module Appium module Ios # @private # class_eval inside a method because class Selenium::WebDriver::Element # will trigger as soon as the file is required. in contrast a method # will trigger only when invoked. def patch_webdriver_element Selenium::WebDriver::Element.class_eval do # Enable access to iOS accessibility label # accessibility identifier is supported as 'name' def label self.attribute('label') end # Cross platform way of entering text into a textfield def type text # enter text then tap window to hide the keyboard. =begin Find the top left corner of the keyboard and move up 10 pixels (origin.y - 10) now swipe down until the end of the window - 10 pixels. -10 to ensure we're not going outside the window bounds. Swiping inside the keyboard will not dismiss it. var startY = au.mainApp().keyboard().rect().origin.y - 10; var endY = au.mainWindow().rect().size.height - 10; au.flickApp(0, startY, 0, endY); The above logic has been accepted as part of appium's au.hideKeyboard If the 'Done' key exists then that should be pressed to dismiss the keyboard because swiping to dismiss works only if such key doesn't exist. =end # type $driver.execute_script %(au.getElement('#{self.ref}').setValue('#{text}');) $driver.ignore { # wait 5 seconds for a wild keyboard to appear. if the textfield is disabled # then setValue will work, however the keyboard will never display # because users are normally not allowed to type into it. $driver.wait_true(5) do $driver.execute_script %(au.mainApp().keyboard().type() !== 'UIAElementNil') end # dismiss keyboard js = <<-JS if (au.mainApp().keyboard().type() !== "UIAElementNil") { au.hideKeyboard('Done'); } JS $driver.execute_script js # wait 5 seconds for keyboard to go away $driver.wait_true(5) do $driver.execute_script %(au.mainApp().keyboard().type() === 'UIAElementNil') end } end # def type end # Selenium::WebDriver::Element.class_eval end # def patch_webdriver_element end # module Ios end # module Appium