--- en-AU: fields: day_narrow: relative_time: future: one: in {0} day other: in {0} days past: one: "{0} day ago" other: "{0} days ago" fri_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Fri. other: in {0} Fri. past: one: "{0} Fri. ago" other: "{0} Fri. ago" hour_narrow: display_name: h relative_time: future: one: in {0} hr other: in {0} hrs past: one: "{0} hr ago" other: "{0} hrs ago" hour_short: display_name: h relative_time: future: one: in {0} hr other: in {0} hrs past: one: "{0} hr ago" other: "{0} hrs ago" minute_narrow: display_name: min. relative_time: future: one: in {0} min. other: in {0} mins past: one: "{0} min. ago" other: "{0} mins ago" minute_short: display_name: min. relative_time: future: one: in {0} min. other: in {0} mins past: one: "{0} min. ago" other: "{0} mins ago" mon_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Mon. other: in {0} Mon. past: one: "{0} Mon. ago" other: "{0} Mon. ago" month_narrow: display_name: mo. relative_time: future: one: in {0} mo. other: in {0} mo. past: one: "{0} mo. ago" other: "{0} mo. ago" month_short: display_name: mo. relative_time: future: one: in {0} mo. other: in {0} mo. past: one: "{0} mo. ago" other: "{0} mo. ago" quarter_narrow: relative_time: future: one: in {0} qtr other: in {0} qtrs past: one: in {0} qtr ago other: "{0} qtrs ago" quarter_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} qtr other: in {0} qtrs past: one: "{0} qtr ago" other: "{0} qtrs ago" sat_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Sat. other: in {0} Sat. past: one: "{0} Sat. ago" other: "{0} Sat. ago" second_narrow: display_name: sec. relative_time: future: one: in {0} sec. other: in {0} secs past: one: "{0} sec. ago" other: "{0} secs ago" second_short: display_name: sec. relative_time: future: one: in {0} sec. other: in {0} secs past: one: "{0} sec. ago" other: "{0} secs ago" sun_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Sun. other: in {0} Sun. past: one: "{0} Sun. ago" other: "{0} Sun. ago" thu_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Thu. other: in {0} Thu. past: one: "{0} Thu. ago" other: "{0} Thu. ago" tue_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Tue. other: in {0} Tue. past: one: "{0} Tue. ago" other: "{0} Tue. ago" wed_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} Wed. other: in {0} Wed. past: one: "{0} Wed. ago" other: "{0} Wed. ago" week_narrow: relative_time: future: one: in {0} wk other: in {0} wks past: one: "{0} wk ago" other: "{0} wks ago" week_of_month_short: display_name: wk of mo. week_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} wk other: in {0} wks past: one: "{0} wk ago" other: "{0} wks ago" weekday_of_month_short: display_name: wkday of mo. year_narrow: relative_time: future: one: in {0} yr other: in {0} yrs past: one: "{0} yr ago" other: "{0} yrs ago" year_short: relative_time: future: one: in {0} yr other: in {0} yrs past: one: "{0} yr ago" other: "{0} yrs ago"