# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: time: formats: human: solidus_subscriptions: subscription: actionable_date: "Actionable Date" invalid_payment_details: Invalid payment method or source installment_details: out_of_stock: > This installment could not be processed because of insufficient stock. success: This installment has been processed successfully! failed: This installment could not be processed payment_failed: The payment for this installment failed spree: new_subscription: New Subscription admin: subscriptions: successfully_canceled: Subscription Canceled! successfully_activated: Subscription Activated! successfully_skipped: Subscription delayed until %{date} actions: cancel: Cancel cancel_alert: "Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?" activate: Activate skip: Skip One index: new_subscription: New Subscription edit: title: Details customer: Customer status: Status fulfillment_status: Fulfillment Status revenue: Revenue interval: Interval sidebar: Status details: Details installments: Installments events: Events payment: Payment orders: Orders new: back: Back to Subscriptions List title: Create a Subscription form: subscription: Subscription subscription_line_items: Line Items tab: subscriptions: Subscriptions installments: index: title: Installments subscription_events: index: title: Events subscription_orders: index: title: Orders user: subscriptions: Subscriptions promotion_rule_types: subscription_promotion_rule: name: Subscription description: Order contains a subscription subscription_order_promotion_rule: name: Subscription Order description: Order fulfills a subscription products: cart_form: quantity: I want quantity_suffix: items interval_length: every subscription_fields: Subscription Settings activerecord: attributes: solidus_subscriptions/line_item/interval_units: day: Days week: Weeks month: Months year: Years solidus_subscriptions/subscription/processing_state: pending: new success: success failed: failure solidus_subscriptions/line_item: _destroy: Remove? solidus_subscriptions/installment: created_at: Creation date actionable_date: Actionable date state: State solidus_subscriptions/installment/state: fulfilled: Fulfilled unfulfilled: Unfulfilled solidus_subscriptions/promotion/rules/subscription_creation_order: description: Creates a subscription solidus_subscriptions/promotion/rules/subscription_installment_order: description: Is a subscription installment models: solidus_subscriptions/subscription: one: Subscription other: Subscriptions solidus_subscriptions/installment: one: Installment other: Installments errors: models: solidus_subscriptions/subscription: attributes: successive_skip_count: exceeded: > This subscription has exceeded the maximum configured successive skip limit. It can be skipped again after the next time it is processed. skip_count: exceeded: > This subscription has exceeded the maximum configured skip limit. It can no longer be skipped. currency: inclusion: "is not a valid currency code" payment_source: not_owned_by_user: "does not belong to the user associated with the subscription"