require 'watir-webdriver/extensions/alerts' require 'page-object/elements' require 'page-object/core_ext/string' module PageObject module Platforms module WatirWebDriver # # Watir implementation of the page object platform driver. You should not use the # class directly. Instead you should include the PageObject module in your page object # and use the methods dynamically added from the PageObject::Accessors module. # class PageObject attr_reader :browser def initialize(browser) @browser = browser end # # platform method to navigate to a provided url # See PageObject#navigate_to # def navigate_to(url) @browser.goto url end # # platform method to get the current url # See PageObject#current_url # def current_url @browser.url end # # platform method to retrieve the text from the current page # See PageObject#text # def text @browser.text end # # platform method to retrieve the html for the current page # See PageObject#html # def html @browser.html end # # platform method to retrieve the title for the current page # See PageObject#title # def title @browser.title end # # platform method to wait for a block to return true # See PageObject#wait_until def wait_until(timeout, message = nil, &block) @browser.wait_until(timeout, message, &block) end # # platform method to handle an alert popup # See PageObject#alert # def alert(frame=nil, &block) switch_to_frame(frame) @browser.wd.execute_script "window.alert = function(msg) { window.__lastWatirAlert = msg; }" yield value = @browser.wd.execute_script "return window.__lastWatirAlert" switch_to_default_content(frame) value end # # platform method to handle a confirm popup # See PageObject#confirm # def confirm(response, frame=nil, &block) switch_to_frame(frame) @browser.wd.execute_script "window.confirm = function(msg) { window.__lastWatirConfirm = msg; return #{!!response} }" yield value = @browser.wd.execute_script "return window.__lastWatirConfirm" switch_to_default_content(frame) value end # # platform method to handle a prompt popup # See PageObject#prompt # def prompt(answer, frame=nil, &block) switch_to_frame(frame) @browser.wd.execute_script "window.prompt = function(text, value) { window.__lastWatirPrompt = { message: text, default_value: value }; return #{answer}; }" yield result = @browser.wd.execute_script "return window.__lastWatirPrompt" switch_to_default_content(frame) result && result.dup.each_key { |k| result[k.to_sym] = result.delete(k) } result end # # platform method to handle attaching to a running window # See PageObject#attach_to_window # def attach_to_window(identifier, &block) win_id = {identifier.keys.first => /#{Regexp.escape(identifier.values.first)}/} @browser.window(win_id).use &block end # # platform method to switch to a frame and execute a block # See PageObject#in_frame # def in_frame(identifier, frame=nil, &block) frame = [] if frame.nil? frame << identifier end # # platform method to refresh the page # See PageObject#refresh # def refresh @browser.refresh end # # platform method to go back to the previous page # See PageObject#back # def back @browser.back end # # platform method to go forward to the next page # See PageObject#forward # def forward @browser.forward end # # platform method to clear the cookies from the browser # See PageObject#clear_cookies # def clear_cookies @browser.clear_cookies end # # platform method to save the current screenshot to a file # See PageObject#save_screenshot # def save_screenshot(file_name) @browser.wd.save_screenshot(file_name) end # # platform method to get the value stored in a text field # See PageObject::Accessors#text_field # def text_field_value_for(identifier) process_watir_call("text_field(identifier).value", Elements::TextField, identifier) end # # platform method to set the value for a text field # See PageObject::Accessors#text_field # def text_field_value_set(identifier, value) process_watir_call("text_field(identifier).set(value)", Elements::TextField, identifier, value) end # # platform method to retrieve a text field element # See PageObject::Accessors#text_field # def text_field_for(identifier) find_watir_element("text_field(identifier)", Elements::TextField, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of text field elements # def text_fields_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("text_fields(identifier)", Elements::TextField, identifier) end # # platform method to get the value stored in a hidden field # See PageObject::Accessors#hidden_field # def hidden_field_value_for(identifier) process_watir_call("hidden(identifier).value", Elements::HiddenField, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve a hidden field element # See PageObject::Accessors#hidden_field # def hidden_field_for(identifier) find_watir_element("hidden(identifier)", Elements::HiddenField, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of hidden field elements # def hidden_fields_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("hiddens(identifier)", Elements::HiddenField, identifier) end # # platform method to set text in a textarea # See PageObject::Accessors#text_area # def text_area_value_set(identifier, value) process_watir_call("textarea(identifier).send_keys(value)", Elements::TextArea, identifier, value) end # # platform method to get the text from a textarea # See PageObject::Accessors#text_area # def text_area_value_for(identifier) process_watir_call("textarea(identifier).value", Elements::TextArea, identifier) end # # platform method to get the text area element # See PageObject::Accessors#text_area # def text_area_for(identifier) find_watir_element("textarea(identifier)", Elements::TextArea, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of textarea elements # def text_areas_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("textareas(identifier)", Elements::TextArea, identifier) end # # platform method to get the currently selected value from a select list # See PageObject::Accessors#select_list # def select_list_value_for(identifier) process_watir_call("select_list(identifier).value", Elements::SelectList, identifier) end # # platform method to select a value from a select list # See PageObject::Accessors#select_list # def select_list_value_set(identifier, value) process_watir_call("select_list(identifier).select(value)", Elements::SelectList, identifier, value) end # # platform method to return the select list element # See PageObject::Accessors#select_list # def select_list_for(identifier) find_watir_element("select_list(identifier)", Elements::SelectList, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of select_list elements # def select_lists_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("select_lists(identifier)", Elements::SelectList, identifier) end # # platform method to click a link # See PageObject::Accessors#link # def click_link_for(identifier) process_watir_call("link(identifier).click if identifier", Elements::Link, identifier) end # # platform method to return a PageObject::Elements::Link object # see PageObject::Accessors#link # def link_for(identifier) find_watir_element("link(identifier)", Elements::Link, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of link elements # def links_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("links(identifier)", Elements::Link, identifier) end # # platform method to check a checkbox # See PageObject::Accessors#checkbox # def check_checkbox(identifier) process_watir_call("checkbox(identifier).set", Elements::CheckBox, identifier) end # # platform method to uncheck a checkbox # See PageObject::Accessors#checkbox # def uncheck_checkbox(identifier) process_watir_call("checkbox(identifier).clear", Elements::CheckBox, identifier) end # # platform method to determine if a checkbox is checked # See PageObject::Accessors#checkbox # def checkbox_checked?(identifier) process_watir_call("checkbox(identifier).set?", Elements::CheckBox, identifier) end # # platform method to return a PageObject::Elements::CheckBox element # See PageObject::Accessors#checkbox # def checkbox_for(identifier) find_watir_element("checkbox(identifier)", Elements::CheckBox, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of checkbox elements # def checkboxes_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("checkboxes(identifier)", Elements::CheckBox, identifier) end # # platform method to select a radio button # See PageObject::Accessors#radio_button # def select_radio(identifier) process_watir_call("radio(identifier).set", Elements::RadioButton, identifier) end # # platform method to clear a radio button # See PageObject::Accessors#radio_button # def clear_radio(identifier) process_watir_call("radio(identifier).clear", Elements::RadioButton, identifier) end # # platform method to determine if a radio button is selected # See PageObject::Accessors#radio_button # def radio_selected?(identifier) process_watir_call("radio(identifier).set?", Elements::RadioButton, identifier) end # # platform method to return a PageObject::Eements::RadioButton element # See PageObject::Accessors#radio_button # def radio_button_for(identifier) find_watir_element("radio(identifier)", Elements::RadioButton, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of radio button elements # def radio_buttons_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("radios(identifier)", Elements::RadioButton, identifier) end # # platform method to return the text for a div # See PageObject::Accessors#div # def div_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("div(identifier).text", Elements::Div, identifier, nil, 'div') end # # platform method to return a PageObject::Elements::Div element # See PageObject::Accessors#div # def div_for(identifier) find_watir_element("div(identifier)", Elements::Div, identifier, 'div') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of div elements # def divs_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("divs(identifier)", Elements::Div, identifier, 'div') end # # platform method to return the text for a span # See PageObject::Accessors#span # def span_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("span(identifier).text", Elements::Span, identifier, nil, 'span') end # # platform method to return a PageObject::Elements::Span element # See PageObject::Accessors#span # def span_for(identifier) find_watir_element("span(identifier)", Elements::Span, identifier, 'span') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of span elements # def spans_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("spans(identifier)", Elements::Span, identifier, 'span') end # # platform method to click a button # See PageObject::Accessors#button # def click_button_for(identifier) process_watir_call("button(identifier).click", Elements::Button, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve a button element # See PageObject::Accessors#button # def button_for(identifier) find_watir_element("button(identifier)", Elements::Button, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of button elements # def buttons_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("buttons(identifier)", Elements::Button, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve a table element # See PageObject::Accessors#table # def table_for(identifier) find_watir_element("table(identifier)", Elements::Table, identifier, 'table') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of table elements # def tables_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("tables(identifier)", Elements::Table, identifier, 'table') end # # platform method to retrieve the text from a table cell # See PageObject::Accessors#cell # def cell_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("td(identifier).text", Elements::TableCell, identifier, nil, 'td') end # # platform method to retrieve a table cell element # See PageObject::Accessors#cell # def cell_for(identifier) find_watir_element("td(identifier)", Elements::TableCell, identifier, 'td') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of table cell elements # def cells_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("tds(identifier)", Elements::TableCell, identifier, 'td') end # # platform method to retrieve an image element # See PageObject::Accessors#image # def image_for(identifier) find_watir_element("image(identifier)", Elements::Image, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of image elements # def images_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("images(identifier)", Elements::Image, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve a form element # See PageObject::Accessors#form # def form_for(identifier) find_watir_element("form(identifier)", Elements::Form, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve an array of forms # def forms_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("forms(identifier)", Elements::Form, identifier) end # # platform method to retrieve the text from a list item # See PageObject::Accessors#list_item # def list_item_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("li(identifier).text", Elements::ListItem, identifier, nil, 'li') end # # platform method to retrieve a list item element # See PageObject::Accessors#list_item # def list_item_for(identifier) find_watir_element("li(identifier)", Elements::ListItem, identifier, 'li') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of list items # def list_items_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("lis(identifier)", Elements::ListItem, identifier, 'li') end # # platform method to retrieve an unordered list element # See PageObject::Accessors#unordered_list # def unordered_list_for(identifier) find_watir_element("ul(identifier)", Elements::UnorderedList, identifier, 'ul') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of unordered lists # def unordered_lists_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("uls(identifier)", Elements::UnorderedList, identifier, 'ul') end # # platform method to retrieve an ordered list element # See PageObject::Accessors#ordered_list # def ordered_list_for(identifier) find_watir_element("ol(identifier)", Elements::OrderedList, identifier, 'ol') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of ordered lists # def ordered_lists_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("ols(identifier)", Elements::OrderedList, identifier, 'ol') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h1 # See PageObject::Accessors#h1 # def h1_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h1(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h1') end # # platform method to retrieve the h1 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h1 # def h1_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h1(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h1') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h1s # def h1s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h1s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h1') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h2 # See PageObject::Accessors#h2 # def h2_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h2(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h2') end # # platform method to retrieve the h2 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h2 # def h2_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h2(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h2') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h2s # def h2s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h2s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h2') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h3 # See PageObject::Accessors#h3 # def h3_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h3(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h3') end # # platform method to retrieve the h3 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h3 # def h3_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h3(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h3') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h3s # def h3s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h3s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h3') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h4 # See PageObject::Accessors#h4 # def h4_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h4(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h4') end # # platform method to retrieve the h4 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h4 # def h4_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h4(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h4') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h4s # def h4s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h4s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h4') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h5 # See PageObject::Accessors#h5 # def h5_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h5(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h5') end # # platform method to retrieve the h5 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h5 # def h5_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h5(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h5') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h5s # def h5s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h5s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h5') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a h6 # See PageObject::Accessors#h6 # def h6_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("h6(identifier).text", Elements::Heading, identifier, nil, 'h6') end # # platform method to retrieve the h6 element # See PageObject::Accessors#h6 # def h6_for(identifier) find_watir_element("h6(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h6') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of h6s # def h6s_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("h6s(identifier)", Elements::Heading, identifier, 'h6') end # # platform method to retrieve the text for a paragraph # See PageObject::Accessors#paragraph # def paragraph_text_for(identifier) process_watir_call("p(identifier).text", Elements::Paragraph, identifier, nil, 'p') end # # platform method to retrieve the paragraph element # See PageObject::Accessors#paragraph # def paragraph_for(identifier) find_watir_element("p(identifier)", Elements::Paragraph, identifier, 'p') end # # platform method to retrieve an array of paragraph elements # def paragraphs_for(identifier) find_watir_elements("ps(identifier)", Elements::Paragraph, identifier, 'p') end # # platform method to set the file on a file_field element # See PageObject::Accessors#file_field # def file_field_value_set(identifier, value) process_watir_call("file_field(identifier).set(value)", Elements::FileField, identifier, value) end # # platform method to retrieve a file_field element # See PageObject::Accessors#file_field # def file_field_for(identifier) find_watir_element("file_field(identifier)", Elements::FileField, identifier) end private def find_watir_elements(the_call, type, identifier, tag_name=nil) identifier, frame_identifiers = parse_identifiers(identifier, type, tag_name) elements = @browser.instance_eval "#{nested_frames(frame_identifiers)}#{the_call}" switch_to_default_content(frame_identifiers) { |element|, :platform => :watir_webdriver) } end def find_watir_element(the_call, type, identifier, tag_name=nil) identifier, frame_identifiers = parse_identifiers(identifier, type, tag_name) element = @browser.instance_eval "#{nested_frames(frame_identifiers)}#{the_call}" switch_to_default_content(frame_identifiers), :platform => :watir_webdriver) end def process_watir_call(the_call, type, identifier, value=nil, tag_name=nil) identifier, frame_identifiers = parse_identifiers(identifier, type, tag_name) value = @browser.instance_eval "#{nested_frames(frame_identifiers)}#{the_call}" switch_to_default_content(frame_identifiers) value end def parse_identifiers(identifier, element, tag_name=nil) frame_identifiers = identifier.delete(:frame) identifier = add_tagname_if_needed identifier, tag_name if tag_name identifier = element.watir_identifier_for identifier return identifier, frame_identifiers end def add_tagname_if_needed identifier, tag return identifier if identifier.length < 2 and not identifier[:name] identifier[:tag_name] = tag if identifier[:name] identifier end def nested_frames(frame_identifiers) return if frame_identifiers.nil? frame_str = '' frame_identifiers.each do |id| value = id.values.first frame_str += "frame(:#{id.keys.first} => #{value})." if value.to_s.is_integer frame_str += "frame(:#{id.keys.first} => '#{value}')." unless value.to_s.is_integer end frame_str end def switch_to_default_content(frame_identifiers) @browser.wd.switch_to.default_content unless frame_identifiers.nil? end def switch_to_frame(frame_identifiers) unless frame_identifiers.nil? frame_identifiers.each do |frame_id| value = frame_id.values.first @browser.wd.switch_to.frame(value) end end end end end end end