module Manageiq class BlackBox METADATA_CONFIG_FILE = "/metadata/xmldata.yml" def saveXmlData(xml, filename, options = {}) filename.downcase! options = {:saveDiff => true}.merge(options) xml.root.add_attribute("original_filename", filename) scanTime = xml.root.attributes['created_on'] scanTime ||= xml.root.attributes[:created_on] scanTime = scanTime.to_s path = getXmlFileName(filename, scanTime) xml_prev = nil xml_prev = getLastXmlFile(filename) if options[:saveDiff] xml = xml.to_xml if xml.kind_of?(Hash) # XmlHash if xml.kind_of?(Hash) # XmlHash writeData(path, xml.to_xml.to_s) # TODO: Change to store xml ask Marshal dump file # path = get_dump_name(path) # data = Marshal.dump(xml) #, "wb") {|f| f.write(data)} else writeData(path, xml.to_s) end addConfigFile(filename, scanTime) XmlDiffAndStore(filename, xml, xml_prev) if xml_prev end def get_dump_name(filename) filepath = File.join(File.dirname(filename), "#{File.basename(filename, '.*')}.dmp")!('\\', '/') filepath end def loadXmlData(filename, ost = nil) # Make sure we have a valid openstruct handle and "from_time" is in a valid format ost = if ost.nil? # Check 'from_time' value and possible remove from the open struct validate_from_time(ost) ret = => 0, :items_total => 0) ret.xml = MiqXml.createDoc("") ret.xml.root.add_attributes("original_filename" => filename, "from_time" => ost.from_time.to_s, "taskid" => ost.taskid) if filename == "vmevents" # Change the name of the root element so the data does not go through state data processing. = "vmevents" # ret.xml.root << @mk.view("events").find_range_by_hash(ost.from_time.nil? ? nil : {:timestamp=>ost.from_time}).to_xml.root else @xmlData.each do |x| if x[:docs].include?(filename.downcase) unless ret.last_scan ret.last_scan = x[:time] else ret.last_diff_scan = x[:time] unless ret.last_diff_scan end ret.items_total += 1 # if we have a "from time" make sure we do not include anything older next if ost.from_time && ost.from_time.to_i > x[:time].to_i # load the xml and check what kind of xml we have (full or diff) xmlNode = getXmlFile(filename, x[:time]) next if xmlNode.nil? xmlNode = xmlNode.root xml_type = getXmlType(xmlNode) # If we have a "from_time" we are not sending full scans next if ost.from_time && xml_type == "full" # Create a new "item" element for the xml and record the scan type e = ret.xml.root.add_element("item", {"scanType" => xml_type}) e << xmlNode # Keep count of the number of items we add ret.items_selected += 1 end end end ret.xml.root.add_attributes("items_selected" => ret.items_selected, "items_total" => ret.items_total, "last_scan" => ret.last_scan, "last_diff_scan" => ret.last_diff_scan) ret end private def XmlDiffAndStore(filename, xml, xml_prev) # Make sure we are processing to xml files in the proper order if xml.root.attributes['created_on'] > xml_prev.root.attributes['created_on'] xml.extendXmlDiff delta = xml.xmlDiff(xml_prev) delta.root.add_attribute("original_filename", filename) path = getXmlFileName(filename, xml_prev.root.attributes['created_on']) writeData(path, delta.to_s) end end def addConfigFile(filename, time) item = findXmlConfigItem(time) if item.nil? # prepend new object to array @xmlData.unshift(:time => time, :docs => [filename]) saveXmlConfig else # Update existing array item unless item[:docs].include?(filename) item[:docs] << filename saveXmlConfig end end end def findXmlConfigItem(time) item = nil @xmlData.each do|x| if x[:time] == time item = x break end end item end def loadXmlConfig data = readData(METADATA_CONFIG_FILE) YAML.load(data) rescue [] end def saveXmlConfig writeData(METADATA_CONFIG_FILE, YAML.dump(@xmlData)) end def getLastXmlFile(filename) item = nil # This is a sorted list with the newest items on top @xmlData.each do|x| if x[:docs].include?(filename) item = x break end end return nil if item.nil? xml = getXmlFile(filename, item[:time]) return nil if xml.nil? type = getXmlType(xml) return nil if type == "diff" xml end def getXmlFile(filename, time) MiqXml.load(readData(getXmlFileName(filename, time))) rescue # Return nil if we fail to read the xml file nil end def getXmlFileName(filename, time) timestr = time.to_s File.join("/metadata", "#{timestr[0..7]}.#{timestr[8..11]}", filename + ".xml") end def getXmlType(xml) return "diff" if == "xmldiff" "full" end def validate_from_time(ost) # Delete the "from_time" field # TODO: do we still need to add from_time in the first place? ost.delete_field("from_time") if ost.from_time end end end