--- layout: page title: Welcome to Vanity --- "Vanity":http://github.com/assaf/vanity is an Experiment Driven Development framework for Rails. !images/sidebar_test.png! h3. Reading Order * "Introduction & Setup":#intro * "Metrics":metrics.html * "A/B Testing(Everything you need to know)":ab_testing.html * "Using with Rails":rails.html * "Managing Identity":identity.html Also: * "Experiment Driven Development(Introduction to EDD and Vanity)":http://blog.labnotes.org/2009/11/19/vanity-experiment-driven-development-for-rails/ * "Get the code(Official Github repository)":http://github.com/assaf/vanity * "API reference":api/index.html * "Ask questions on StackOverflow":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/vanity * "Contributing to Vanity":contributing.html h3(#intro). Introduction & setup Please see the "setup instructions in the README":https://github.com/assaf/vanity#vanity Read more about "A/B Testing ...":ab_testing.html