table.dataTable thead .sorting { background-image: url(<%= asset_data_uri('dataTables/sort_both.png') %>); background-position: 100% 70%; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc { background-image: url(<%= asset_data_uri('dataTables/sort_asc.png') %>); background-position: 100% 70%; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc { background-image: url(<%= asset_data_uri('dataTables/sort_desc.png') %>); background-position: 100% 70%; } table.dataTable thead .sorting:after { content: ''; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc:after { content: ''; } table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc:after { content: ''; } table.dataTable thead th { text-align: left; border-bottom: none; white-space: nowrap; padding: 6px; .form-group { margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: normal; } } table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting_asc, table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting_desc, table.dataTable thead > tr > th.sorting { padding-right: 18px; white-space: nowrap; } // Filter bar table.dataTable .form-group { width: 100%; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; } table.dataTable input,select { width: 100%; } table.dataTable .form-control { width: 100%; } // Processing popup div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_processing { top: -20px; border: none; box-shadow: none; } // Show x per page .dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_length { margin-bottom: 4px; color: #909090; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 6px; } // Buttons div.dt-buttons { float: right; display: inherit; width: auto; } .dt-buttons > a { border: none; color: #337ab7; border-color: transparent; background: #fff; font-size: 12px; padding: 6px; margin-right: 6px; float: none; &:hover, &:focus { border: none; border-color: transparent; background: #eee !important; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0px; } &.active { color: #fff; background: #03428d !important; } } // Show / hide columns button ul.dt-button-collection { width: 400px; li { width: 198px; overflow: hidden; } li:nth-child(odd) { float: left; } li:nth-child(even) { float: right; } .buttons-colvisGroup { clear: left; border-top: 1px solid grey; } .buttons-colvisRestore { border-top: 1px solid grey; } } // Showing 1 to 25 of 100 entries div.dataTables_wrapper div.dataTables_info { color: #909090; font-size: 12px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 6px; } // Pagination .dataTables_paginate { overflow: hidden; .pagination { padding: 0px; .paginate_button { padding: 0px; &:hover { background: none; border: 1px solid transparent; } &:active { background: none; box-shadow: none; outline: none; } } } }