// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright ©2010 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ var items = [ { title: 'Menu Item', keyEquivalent: 'ctrl_shift_n' }, { title: 'Checked Menu Item', isChecked: YES, keyEquivalent: 'ctrl_a' }, { title: 'Selected Menu Item', keyEquivalent: 'backspace' }, { separator: YES }, { title: 'Menu Item with Icon', icon: 'inbox', keyEquivalent: 'ctrl_m' }, { title: 'Menu Item with Icon', icon: 'folder', keyEquivalent: 'ctrl_p' }, { separator: YES }, { title: 'Selected Menu Item…', isChecked: YES, keyEquivalent: 'ctrl_shift_o' }, { title: 'Item with Submenu', subMenu: [{ title: 'Submenu item 1' }, { title: 'Submenu item 2'}] }, { title: 'Disabled Menu Item', isEnabled: NO }//, // { isSeparator: YES }, // { groupTitle: 'Menu Label', items: [{ title: 'Nested Item' }, { title: 'Nested Item' }] } ]; var menu, anchor; module('SC.MenuPane Methods', { setup: function() { menu = SC.MenuPane.create({ layout: { width: 206 }, items: items, displayItemsCount: 0, displayItemsDidChange: function() { this.displayItemsCount++; }.observes('displayItems') }); anchor = SC.Pane.create({ layout: { top: 15, left: 15, width: 100, height: 100 } }); }, teardown: function() { menu.remove(); anchor.remove(); menu.destroy(); menu = null; } }); test('popup() without anchor', function(){ var layout; menu.popup(); layout = menu.get('layout'); equals(layout.centerX, 0, 'menu should be horizontally centered'); equals(layout.centerY, 0, 'menu should be vertically centered'); equals(layout.width, 206, 'menu should maintain the width specified'); equals(layout.height, 184, 'menu height should resize based on item content'); menu.remove(); }); test('popup() with anchor', function(){ var layout; anchor.append(); menu.popup(anchor); layout = menu.get('layout'); equals(layout.left, 16, 'menu should be aligned to the left of the anchor'); equals(layout.top, 119, 'menu should be positioned below the anchor'); equals(layout.width, 206, 'menu should maintain the width specified'); equals(layout.height, 184, 'menu height should resize based on item content'); menu.remove(); }); test('displayItems', function() { var strings = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gaga'], output, count; menu.menuHeight = 1; menu.set('items', strings); equals(1, menu.displayItemsCount, 'displayItems should change when items array changes'); ok(menu.get('menuHeight') > 1, 'menuHeight should be recalculated when displayItems changes'); output = menu.get('displayItems')[0]; equals(SC.typeOf(output), SC.T_OBJECT, 'strings should be transformed into objects'); equals(output.title, 'Alpha', 'title property of transformed object should match original string'); equals(output.value, 'Alpha', 'value property of transformed object should match original string'); equals(output.isEnabled, YES, 'isEnabled property of transformed object should be YES'); var hashes = [ { title: 'Yankee' }, { title: 'Hotel' }, { title: 'Foxtrot' } ]; menu.set('items', hashes); output = menu.get('displayItems')[0]; equals(SC.typeOf(output), SC.T_OBJECT, 'displayItems should convert hashes to objects'); equals(output.get('title'), 'Yankee', 'object properties should correspond to hash properties'); var objects = [ SC.Object.create({ title: 'Whiskey' }), SC.Object.create({ title: 'Mystics' }), SC.Object.create({ title: 'Men' }) ]; menu.set('items', objects); output = menu.get('displayItems')[0]; equals(SC.typeOf(output), SC.T_OBJECT, 'displayItems should not convert objects'); equals(SC.guidFor(output), SC.guidFor(objects[0]), 'objects should be identical to provided objects'); }); test('displayItems - Edge Cases', function() { menu.set('items', [null, null, false, 0, 'Real Item']); var output = menu.get('displayItems'); equals(output.get('length'), 1, 'displayItems should strip out invalid items'); menu.set('items', ['Yellow', { title: 'Country' }, SC.Object.create({ title: 'Teeth' })]); output = menu.get('displayItems'); ok(output[0].title === 'Yellow' && output[1].title === 'Country' && output[2].title === 'Teeth', 'displayItems should accept a mix of supported item types'); menu.set('items', []); equals(menu.getPath('displayItems.length'), 0, 'displayItems should be empty if items is empty'); menu.set('items', null); equals(menu.get('displayItems'), null, 'displayItems should be null if items is null'); }); test('menuItemViewForContentIndex', function() { menu.popup(); var view = menu.menuItemViewForContentIndex(0); equals(items[0].title, view.$('.value').text(), 'menu item views should match content items'); });