module Phase module Commands class Status < Command command :status do |c| c.syntax = "phase status" c.description = "Prints the current status of configured VPCs, subnets, and EC2 instances." c.action do |args, options| new(args, options).run end end def run @vpcs = ec2.vpcs @subnets = ec2.subnets @servers = ec2.servers @elbs = elb.load_balancers print_vpc_tables print_servers_table end def print_vpc_tables @vpcs.each do |vpc| table = "VPC Status") add_section_headers(table, ["VPC ID", "Name", "State", "CIDR Block", "Tenancy"]) color = vpc.state == "available" ? :green : :light_red add_row(table, color, [, vpc.tags["Name"] || vpc.tags["name"], vpc.state, vpc.cidr_block, vpc.tenancy ]) subnets = do |subnet| subnet.vpc_id == end return unless subnets.any? add_section_headers(table, ["Subnet ID", "Name", "State", "CIDR Block", "Availability Zone"]) subnets.each do |subnet| color = subnet.ready? ? :green : :light_red add_row(table, color, [ subnet.subnet_id, subnet.tag_set["Name"] || subnet.tag_set["name"], subnet.state, subnet.cidr_block, subnet.availability_zone ]) end puts table end end def print_servers_table table = "Instances") groups = @servers.group_by(&:subnet_id) add_section_headers(table, ["ID", "Name", "Type", "State", "Public IP", "Private IP", "Subnet Name"]) groups.each_pair do |subnet_id, servers| servers.each do |server| color = server.ready? ? :green : :light_red subnet = @subnets.find { |s| s.subnet_id == subnet_id } subnet_name = subnet.tag_set["Name"] || subnet.tag_set["name"] if subnet add_row(table, color, [, server.tags["Name"] || server.tags["name"], server.flavor_id, server.state, server.public_ip_address, server.private_ip_address, subnet_name ]) end end puts table end private def add_row(table, color_method, values) table << { |v| (v || "").send(color_method) } end def add_section_headers(table, headers) table.add_separator if table.number_of_columns > 0 table << headers table.add_separator end end end end