$:.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'roboparts/version' require 'date' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'roboparts' s.date = Date.today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') s.description = <<-RUBY Roboparts is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by SILENTPOST to get a jump start on a working app using preferred settings. It is heavily inspired by Thoughtbot's Suspenders, but is more tailored to small team development and has different preferences. RUBY s.summary = "A custom Rails project tailored to SILENTPOST's development standards" s.authors = ["Daniel Strunk"] s.email = 'daniel@silentpost.co' s.executables = ['roboparts'] s.require_paths = ['lib'] s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.homepage = 'http://silentpost.co/roboparts' s.license = 'MIT' s.version = Roboparts::VERSION s.add_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.3' s.add_dependency 'rails', Roboparts::RAILS_VERSION s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 2.0' s.add_development_dependency 'capybara', '~> 2.2', '>= 2.2.0' end