= 2.0 (17/08/2010) * The long waited code reorganisation. * More reliant on events rather than piling up functions one after another. * Dropped support for Haml altogether, since haml-js is crap and I don't want to become it's new maintainer. * Presentation notes through <aside> tags. * Much better iPhone support. Sliding left and right navigates instead of touching. * iPad support, though that came sort of as a bonus. * Much stabler stage content centering. * Updated the default theme so it's less lame. * A kick-ass looking docs website! Check http://shining.heroku.com. = 1.3.8 (I forgot) * Not loading the default theme directly from the index.html template. = 1.3.7 (14/07/2010) * fixed slide scripts not playing at the appropriate time when opened directly. * added a "mimic" slidedown theme. = 1.3.6 (11/07/2010) * slide steps, so you can progressively show content. * deploying to Heroku now tries to use the presentation's name as the application name. = 1.3.5 (20/06/2010) * image loading now won't screw with the stage positioning. * slide styles loading now works again. Fuck my specless life. * shine version outputs the current version of Shining you have installed. * more helpful console help, few more switches. * using my own version of haml-js so it works with IE8. = 1.3.4 (30/05/2010) * native Haml rendering through haml-js (http://github.com/creationix/haml-js) and Markdown via Showdown (http://attacklab.net/showdown/). * fixed slide scripts being ran twice on nextSlide/previousSlide. = 1.3.3 (26/05/2010) * A bit more sensible reaction when running into a config file that's not valid JSON. * Fixed negative top CSS property for stage on very long slides. = 1.3.2 (19/05/2010) * Always including config.ru. * Added the iphone plugin. It's iPhone friendly for now. TODO: get it to behave crazy awesome in it. = 1.3.1 (18/05/2010) * Fixed stage resizing issues. * Fixed horizontal centralization by relying on auto margin + position relative. Can't remember why I had that and then went for absolute positioning + JS... = 1.3.0 (10/05/2010) * Rudimentary plugins system - check lib/plugins for 2 examples * Vendoring by default to address security restrictions with Google Chrome - smarter vendoring though, so now only files that are strictly necessary to play a preso are copied. * Instead of blindly trusting FileUtils, I'm now speccing Shining::FileMethods