open Core open OUnit2 open Codegen open Template let printer = Option.value_map ~f:show ~default:"None" let int_option_printer = Option.value_map ~f:Int.to_string ~default:"None" let template_tests = [ "if there is no test marker in a string then find_template returns None" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal None @@ find_template ~template_text:"some code block" ); "if there is a test marker in a string then find_template returns where it is" >:: (fun _ctx -> let template_text = In_channel.read_all "test/sample_template.txt" in let expected_single = Single { start = 7; finish = 9; template = "code"; } in assert_equal ~printer (Some {file_text = template_text; template = expected_single}) @@ find_template ~template_text ); (*"if there is a suite description line then find_template returns where it is" >:: (fun _ctx -> let template_text = In_channel.read_all "test/sample-suite-template.txt" in let template = find_template ~template_text in match template with | None -> assert_failure "Could not find a template at all" | Some template -> assert_equal ~printer:int_option_printer (Some 6) template.suite_name_line ); "if there is a suite all descriptions line then find_template returns where it is" >:: (fun _ctx -> let template_text = In_channel.read_all "test/sample-suite-template.txt" in let template = find_template ~template_text in match template with | None -> assert_failure "Could not find a template at all" | Some template -> assert_equal ~printer:int_option_printer (Some 15) template.suite_all_names_line ); "fills in lines of a template" >:: (fun _ctx -> let template_text = In_channel.read_all "test/sample_template.txt" in let template = {start=7; finish=9; file_text=template_text;template="code"; suite_name_line= None; suite_end = None; suite_all_names_line = None} in let filled = fill_tests template [Subst "line1"; Subst "line2"] in let pattern = " (* TEST\ncode\n END TEST *)" in let expected = (String.substr_replace_all ~pattern ~with_:"line1\nline2" template_text) in assert_equal expected (filled ^ "\n") ); "fills in a single suite in a suite template" >:: (fun _ctx -> let template_text = In_channel.read_all "test/sample-suite-template.txt" in let template = {start=7; finish=9; file_text=template_text;template="code"; suite_name_line=Some 6; suite_end = Some 14; suite_all_names_line = None} in let subst = ("tests1", [Subst "line1"; Subst "line2"]) in let filled = Result.ok_or_failwith @@ fill_single_suite template subst in assert_equal ~printer:Bool.to_string true (String.substr_index filled ~pattern:"let tests1_tests = [" |> Option.is_some); assert_equal ~printer:Bool.to_string true (String.substr_index filled ~pattern:"line1" |> Option.is_some); assert_equal ~printer:Bool.to_string true (String.substr_index filled ~pattern:"line2" |> Option.is_some); assert_equal ~printer:Int.to_string 7 (String.count ~f:(fun ch -> ch = '\n') filled); );*) ]