# Libgss Network library for Groovenauts GSS. Usually game developers use other network libraries built in each environment, but can use this network library in oder to write test script about Stored Script which is server side script in GSS. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'libgss' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install libgss ## Usage ``` $ irb -r libgss >> network = Libgss::Network.new("http://localhost:3000", ssl_disabled: true) => # >> network.player_id = "1000001" => "1000001" >> network.login => true >> ?> req1 = network.new_action_request => # >> req1.execute("ItemRubyStoredScript", "use_item", {"item_cd" => "20001"}) => #"execute", :name=>"ItemRubyStoredScript", :key=>"use_item", :args=>{"item_cd"=>"20001"}}> >> req1.get_by_game_data => #"get", :name=>"GameData"}> >> req1.send_request => nil >> ?> req1.outputs => [{"result"=>"You don't have enough item", "id"=>1}, {"result"=>{"content"=>{"hp"=>15, "max_hp"=>15, "mp"=>5, "max_mp"=>5, "exp"=>100, "money"=>200, "items"=>{"20001"=>0, "20005"=>1}, "equipments"=>{"head"=>10018, "body"=>10012, "right_hand"=>10001, "left_hand"=>nil}}, "greeting_points"=>0, "login_bonus"=>[[10001, 1]], "invitation_code"=>nil, "invite_player"=>nil, "read_notifications"=>[]}, "id"=>2}] >> ?> req1.outputs.get(1) => {"result"=>"You don't have enough item", "id"=>1} ``` ## connection testing You can use `gss-server-time` command to test connection like this: ``` $ gss-server-time http://localhost:3000 -a path/to/app_garden.yml.erb ``` or ``` $ gss-server-time http://localhost:3000 -p fontana -c -i ``` see `gss-server-time --help` for more options