# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../spec_helper' # Use the RSpec framework # Load the class under test require_relative '../../lib/loxxy/front_end/parser' module Loxxy module FrontEnd describe Parser do subject { Parser.new } context 'Initialization:' do it 'should be initialized without argument' do expect { Parser.new }.not_to raise_error end it 'should have its parse engine initialized' do expect(subject.engine).to be_kind_of(Rley::Engine) end end # context context 'Parsing blank files:' do def check_empty_input_result(aParseTree) # Parse results MUST to comply to grammar rule: # program => declaration_star EOF # where the declaration_star MUST be empty expect(aParseTree.root.symbol.name).to eq('program') expect(aParseTree.root.subnodes.size).to eq(1) eof = aParseTree.root.subnodes[0] expect(eof).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::TerminalNode) expect(eof.symbol.name).to eq('EOF') end it 'should cope with an empty input' do ptree = subject.parse('') check_empty_input_result(ptree) end it 'should cope with whitespaces only input' do ptree = subject.parse(' ' * 80 + "\n" * 20) check_empty_input_result(ptree) end it 'should cope with comments only input' do input = +'' %w[First Second Third].each do |ordinal| input << "// #{ordinal} comment line\r\n" end ptree = subject.parse(input) check_empty_input_result(ptree) end end # context context 'Parsing expressions:' do # Utility method to walk towards deeply nested node # @param aNTNode [Rley::PTree::NonTerminalNode] # @param subnodePath[Array] An Array of subnode indices def walk_subnodes(aNTNode, subnodePath) curr_node = aNTNode subnodePath.each do |index| curr_node = curr_node.subnodes[index] end curr_node end it 'should parse a hello world program' do program = <<-LOX_END // Your first Lox program! print "Hello, world!"; LOX_END ptree = subject.parse(program) root = ptree.root expect(root.symbol.name).to eq('program') (decls, eof) = root.subnodes expect(decls).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::NonTerminalNode) expect(decls.symbol.name).to eq('declaration_star') prnt_stmt = decls.subnodes[0] expect(prnt_stmt).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::NonTerminalNode) expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes.size).to eq(3) expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes[0]).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::TerminalNode) expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes[0].symbol.name).to eq('PRINT') expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes[1]).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::NonTerminalNode) # leaf_node = walk_subnodes(prnt_stmt, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # expect(leaf_node).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::TerminalNode) # expect(leaf_node.symbol.name).to eq('STRING') # expect(leaf_node.token.value).to eq('Hello, world!') expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes[2]).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::TerminalNode) expect(prnt_stmt.subnodes[2].symbol.name).to eq('SEMICOLON') expect(eof).to be_kind_of(Rley::PTree::TerminalNode) expect(eof.symbol.name).to eq('EOF') end end end # describe end # module end # module