# Relaxed CookieJar [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/relaxed_cookiejar.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/relaxed_cookiejar) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/andreimaxim/relaxed_cookiejar.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/andreimaxim/relaxed_cookiejar) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/50e30f3b65985e299e9e/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/andreimaxim/relaxed_cookiejar/maintainability) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/50e30f3b65985e299e9e/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/andreimaxim/relaxed_cookiejar/test_coverage) A gem that includes a monkeypatch for the original CookieJar gem. This gem exists simply because the original CookieJar gem seems to be abandoned yet it is still used by a lot of other gems (like Faye). The main change this gem does is to relax the policies for matched domains. For example, if you are trying to connect to a Salesforce PushTopic, the code will try to match the requested domain (something like `company--ver.inst.my.salesforce.com`) with the cookie domain (`.salesforce.com`) and it will obviously fail. CookieJar does try to go one level deep (so it will also add `.inst.my.salesforce.com` to the list of valid domains) but obviously this will not work. This gem basically overrides the `CookieJar::CookieValidation.compute_search_domains_for_host` method so it will go slightly deeper and also add `.my.salesforce.com` and `.salesforce.com` to the list of expected domains. ## Usage Simply require this gem: ```ruby require 'faye' require 'relaxed_cookiejar' ``` This should be it. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [https://github.com/andreimaxim/relaxed_cookiejar.]() ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).