module QBFC # OLEWrapper is more or less the centerpiece of RubyQBFC. (Nearly) every # WIN32OLE object accessed within the library is wrapped in this class, which # is responsible for allowing Ruby-esque methods in place of the OLE methods. # # customer.full_name # => Customer.FullName.GetValue # customer.full_name=(val) # => Customer.FullName.SetValue(val) # # It also creates referenced objects when accessed. # # check.payee # => Entity.find_by_list_id(check.PayeeEntityRef.ListID.GetValue) # check.account # => Account.find_by_list_id(check.AccountRef.ListID.GetValue) # # When an OLE method called via OLEWrapper returns a WIN32OLE object, a new # OLEWrapper object is created with the WIN32OLE object and returned. # # Now, the fun (and +really+ hackish) part. In many cases within the QBFC # library, the wrapper is actually wrapping two WIN32OLE objects, the additional # being a 'setter' object. This object is used when creating a ModRequest. In # such cases, a method ending in '=' is always sent to both the primary and the # setter objects. To facilitate this, traversing child ole_objects also # traverses the child setter objects. class OLEWrapper attr_reader :ole_object attr_accessor :setter # Set up wrapped object, by passing a WIN32OLE object # (or a String with the name of a WIN32OLE server) # Optionally, pass a +setter+ WIN32OLE object. def initialize(ole_object, setter = nil) ole_object = if ole_object.kind_of?(String) @ole_object = ole_object @setter = setter end # Return Array of ole_methods for request WIN32OLE object. def ole_methods @ole_object.ole_methods end # Does this OLE object respond to the given ole method? def respond_to_ole?(symbol) detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, symbol) end # Use [idx] syntax for objects that respond to GetAt(idx) def [](idx) if idx.kind_of? Integer else @ole_object[idx] end end # Called by #method_missing of other classes. Initiates the OLEWrapper#method_missing # method which is responsible for the various method conversions. # +sess+ argument is a QBFC::Session. def qbfc_method_missing(sess, symbol, *params) @sess = sess method_missing(symbol, *params) end # If the method name is capitalized, send directly to ole_object; if # a WIN32OLE is returned, wrap it. # If the method name starts with a lower-case letter, send to +lower_method_missing+ # for conversion. def method_missing(symbol, *params) #:nodoc: if (('a'..'z') === symbol.to_s[0].chr) lower_case_method_missing(symbol, *params) else resp = @ole_object.send(symbol, *params) return( resp.kind_of?(WIN32OLE) ? : resp ) end end private # Decide which conversion method needs to handle this method and send. def lower_case_method_missing(symbol, *params) if '=' == symbol.to_s[-1].chr set_value(symbol.to_s[0..-2], *params) elsif symbol.to_s =~ /\A(\w+)_(full_name|id)\Z/ && ref_name($1) get_ref_name_or_id(ref_name($1), $2) elsif detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, ole_sym(symbol)) get_value(symbol, *params) elsif detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, (s = symbol.to_s.singularize.camelize + "RetList")) setup_array(s) elsif detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, (s = "OR" + symbol.to_s.singularize.camelize + "RetList")) setup_array(s, true) elsif ref_name(symbol) create_ref(ref_name(symbol), *params) else raise NoMethodError, symbol.to_s end end # Sets a value by calling OLEMethodName.SetValue(*params) def set_value(ole_method_name, *params) ole_method_name = ole_sym(ole_method_name) obj = @ole_object.send(ole_method_name) if detect_ole_method?(obj, "SetValue") params[0] = params[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if params[0].kind_of?(Date) obj.SetValue(*params) if @setter && detect_ole_method?(@setter, ole_method_name) @setter.send(ole_method_name).SetValue(*params) end else raise SetValueMissing, "SetValue is expected, but missing, for #{ole_method_name}" end end # Gets a value by calling OLEMethodName.GetValue def get_value(ole_method_name, *params) ole_method_name = ole_sym(ole_method_name) obj = @ole_object.send(ole_method_name, *params) if detect_ole_method?(obj, "GetValue") if ole_method_name =~ /date/i || ole_method_name.to_s =~ /time/i Time.parse(obj.GetValue) else obj.GetValue end else if obj.kind_of?(WIN32OLE) if @setter && detect_ole_method?(@setter, ole_method_name), @setter.send(ole_method_name, *params)) else end else obj end end end # Sets up an array to return if the return of OLEMethodName appears # to be a list structure. # is_OR_list indicates the list is an OR*RetList which # is structured differently. def setup_array(ole_method_name, is_OR_list = false) list = @ole_object.send(ole_method_name) ary = [] 0.upto(list.Count - 1) do |i| if is_OR_list ary <<\AOR(.*)List\Z/)[1]) else ary << end end return ary end def ref_name(symbol) if detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, symbol.to_s.camelize + "Ref") symbol.to_s.camelize + "Ref" elsif detect_ole_method?(@ole_object, symbol.to_s.camelize + "EntityRef") symbol.to_s.camelize + "EntityRef" else nil end end # Creates a QBFC::Base inherited object if the return of # OLEMethodName appears to be a reference to such an object. def create_ref(ref_ole_name, *options) ref_ole_object = @ole_object.send(ref_ole_name) if ref_ole_object ref_ole_name =~ /EntityRef/ ? QBFC::Entity.find_by_id(@sess, ref_ole_object.ListID.GetValue(), *options) : QBFC::const_get(ref_ole_name.gsub(/Ref/,"")).find_by_id(@sess, ref_ole_object.ListID.GetValue(), *options) else return nil end end def get_ref_name_or_id(symbol, field) field = (field == "id" ? "ListID" : "FullName") @ole_object.send(symbol).send(field).GetValue() end # Check if the obj has an ole_method matching the symbol. def detect_ole_method?(obj, symbol) obj && obj.respond_to?(:ole_methods) && obj.ole_methods.detect{|m| m.to_s == symbol.to_s} end # Helper method to convert 'Ruby-ish' method name to WIN32OLE method name def ole_sym(symbol) symbol.to_s.camelize.gsub(/Id/, 'ID') end end end