require 'test_helper' require 'haml' require 'slim' module HandlebarsAssets class HandlebarsTemplateTest < Minitest::Test include CompilerSupport include SprocketsScope def teardown HandlebarsAssets::Config.reset! HandlebarsAssets::Handlebars.reset! end def compile_haml(source), HandlebarsAssets::Config.haml_options).render end def compile_slim(source) { source }.render end def test_render root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_render.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "This is {{handlebars}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_render', source), template.render(scope, {}) end # Sprockets does not add nested root paths (i.e. # app/assets/javascripts/templates is rooted at app/assets/javascripts) def test_template_misnaming root = '/myapp/app/assets/javascripts' file = 'templates/test_template_misnaming.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "This is {{handlebars}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_template_misnaming', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_path_prefix root = '/myapp/app/assets/javascripts' file = 'app/templates/test_path_prefix.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "This is {{handlebars}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.path_prefix = 'app/templates' template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_path_prefix', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_underscore_partials root = '/myapp/app/assets/javascripts' file1 = 'app/templates/_test_underscore.hbs' scope1 = make_scope root, file1 file2 = 'app/templates/some/thing/_test_underscore.hbs' scope2 = make_scope root, file2 source = "This is {{handlebars}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.path_prefix = 'app/templates' template1 = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled_partial('_test_underscore', source), template1.render(scope1, {}) template2 = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled_partial('some/thing/_test_underscore', source), template2.render(scope2, {}) end def test_chomped_underscore_partials assert_equal HandlebarsAssets::Config.chomp_underscore_for_partials?, false HandlebarsAssets::Config.chomp_underscore_for_partials = true assert_equal HandlebarsAssets::Config.chomp_underscore_for_partials?, true root = '/myapp/app/assets/javascripts' file1 = 'app/templates/_test_underscore.hbs' scope1 = make_scope root, file1 file2 = 'app/templates/some/thing/_test_underscore.hbs' scope2 = make_scope root, file2 source = "This is {{handlebars}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.path_prefix = 'app/templates' template1 = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled_partial('test_underscore', source), template1.render(scope1, {}) template2 = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled_partial('some/thing/test_underscore', source), template2.render(scope2, {}) end def test_without_known_helpers_opt root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_without_known.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "{{#with author}}By {{first_name}} {{last_name}}{{/with}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_without_known', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_known_helpers_opt root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_known.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "{{#with author}}By {{first_name}} {{last_name}}{{/with}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.known_helpers_only = true template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_known', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_with_custom_helpers root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_custom_helper.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "{{#custom author}}By {{first_name}} {{last_name}}{{/custom}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_custom_helper', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_with_custom_known_helpers root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_custom_known_helper.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "{{#custom author}}By {{first_name}} {{last_name}}{{/custom}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.known_helpers_only = true HandlebarsAssets::Config.known_helpers = %w(custom) template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_custom_known_helper', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_template_namespace root = '/myapp/app/assets/javascripts/templates' file = 'test_template_namespace.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "This is {{handlebars}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.template_namespace = 'JST' template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_template_namespace', source), template.render(scope, {}) end def test_ember_render root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' file = 'test_render.hbs' scope = make_scope root, file source = "This is {{handlebars}}" HandlebarsAssets::Config.ember = true HandlebarsAssets::Config.multiple_frameworks = false template = { source } expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("This is {{handlebars}}");}; assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) end def test_multiple_frameworks_with_ember_render root = '/myapp/app/assets/templates' non_ember = 'test_render.hbs' non_ember_but_with_ember = 'test_member.hbs' ember_ext_no_hbs = 'test_render.ember' ember_ext = 'test_render.ember.hbs' ember_with_haml = 'test_render.ember.hamlbars' ember_with_slim = 'test_render.ember.slimbars' ember_ext_with_erb = 'test_render.ember.hbs.erb' HandlebarsAssets::Config.ember = true HandlebarsAssets::Config.multiple_frameworks = true # File without ember extension should compile to default namespace scope = make_scope root, non_ember source = "This is {{handlebars}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_render', source), template.render(scope, {}) # File without ember extension but with ember in it should compile to default namespace scope = make_scope root, non_ember_but_with_ember source = "This is {{handlebars}}" template = { source } assert_equal hbs_compiled('test_member', source), template.render(scope, {}) # File with ember extension should compile to ember specific namespace expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("This is {{handlebars}}");}; scope = make_scope root, ember_ext_no_hbs template = { source } assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) # File with ember and erb extension should compile to ember specific namespace expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("This is {{handlebars}}");}; scope = make_scope root, ember_ext_with_erb template = { source } assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) # File with ember.hbs extension should compile to ember specific namespace expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("This is {{handlebars}}");}; scope = make_scope root, ember_ext template = { source } assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) # File with ember.hamlbars extension should compile to ember specific namespace expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("<p>This is {{handlebars}}</p>");}; scope = make_scope root, ember_with_haml source = "%p This is {{handlebars}}" template = { compile_haml(source) } assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) # File with ember.slimbars extension should compile to ember specific namespace expected_compiled = %{window.Ember.TEMPLATES["test_render"] = Ember.Handlebars.compile("<p>This is {{handlebars}}</p>");}; source = "p This is {{handlebars}}" scope = make_scope root, ember_with_slim template = { compile_slim(source) } assert_equal expected_compiled, template.render(scope, {}) end end end