// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals ie7userdata openDatabase*/ /** @class The UserDefaults object provides an easy way to store user preferences in your application on the local machine. You use this by providing built-in defaults using the SC.userDefaults.defaults() method. You can also implement the UserDefaultsDelegate interface to be notified whenever a default is required. You should also set the userDomain property on the defaults on page load. This will allow the UserDefaults application to store/fetch keys from localStorage for the correct user. You can also set an appDomain property if you want. This will be automatically prepended to key names with no slashes in them. SC.userDefaults.getPath("global:contactInfo.userName"); @extends SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.UserDefaults = SC.Object.extend(/** @scope SC.UserDefaults.prototype */ { ready: NO, /** the default domain for the user. This will be used to store keys in local storage. If you do not set this property, the wrong values may be returned. */ userDomain: null, /** The default app domain for the user. Any keys that do not include a slash will be prefixed with this app domain key when getting/setting. */ appDomain: null, /** @private Defaults. These will be used if not defined on localStorage. */ _defaults: null, _safari3DB: null, /** Invoke this method to set the builtin defaults. This will cause all properties to change. */ defaults: function(newDefaults) { this._defaults = newDefaults ; this.allPropertiesDidChange(); }, /** Attempts to read a user default from local storage. If not found on localStorage, use the the local defaults, if defined. If the key passed does not include a slash, then add the appDomain or use "app/". @param {String} keyName @returns {Object} read value */ readDefault: function(keyName) { var ret, userKeyName, localStorage, key, del, storageSafari3; // namespace keyname keyName = this._normalizeKeyName(keyName); userKeyName = this._userKeyName(keyName); // look into recently written values if (this._written) { ret = this._written[userKeyName]; } // attempt to read from localStorage if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ localStorage=document.body; try{ localStorage.load("SC.UserDefaults"); }catch(e){ SC.Logger.error("Couldn't load userDefaults in IE7: "+e.description); } }else if(this.HTML5DB_noLocalStorage){ storageSafari3 = this._safari3DB; }else{ localStorage = window.localStorage ; if (!localStorage && window.globalStorage) { localStorage = window.globalStorage[window.location.hostname]; } } if (localStorage || storageSafari3) { key=["SC.UserDefaults",userKeyName].join('-at-'); if(SC.browser.msie == "7.0") { ret=localStorage.getAttribute(key.replace(/\W/gi, '')); } else if(storageSafari3) { ret = this.dataHash[key]; } else { ret = localStorage[key]; } if (!SC.none(ret)) { try { ret = SC.json.decode(ret); } catch(ex) {} } } // if not found in localStorage, try to notify delegate del = this.delegate ; if (del && del.userDefaultsNeedsDefault) { ret = del.userDefaultsNeedsDefault(this, keyName, userKeyName); } // if not found in localStorage or delegate, try to find in defaults if ((ret===undefined) && this._defaults) { ret = this._defaults[userKeyName] || this._defaults[keyName]; } return ret ; }, /** Attempts to write the user default to local storage or at least saves them for now. Also notifies that the value has changed. @param {String} keyName @param {Object} value @returns {SC.UserDefault} receiver */ writeDefault: function(keyName, value) { var userKeyName, written, localStorage, key, del, storageSafari3; keyName = this._normalizeKeyName(keyName); userKeyName = this._userKeyName(keyName); // save to local hash written = this._written ; if (!written) { written = this._written = {}; } written[userKeyName] = value ; // save to local storage if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ localStorage=document.body; }else if(this.HTML5DB_noLocalStorage){ storageSafari3 = this._safari3DB; }else{ localStorage = window.localStorage ; if (!localStorage && window.globalStorage) { localStorage = window.globalStorage[window.location.hostname]; } } key=["SC.UserDefaults",userKeyName].join('-at-'); if (localStorage || storageSafari3) { var encodedValue = SC.json.encode(value); if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ localStorage.setAttribute(key.replace(/\W/gi, ''), encodedValue); localStorage.save("SC.UserDefaults"); }else if(storageSafari3){ var obj = this; storageSafari3.transaction( function (t) { t.executeSql("delete from SCLocalStorage where key = ?", [key], function (){ t.executeSql("insert into SCLocalStorage(key, value)"+ " VALUES ('"+key+"', '"+encodedValue+"');", [], obj._nullDataHandler, obj.killTransaction ); } ); } ); this.dataHash[key] = encodedValue; }else{ try{ localStorage[key] = encodedValue; }catch(e){ SC.Logger.error("Failed using localStorage. "+e); } } } // also notify delegate del = this.delegate; if (del && del.userDefaultsDidChange) { del.userDefaultsDidChange(this, keyName, value, userKeyName); } return this ; }, /** Removed the passed keyName from the written hash and local storage. @param {String} keyName @returns {SC.UserDefaults} receiver */ resetDefault: function(keyName) { var fullKeyName, userKeyName, written, localStorage, key, storageSafari3; fullKeyName = this._normalizeKeyName(keyName); userKeyName = this._userKeyName(fullKeyName); this.propertyWillChange(keyName); this.propertyWillChange(fullKeyName); written = this._written; if (written) delete written[userKeyName]; if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ localStorage=document.body; }else if(this.HTML5DB_noLocalStorage){ storageSafari3 = this._safari3DB; }else{ localStorage = window.localStorage ; if (!localStorage && window.globalStorage) { localStorage = window.globalStorage[window.location.hostname]; } } key=["SC.UserDefaults",userKeyName].join('-at-'); if (localStorage) { if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ localStorage.setAttribute(key.replace(/\W/gi, ''), null); localStorage.save("SC.UserDefaults"); } else if(storageSafari3){ var obj = this; storageSafari3.transaction( function (t) { t.executeSql("delete from SCLocalStorage where key = ?", [key], null); } ); delete this.dataHash[key]; }else{ // In case error occurs while deleting local storage in any browser, // do not allow it to propagate further try{ delete localStorage[key]; } catch(e) { SC.Logger.warn('Deleting local storage encountered a problem. '+e); } } } this.propertyDidChange(keyName); this.propertyDidChange(fullKeyName); return this ; }, /** Is called whenever you .get() or .set() values on this object @param {Object} key @param {Object} value @returns {Object} */ unknownProperty: function(key, value) { if (value === undefined) { return this.readDefault(key) ; } else { this.writeDefault(key, value); return value ; } }, /** Normalize the passed key name. Used by all accessors to automatically insert an appName if needed. */ _normalizeKeyName: function(keyName) { if (keyName.indexOf(':')<0) { var domain = this.get('appDomain') || 'app'; keyName = [domain, keyName].join(':'); } return keyName; }, /** Builds a user key name from the passed key name */ _userKeyName: function(keyName) { var user = this.get('userDomain') || '(anonymous)' ; return [user,keyName].join('-at-'); }, _domainDidChange: function() { var didChange = NO; if (this.get("userDomain") !== this._scud_userDomain) { this._scud_userDomain = this.get('userDomain'); didChange = YES; } if (this.get('appDomain') !== this._scud_appDomain) { this._scud_appDomain = this.get('appDomain'); didChange = YES; } if (didChange) this.allPropertiesDidChange(); }.observes('userDomain', 'appDomain'), init: function() { sc_super(); // Increment the jQuery ready counter, so that SproutCore will // defer loading the app until the user defaults are available. jQuery.readyWait++; if(SC.userDefaults && SC.userDefaults.get('dataHash')){ var dh = SC.userDefaults.get('dataHash'); if (dh) this.dataHash=SC.userDefaults.get('dataHash') } this._scud_userDomain = this.get('userDomain'); this._scud_appDomain = this.get('appDomain'); if(SC.browser.msie=="7.0"){ //Add user behavior userData. This works in all versions of IE. //Adding to the body as is the only element never removed. document.body.addBehavior('#default#userData'); } this.HTML5DB_noLocalStorage = ((parseInt(SC.browser.webkit, 0)>523) && (parseInt(SC.browser.webkit, 0)<528)); if(this.HTML5DB_noLocalStorage){ var myDB; try { if (!window.openDatabase) { SC.Logger.error("Trying to load a database with safari version 3.1 "+ "to get SC.UserDefaults to work. You are either in a"+ " previous version or there is a problem with your browser."); return; } else { var shortName = 'scdb', version = '1.0', displayName = 'SproutCore database', maxSize = 65536; // in bytes, myDB = openDatabase(shortName, version, displayName, maxSize); // You should have a database instance in myDB. } } catch(e) { SC.Logger.error("Trying to load a database with safari version 3.1 "+ "to get SC.UserDefaults to work. You are either in a"+ " previous version or there is a problem with your browser."); return; } if(myDB){ var obj = this; myDB.transaction( function (transaction) { transaction.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SCLocalStorage'+ '(key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT NOT NULL);', [], obj._nullDataHandler, obj.killTransaction); } ); myDB.transaction( function (transaction) { transaction.parent = obj; transaction.executeSql('SELECT * from SCLocalStorage;', [], function(transaction, results){ var hash={}, row; for(var i=0, iLen=results.rows.length; i