Archived entries from file /home/adolfo/Documents/Sources/ruby/columbus3/doc/ * DONE GPX import :PROPERTIES: :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2017-07-26 Wed 15:15 :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Documents/Sources/ruby/columbus3/doc/ :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Rails: columbus3 :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: todo :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE :END: * REJECTED fix filename standards in a specific class (or one method per class) :PROPERTIES: :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2017-08-10 Thu 14:29 :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Documents/Sources/ruby/columbus3/doc/ :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Rails: columbus3 :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: todo :ARCHIVE_TODO: REJECTED :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: columbus3 :END: .yaml extension .js extension _show.html _graph.html ... there should be one place only where filename.csv is tranformed appropriately * DONE new policy for --force :PROPERTIES: :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2017-08-10 Thu 14:30 :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Documents/Sources/ruby/columbus3/doc/ :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Rails: columbus3 :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: todo :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: columbus3 :END: backup are always created, if the files exist --force rewrites yaml, js, or graph_js files (they shouldn't be changed once generated) _show.html, _graph.html are expendable and can be written and rewritten every time * DONE be more informative about what is going on :PROPERTIES: :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2017-08-10 Thu 15:21 :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Documents/Sources/ruby/columbus3/doc/ :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Rails: columbus3 :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: todo :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: columbus3 :END: Many commands succeed silently. They could probably print some informative messages