maid.dir(%w(~/Downloads/*.tgz ~/Downloads/*.zip)).should == [@file, @other_file] end it 'lists files when using regexp-like glob patterns' do @maid.dir('~/Downloads/*.{tgz,zip}').should == [@file, @other_file] end end end describe '#mkdir' do it 'should create a directory successfully' do @maid.mkdir('~/Downloads/Music/Pink.Floyd') File.exist?("#@home/Downloads/Music/Pink.Floyd").should be_true end it 'should log the creation of the directory' do @logger.should_receive(:info) @maid.mkdir('~/Downlaods/Music/Pink.Floyd') end it 'returns the path of the created directory' do @maid.mkdir('~/Reference/Foo').should == "#@home/Reference/Foo" end end describe '#find' do before do @file = (@dir = '~/Source/') + (@file_name = '') FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) FileUtils.touch(@file) @dir_expand_path = File.expand_path(@dir) @file_expand_path = File.expand_path(@file) end it 'should delegate to Find.find with an expanded path' do f = lambda { } Find.should_receive(:find).with(@file_expand_path, &f) @maid.find(@file, &f) end it "should return an array of all the files' names when no block is given" do @maid.find(@dir).should == [@dir_expand_path, @file_expand_path] end end describe '#locate' do it 'should locate a file by name' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return("/a/\n/b/\n") @maid.locate('').should == ['/a/', '/b/'] end end describe '#downloaded_from' do it 'should determine the download site' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return(%((\n "",\n""\n))) @maid.downloaded_from('').should == ['', ''] end end describe '#duration_s' do it 'should determine audio length' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return('235.705') @maid.duration_s('foo.mp3').should == 235.705 end end describe '#zipfile_contents' do it 'should inspect the contents of a .zip file' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return("foo/foo.exe\nfoo/README.txt\n") @maid.zipfile_contents('').should == ['foo/foo.exe', 'foo/README.txt'] end end describe '#disk_usage' do it 'should give the disk usage of a file' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return('136') @maid.disk_usage('').should == 136 end context 'when the file does not exist' do it 'raises an error' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).and_return('du: cannot access `\': No such file or directory') lambda { @maid.disk_usage('') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#created_at' do before do @path = "~/test.txt" end it 'should give the created time of the file' do Timecop.freeze(@now) do FileUtils.touch(File.expand_path(@path)) @maid.created_at(@path).should == end end end describe '#accessed_at' do # FakeFS does not implement atime. it 'should give the last accessed time of the file' do File.should_receive(:atime).with("#@home/").and_return(@now) @maid.accessed_at('~/').should == @now end it 'should trigger deprecation warning when last_accessed is used, but still run' do File.should_receive(:atime).with("#@home/").and_return(@now) @maid.should have_deprecated_method(:last_accessed) @maid.last_accessed('~/').should == @now end end describe '#modified_at' do before do @path = '~/test.txt' FileUtils.touch(File.expand_path(@path)) end it 'should give the modified time of the file' do Timecop.freeze(@now) do, 'w') { |f| f.write('Test') } end # use to_i to ignore milliseconds during test @maid.modified_at(@path).to_i.should == @now.to_i end end describe '#git_piston' do it 'is deprecated' do @maid.should have_deprecated_method(:git_piston) @maid.git_piston('~/code/projectname') end it 'should pull and push the given git repository, logging the action' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).with(%(cd "#@home/code/projectname" && git pull && git push 2>&1)) @logger.should_receive(:info) @maid.git_piston('~/code/projectname') end end describe '#sync' do before do @src_dir = '~/Downloads/' @dst_dir = '~/Reference' end it 'should sync the expanded paths, retaining backslash' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).with(%(rsync -a -u "#@home/Downloads/" "#@home/Reference" 2>&1)) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir) end it 'should log the action' do @logger.should_receive(:info) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir) end it 'should have no options' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).with(%(rsync "#@home/Downloads/" "#@home/Reference" 2>&1)) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir, :archive => false, :update => false) end it 'should add all options' do @maid.should_receive(:cmd).with(%(rsync -a -v -u -m --exclude=".git" --delete "#@home/Downloads/" "#@home/Reference" 2>&1)) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir, :archive => true, :update => true, :delete => true, :verbose => true, :prune_empty => true, :exclude => '.git') end it 'should add multiple exlcude options' do @maid. should_receive(:cmd). with(%(rsync -a -u --exclude=".git" --exclude=".rvmrc" "#@home/Downloads/" "#@home/Reference" 2>&1)) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir, :exclude => ['.git', '.rvmrc']) end it 'should add noop option' do @maid.file_options[:noop] = true @maid.should_receive(:cmd).with(%(rsync -a -u -n "#@home/Downloads/" "#@home/Reference" 2>&1)) @maid.sync(@src_dir, @dst_dir) end end end end