require 'thor' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'erb' module ServiceContract module Generator class CLI < Thor desc "new CONTRACT_NAME", "bootstraps a new service_contract" def new(contract_name) path = contract_name.gsub("-", "/") module_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(path) # create directory structure commands = [ # create gem stub %{bundle gem #{contract_name}}, # create contracts folder %{mkdir -p #{contract_name}/contracts/}, %{touch #{contract_name}/contracts/}, # append tasks to Rakefile %{echo "require 'service_contract/tasks'" >> #{contract_name}/Rakefile} ] commands.each do |command| puts command `#{command}` end # add service_contract to .gemspec gemspec = "#{contract_name}/#{contract_name}.gemspec" dependency_line = `grep -m 1 -n '.add_de' #{gemspec}` matched = false output = "", "r") do |file| file.each_line do |line| puts line if !matched && match = line.match(/([^\.]+)\.add_de/) puts "matched" output += %{#{match[1]}.add_dependency "service_contract"\n} matched = true end output += line end end puts output, "w") do |file| file.write(output) end # if match = dependency_line.match(/(\d+):([^\.]+)\.add_de/) # line_number = match[1] # new_line = %{#{match[2]}.add_dependency "service_contract"} # gemspec_contents = "" # puts new_line # command = %{sed -i '#{line_number}i\\ #{new_line}' #{gemspec}} # puts command # # `#{command}` # end # template files path_to_root = ( + module_name.split("::").length) {".."}).join("/") service_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(contract_name) b = binding() Dir.glob(File.expand_path("../../../../template/*.erb", __FILE__)).each do |template| erb = output_file = File.join(contract_name, 'lib', path, File.basename(template, ".erb")) puts "writing template: #{output_file}", 'w') do |file| file.write(erb.result(b)) end end end end end end