#!/usr/bin/env ruby STDERR.sync = STDOUT.sync = true require 'clockwork' require 'optparse' require 'pathname' begin require 'daemons' rescue LoadError raise "You need to add gem 'daemons' to your Gemfile or Rubygems if you wish to use it." end @options = { :quiet => false, :pid_dir => File.expand_path("./tmp"), :log_output => false, :monitor => false, :file => File.expand_path("./clock.rb") } bin_basename = File.basename($0) opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{bin_basename} -c FILE [options] start|stop|restart|run" opts.separator '' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit 1 end opts.on("--pid-dir=DIR", "Alternate directory in which to store the process ids. Default is #{@options[:pid_dir]}.") do |dir| @options[:pid_dir] = dir end opts.on('-i', '--identifier=STR', 'An identifier for the process. Default is clock file name.') do |n| @options[:identifier] = n end opts.on('-l', '--log', "Redirect both STDOUT and STDERR to a logfile named #{bin_basename}[.].output in the pid-file directory.") do @options[:log_output] = true end opts.on('--log-dir=DIR', 'A specific directory to put the log files into (default location is pid directory).') do | log_dir| @options[:log_dir] = File.expand_path(log_dir) end opts.on('-m', '--monitor', 'Start monitor process.') do @options[:monitor] = true end opts.on('-c', '--clock=FILE',"Clock .rb file. Default is #{@options[:file]}.") do |clock_file| @options[:file] = clock_file @options[:file] = "./#{@options[:file]}" unless Pathname.new(@options[:file]).absolute? @options[:file] = File.expand_path(@options[:file]) end opts.on('-d', '--dir=DIR', 'Directory to change to once the process starts') do |dir| @options[:current_dir] = File.expand_path(dir) end end @args = opts.parse!(ARGV) def optparser_abort(opts,message) $stderr.puts message puts opts exit 1 end optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: --clock=FILE is required." unless @options[:file] optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: clock file #{@options[:file]} does not exist." unless File.exists?(@options[:file]) optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: File extension specified in --clock must be '.rb'" unless File.extname(@options[:file]) == ".rb" @options[:identifier] ||= "#{File.basename(@options[:file],'.*')}" process_name = "#{bin_basename}.#{@options[:identifier]}" @options[:log_dir] ||= @options[:pid_dir] Dir.mkdir(@options[:pid_dir]) unless File.exists?(@options[:pid_dir]) Dir.mkdir(@options[:log_dir]) unless File.exists?(@options[:log_dir]) puts "#{process_name}: pid file: #{File.expand_path(File.join(@options[:pid_dir],process_name + '.pid'))}" if @options[:log_output] puts "#{process_name}: output log file: #{File.expand_path(File.join(@options[:log_dir],process_name + '.output'))}" else puts "#{process_name}: No output will be printed out (run with --log if needed)" end Daemons.run_proc(process_name, :dir => @options[:pid_dir], :dir_mode => :normal, :monitor => @options[:monitor], :log_dir => @options[:log_dir], :log_output => @options[:log_output], :ARGV => @args) do |*args| # daemons changes the current working directory to '/' when a new process is # forked. We change it back to the project root directory here. Dir.chdir(@options[:current_dir]) if @options[:current_dir] require @options[:file] Clockwork::run end