module Danger # This is your plugin class. Any attributes or methods you expose here will # be available from within your Dangerfile. # # To be published on the Danger plugins site, you will need to have # the public interface documented. Danger uses [YARD]( # for generating documentation from your plugin source, and you can verify # by running `danger plugins lint` or `bundle exec rake spec`. # # You should replace these comments with a public description of your library. # # @example Ensure people are well warned about merging on Mondays # # my_plugin.warn_on_mondays # # @see /danger-istanbul # @tags monday, weekends, time, rattata # class DangerIstanbul < Plugin # An attribute that you can read/write from your Dangerfile # # @return [Array] attr_accessor :data, :base_path, :min_coverage_project, :min_coverage_for_file # A method that you can call from your Dangerfile # @return [Array] # def test_exist?(file) return true if data[:childrens].select{|a| a[:file] == file }.size > 0 end def load(file) file = results = JSON.parse(file).map do |k, v| total_lines = v['s'].count.to_f lines_coverage = v['s'].count{|k,v| v > 0 }.to_f { file: resolve_path(k), total_lines: total_lines, lines_coverage: lines_coverage, coverage: round((lines_coverage / total_lines) * 100) } end total_operators ={|a| a[:total_lines]}.inject(0){|sum,x| sum + x } num_coverage_operators ={|a| a[:lines_coverage]}.inject(0){|sum,x| sum + x } project_coverage = num_coverage_operators / total_operators @data = { total_operators: total_operators, num_coverage_operators: num_coverage_operators, coverage: round(num_coverage_operators / total_operators) * 100, childrens: results } end def check_coverage(verbose = false) `export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` `export LANG=en_US.UTF-8` `export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8` php_files ={|a| a[/\.php/] && a[/src\//] && !a[/\.spec/] && !a['migrations'] } puts "Verificando o se coverage total do Projeto e superior a #{min_coverage_project}" if verbose if data[:coverage] < min_coverage_project fail("Coverage do projeto está abaixo de #{min_coverage_project}%. Coverage atual: #{data[:coverage]}%") end puts 'Verificando se tem testes para os arquivos modificados no pull request' if verbose php_files.each do |file| if !test_exist?(file) fail "O arquvio `#{file}` está sem testes unitários" end end puts "Verificando coverege de cada arquivo do pull request > #{min_coverage_for_file}" if verbose data[:childrens].select{|a| php_files.include?(a[:file])}.each do |file_coverage| if file_coverage[:coverage] < min_coverage_for_file fail("#{file_coverage[:file]} coverage abaixo de #{min_coverage_for_file}%. Coverage atual: #{file_coverage[:coverage]}%") end end end private def round(number) number = ('%.2f' % number) number.to_f end def resolve_path(file, base_path = @base_path ? @base_path : 'src') index = file.split('/').find_index(base_path) file.split('/')[index..-1].join('/') end end end